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About ninny

  • Birthday 12/09/1982

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Congratulations!!! Good luck with the house sale and the leap down under!
  2. If say it's definitely possible, maybe speak to an agent to see what they advise then go from there with or without them. my hubby was in similar situation regarding his trade qualification, he has been a chef for over 15 years and only managed to gain an NVQ level 2 many years ago... This qualification isn't equivalent it accepted by TRA so we opted to having a skills recognition assessment with VETASSESS. Once completed he was awarded a level 4 australian qualification along with a successful skills assessment. This cost just over £1000 all in and took a few months to complete. He is now going for his IELTS for the extra points to apply for 189 visa. Good luck with the route you decide to take... Well worth the stress, effort and long wait!! ?
  3. Thanks everyone ? well done immi... Excellent score!! Good luck with the next step, getting closer! Wish I could do it for my hubby but it's his occupation, he's booked in 2 weeks so is revising and I mentioned u tube vids which he is going to check too! Straight 7s would be fine as only need 10 points although 20 would be good ha
  4. Thank you!! ? close but no cigar overall 7.0.... L-6 R-6.5 W-7 S-9 need to retest, told him it's not a bad score for first attempt so hopefully 2nd time lucky and another hoop to jump thru!
  5. I too was hoping the same... Have to wait until Friday to see how my OH did! The wait is dragging.... Too slowly!
  6. Hello! Congrats in making the decision! I'm not sure where you are in the UK but if your near London, there is an EXPO there in march (working in events). inwent to one a few years back in Leeds which helped us massively as their where agents there to talk to, we spoke a number of times with migration planners who were helpful and answered all questions. Since then we went our own way and have done everything outsells which has been very long winded. My hubby has 15 years experience as a chef but the qualification he held didn't compare so we had to pay to get an australian qualification equivalent which took a while but has been granted! We we visited another EXPO in manchester last weekend for the main info on banks, movers etc and there were a few nursing stalls, one of which was a Western Australia government stall for nurses/doctors who help with visa sponsorship and information, other were nurse agency's as well as a few agents who were giving out advise, migration planners were there again along with Santa fee who seemed very popular... May be worth while contacting for a chat and see what they advise maybe? ninny
  7. Good luck with revision etc... My OH has just sat the exam so we are waiting for the result for the extra points! We stated process few years back and ended up going down the route if converting his UK quals to a OZ one as he only held a level 2 not 3... The delay meant he got older and then we lost 5 points! i figure that if we have all come this far after jumping through all these hoops, what's another one to jump to get us closer to the Australian dream... Passing the skills assessment is the longest part I believe so here's being hopeful! ??
  8. Thanks for the info, I went round in circles on different sites. We have booked the exam so OH is busy revising!! mabbutt, congrats in visa!
  9. Thanks for the quick answer.... I was going round in circles myself online looking for the answer!! We may need an extra 5 points to go for the 189 instead of 190 as oh occupation is now in schedule 2, which looks like nobody is getting sponsorship invites without an actual job offer at EOI stage! Thanks again ?
  10. My OH has completed the vetassess skills assessment and we are looking into the EOL (its been a long process to get here and have a UK qual converted to Aussy one!!). I have been getting some conflicting information re the points system as i have been told that we would automatically be awarded point for English due to being British passport holders, the government sites state they we don't need the IELTS exam.My main question is would we automatically recieve point for English as we are British citizens? If not, we may need to take the exam to up the points we score. Thanks, Ninny
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