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Moving on a visitor visa whilst waiting on 190 visa grant


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Has anyone ever moved on a visitor visa while waiting on a PR 190 visa? Or any other PR visa?


We're in a bit of a situation with it as I'm pregnant and we wanted to be out there for the birth of the baby, we got our application lodged on the 28th Jan and a migration agent allocated end Feb beg of March. When I done my medical I also carried out the chest X-Ray after checking with my pregnancy consultant that this would be ok. Our problem at the moment is my medical was referred to the MOC and there doesn't seem to be much movement with them, also the information coming back from the CW doesn't give much information on time limits. What we are worried about is:


  1. Because our application was made offshore, when the PR is being granted do we have to travel out of Australia and back in to activate the PR visa. So much conflicting information online about this.
  2. I know the bridging visas apply for applications onshore but we seen something about a form 1005, has anyone heard or had to use this form that can give some information on it?
  3. Do we need return flights if we go out on a visitor visa?


It is an idea we are toying with at the moment but don't want to jump straight in if its going to have a negative effect on us in doing so. Don't want to be stuck in Oz with a toddler and newborn and have to quite possibly make our way back to the UK.


Any information is greatly appreciated.

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I think you need to be offshore when the visa is granted. Some one will know for sure. Also are you planning on having the baby here on a tourist visa? Dont know how that would be covered medically. If you have the baby here before your PR granted you could add baby to your application but if born after you would have to apply for a child visa for the baby which would mean yet another trip out of the country to validate.

Edited by Weedolly
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Hi Weedolly


Weve been advised with the child visa we are ok to apply onshore for when she's born. It's all the issues surrounding travelling and not having the PR, we had a look at medical costs for having a baby so were ok with that. It's a tough decision to make especially with so many uncertainties.



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What visa are you applying under? I would think that if you attempt to enter Australia on a visitor visa intending to stay permanently and DIAC find out they may cancel your tourist visa which may also jeopardise your permanent visa application. I would certainly seek some professional advice if I were you as if this is a serious risk then it really isn't a risk worth taking.


I would also expect that you'll also be taking a risk in terms of the financial cost of the birth. If you are not resident and the baby is born in Australia you will be hit with a medical bill, potentially a huge one if there are complications, and you may not be covered under your insurance.


Be very careful is all I can say as your plan appears to have many flaws IMO. :eek:

Edited by Lou8670
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Hi Lou


Our visa is 190 PR.


It is something we've spoken to our agent about and asked what they thought of it initially, as I wasn't 100% sold on it we put the idea off and decided last night to see if other people have done the same. Found quite a few threads with people doing the same thing but there was so much conflicting information that's why I've posted to see if people have advice or can advise from experience. We wouldn't make this move without consulting our case worker, but I don't want to make a final decision when I'm not sure of the processes.


We have looked at the medical costs, our agent sent this information for us to look at so we knew what charges we would be looking at.

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Hi Weedolly


Weve been advised with the child visa we are ok to apply onshore for when she's born. It's all the issues surrounding travelling and not having the PR, we had a look at medical costs for having a baby so were ok with that. It's a tough decision to make especially with so many uncertainties.



You can apply for it onshore but I am sure you still need to leave the country and come back in for it to be validated. I think someone else on here done that and had to have a trip to New Zealand and then re-enter on the new visa
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We've just been granted our 190 visa! No worries now, can't actually believe it. Hubby called to check on medicals and within the hour it's changed to granted!

Thats great news, nothing to worry about now, your new baby wont even need a visa now when its born, will be an Aus Citizen.

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Guest guest10912
We've just been granted our 190 visa! No worries now, can't actually believe it. Hubby called to check on medicals and within the hour it's changed to granted!


Very glad to hear that, it sounded like a very flawed plan otherwise and definitely not one I would recommend. I can honestly say I have never seen anyone go over on a tourist visa to have a baby. How far gone are you? If the baby is born in Australia then it will be a citizen, however if born before you move, then you would need to get the child visa.

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I seen other people had moved and one person asking about moving while in the same situation as me, but again they were all unsure of what would actually happen when out there. I am 26+1, we are moving out 4 weeks today so will be onshore for her birth. The child visa process is lengthy no matter whether you are onshore or off, it is quite costly as well so that was something we were trying to avoid that and making such a big move with a toddler and newborn. But no more worrying now :cute: all sorted and getting organised to go.

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