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  • Emigrating pre-departure checklist

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    Before moving to Australia there’s lots to think about and plan. Use this Emigrating to Australia check-list to assist you with your planning.

    clock.png18 months prior

    Research, Research, Research !

    Remember, Australia is a large country (30x bigger than the UK)! Compile a shortlist of where in Australia you'd like to live. Talk to friends and relatives already living in the State. Conduct research on the internet, useful websites include:

    Learn more about property prices and the cost of living. Develop a budget for when you move. Useful property websites include:

    Research job opportunities and business opportunities for you and your family. Useful websites include:

    Attend migration expos to obtain more information and ask questions

    Find a migration agent or research your migration visa options if you plan to apply yourself. Useful websites include:

    Make sure you’re ready

    Talk to your doctor about any medical conditions that may need attention.

    Prepare your current home for sale or rent.

    clock.png12 months prior

    Apply for your visas

    Ensure that you and your family all have valid passports.

    Complete your visa applications forms – seek assistance from your Migration Agent if required.

    Communicate your plans

    Inform your children’s schools of your relocation plans. Request copies of all relevant documentation such as school reports.

    Talk to your family and friends about your plans to relocate.

    Organise your finances

    Consolidate accounts and reduce debts wherever possible.


    Check the cost of moving

    Research costs for relocation services and source airfare quotes.

    Familiarise yourself with Australia’s customs and quarantine requirements for your pets and belongings.

    clock.png6 months prior

    Prepare to move out

    If your permanent residency visa has been granted, put your home on the market for sale and source temporary accommodation should your house sell sooner than anticipated

    Check the required notice period for vacating your property if you are renting

    Sell or donate unwanted furniture and household goods

    Research processes involved with transporting pets i.e. quarantine, vaccinations, costs involved

    Consider advising your employer of your relocation plans.

    Get paperwork sorted

    Undertake medical and police checks if required.

    Create or update your Last Will and Testament.

    Obtain copies of medical and dental records for you and your family.

    Request credit references from your bank and other lenders.

    Plan where you’ll live in Australia

    Narrow down your search for places you would like to live in Australia.

    clock.png2 months prior

    Organise temporary living arrangements in Australia

    Source and book temporary accommodation in Australia for when you arrive. Useful websites include:<BR><BR>

    Investigate transport options to your temporary accommodation when you arrive.

    Investigate new schools or childcare providers for your children and register them if possible

    Book your pets into quarantine service and boarding kennels if necessary.

    Begin packing items you do not regularly use.

    Prepare for your job search

    Update your Curriculum Vitae/Resume including employer references. Start applying for positions via employer and recruitment websites. Follow up by phone if possible.

    Contact potential employers in Australia and notify them of your interest and expected arrival time. Arrange a telephone interview if appropriate.

    Get finances, insurance and legal matters sorted

    Obtain statements from your financial institutions and any pension /superannuation funds.

    Arrange necessary insurance cover for you and your family. Ensure it is valid until you take out a new policy in Australia.

    Settle any outstanding legal matters if applicable.

    Get ready to leave

    Service your vehicle, prepare for sale or storage.

    Confirm your departure date with removalists.

    clock.png1 month prior

    Sell or store your car.


    Organise bills and records

    • Provide a forwarding address to your bank, migration agent, post office, financial institutions, employer, friends and family, and relevant authorities. Arrange for your mail to be redirected.
    • Compile personal records and paperwork into a secure travel file.
    • Pay all bills, cancel subscriptions and ensure any direct debits will be stopped once you move.
    • If possible, set up a bank account in Australia.


    Organise health and medical

    • Arrange for current prescriptions and a sufficient supply of any medicines.
    • Organise private health and other insurance for when you arrive in Australia.

    Get things ready in Australia

    • Confirm temporary accommodation booking for when you arrive.
    • If you are heading to South Australia, Register with Skilled Recognition Services and Employment Linkages Services if eligible.These provide workshops and information sessions to assist new migrants in making the transition into employment.
    • If you are heading to Victoria, Register to attend a skilled seminar or business seminar for when you arrive in Victoria. These seminars will provide you with tips and contacts to make a rapid transition into work or business.

    clock.png2 weeks prior

    Obtain some Australian dollars and/or travellers’ cheques for when you arrive.

    Finish packing all non-essential items.

    Back up your computer files.

    clock.png1 week prior

    Organise transport to the airport.

    Pack essential items and on-board luggage. Include activities for children if applicable.

    Leave forwarding contact details for the new occupants of your home

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