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  1. Thanks for for your advice, you are very true in what you are saying, I have found out that it seems to be who you know not what you know here, and unfortunately im finding it very hard to even meet/ talk to anyone as I'm looking after my son during the day and not getting out meeting people...I just really find it hard, my fingers are crossed something will come up but at the moment I feel I will never get the a job! But I'm determined and will keep trying :-)
  2. Thanks....it has been nice enjoying having this time with my son as I missed out on it all back in the uk, I just need a job so we can move forward buying a house for us to live in....I'm just finding it tough as I have never been out of work in all my working life and to all of a sudden be unemployed for 4 months is a tough feeling...I just feel like a nobody here....but I'm not going to give up as I love Australia and my son is so much happier.... I really thought I would of found some sort of work by now.
  3. Hey everyone i moved over here with my wife and 18 month old son 4 month ago. my wife had a job to come to as a HR manager for a dental company in freo but I still can't find any work!! its getting tough now, back in the uk I worked in the oil and gas as a rigger then made my way up to be a supervisor but since arriving in Australia my rigging Certs are not recognised and I feel as tho im starting all over again! i am willing to do anything ie labouring or trade assistant work to try and earn some money, does anyone know what I could do or if anyone might know someone looking for an extra pair of hands somewhere? any help or advice would be much appreciated as I feel the last piece of the missing jigsaw is me finding work, I have applied for so many jobs now through seek and various other recruitment agencies in Perth and keep getting the knock back....I know the biggest problem is not having any Australian employment on my CV Thanks again Scott
  4. Sounds good guys....we are currently living in byford but are happy to meet anywhere that you guys may recommend?
  5. Hi, we have just recently emigrated from Southampton in the uk to Perth SOR, we have our 19 month old son and was seeing if there are any other couples with children round about the same age wanting to have a catch up?
  6. We moved from Southampton 2 months ago and are living SOR....wife is working but I'm still looking!! But have an interview Wednesday....
  7. I'm prepared to do anything at the moment so any help or advise would be great
  8. I was a supervisor in the oil and gas back in the uk at fawley oil refinery for Exxon Mobil, I looked after pipefitters, welders and riggers, before that I served my time as a brickie so have a bit of building site experience
  9. Well we have been living in Perth SOR now for a month, my wife has settled into her job well and is really enjoying it, I'm still currently unemployed and have applied for heaps of jobs but no luck!! If anyone on here has any work for me SOR let me know! Haha The flight with my son in the end was actually very good, a lot better than he was at Xmas time when we came out, I put it down to flying with Emirates this time tho and would highly recommend them, very child friendly and helpful flight crew. Has anyone else arrived yet?
  10. Great to hear how you have settled in, we make the move next Saturday and are starting to panick, but just reading your story makes us feel a lot better and know we are doing the right thing for us and our 18 month old son
  11. Thanks louloubelle I will keep you all informed once we get there, when is it you move?
  12. Thanks loulouskippy....it is very hard times at the moment as I'm sure you will find out in July, all the best for your move too
  13. So here we are with a week until we make the big move to Perth!! It's been a long old process to get there but finally did and now the panick buttons are going!! We know we are doing the right thing for us and our son but jeez isn't it hard saying all the goodbyes to family and friends? It's my last day at work tomorrow after 13 long years and I'm going to find it very hard having made some good friends in this time, I think I'm really just posting this on here for some support from others who have or a going through this same situation as we are, as we are starting to find it really hard!
  14. Thanks for all the advise guys....maybe we will look around a bit before making a final decision, it was just we have seen loads of blocks of land available to build on at the size we are looking for....lets see what else comes up then
  15. Hiya.....we emigrate on the 30th of April and a suburb we quite like the look of is an area called byford! Does anyone live here or know what the area is like? I know they are started to become an established suburb thanks
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