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  1. Doris


  2. Hey there Moss2oz, Marcc and lisa888, I'm pretty new to this site and stumbled across this post. I am in the same position as you moss2oz, 190 visa is lodged and I am a social worker hoping to be over in Perth later this year. Lisa888 how have you found social work in Australia? Do you work with children and young people? Marcc I used Ian Harrop as a migration agent, they have been brilliant and were really helpful and honest with me. Just google him. Cheers guys
  3. GMAC keep going!! I got 9, 9, 9, 8 on my 6th attempt!!! Got results on 14th feb 2014 and my visa application was lodged on 28.02.14 went very quickly after I got the results. Good luck and keep calm.
  4. Hey Elizabeth Well done you! Nice to know I'm not the only slightly crazy person going alone! Which area are you in? Nic
  5. Hi guys Thanks for the encouragement! I'm pretty determined and not fussed about being single. Gaz let me know when you plan to go out, what area you thinking? I'm going to Bassendean. I plan to continue working as a social worker but may settle for a job at muzzbuzz!!! Nic
  6. Hi I'm planning on moving to Perth later in the year if my Visa is granted! I'm a single gal and emigrating alone, which is partly exciting and partly scaring me to death!! I have a few family friends over in Perth and plan to stay with them initially. However I would like to get to know others on here and make some friends before I go. I'm an easy going kinda person, I love to laugh and have fun. I have lots of friends here in the UK and think this will be my biggest wrench....leaving them behind. Please get in touch, I would love to here from you. Oh my name is Nic....Doris is a kinda nickname!! AASW Skills Assessment 11.06.13 / IELTS S9 L9 R9 W8 14.02.14 / EOI 17.02.14 / WA SS 20.02.14 approved 21.02.14 / ITA 24.02.14 / 190 VISA submitted 24.02.14 / police checks pending / medical booked 28.02.14 its all moving pretty quickly!!
  7. Hi Im planning to move to Perth in the near future! I'm a single gal and hoping to make some friends on here before I go. I'm kinda easy going love to have fun and laugh the majority of the time!! Please get in touch I'd love to hear from you. AASW skills assessment 11.06.13 / IELTS S9, L9, R9, W8 14.02.14 / EOI 17.02.14 / SS 20.02.14 approved 21.02.14 / 190 visa submitted 24.02.14 / police check pending / Medical booked 28.02.14!! It's moving pretty quickly!!
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