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About Colesy06

  • Birthday 06/07/1973

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. If you are planning on coming out feb/mar I would seriously consider applying for registration before November as I am aware of some registered nurses have been waiting nearly a year now to get their registration from AHPRA. There is a backlog with International Nurses that have applied since October 2013, as you have a degree you may find it slightly quicker but I would hate for you to be in the position most of us have found ourselves in where we are having to do nursing assistant work, home help or domestic work while we wait for our registration.
  2. If you have a good enough score for skills assessment and are just re-sitting your ielts for points on your visa you only have to do the general test then when you put in your EOI you will have to give them the test report form number on your application. Are you a diploma trained nurse or degree nurse? Just be aware when you get your visa and apply to AHPRA for registration you could be waiting upto 12 months for your resgistration to come through. I have been waiting 6 months and they keep asking for more information and I know there are many others who have moved to Australia with a positive ANMAC assessment and Visa and we are having to work as Nursing Assistants. I would advise anyone to wait til they get their registration before moving here.
  3. Hi there We have been here 6 weeks now I'm a Critical Care Nurse with 18 years experience, I have been offered a job that starts in September but I'm still waiting for my registration to come through. AHPRA are taking forever to do my application I've had to send my documents to them twice as they needed a more up to date reference & certificate of Good standing from NMC as they were from last year, also my certificates had to be certified by a Notary public not just a solicitor. I sent everything they asked for before we left the UK & heard no more about it, it's been 6 weeks now so phoned them to find put what's going on with my application to be told they have sent a letter to me last week to the UK informing me I had documents missing:arghh: Wouldn't mind but I have emailed them twice recently informing them of my address in Australia. Just waiting now for letter to be re-sent to my address over here, finding it very frustrating as was hoping to be doing some agency work by now while I waited for my new job to start . has anyone else had these issues with AHPRA since they changed their process?
  4. Hi there, if we can find the Moon & Sixpence Tim & I will be there, both in our 40's been here 6 weeks now would be lovely to meet up with some fellow Brits what time are you looking at meeting up?
  5. Hi Lou Thanks for that will definitely have a look to see where everyone meeting. We will be ok then if older is in your 40's as Tim & I have both reached that milestone Nicki
  6. Hi there my husband and I arrived on Anzac Day, we are renting a house in Munster and would love to meet up with anyone who has also arrived this year. Reading the other messages agree that Kings Park would be a great location to have a get together. It would be lovely to talk to people who have gone through the same process we have to get here and start a new life. Look forward to seeing a date on when there will be a get together and where it will be
  7. Colesy06


    We used dogtainers to fly them from Melbourne to Perth as it would probably take you at least 5 days to drive there, it's about 4hrs for the dogs to fly. We collected them from the airport, dogtainers charge different fees depending if its a week day or weekend, was so worth the extra money to get them back on the Sunday though.
  8. We have just arrived in Perth and need to find a good groomer for our 2 miniature schnauzers we live in Munster so need either a mobile groomer or one within half an hour of Munster. Thanks
  9. Colesy06


    We arrived in Perth WA just over 3 weeks ago we bought our 2, 6 yr old miniature schnauzers with us who have never been in kennels. They had to go to Melbourne as no Quarantine centre in WA and were there for 10 days before flying to us. They have settled down really well and love exploring their new home so pleased we did bring them as they soon forget once they have been reunited with you. Quarantine centre will email you and let you know how they are doing and you can phone them too for regular updates.
  10. Congratulations on booking your flights, we're just in process of booking ours for the end of April. Who are you flying with? We are looking at going with Singapore Airlines as they seem to be the cheapest. Just a quick question when you booked your flights did you get extra baggage allowance for migration? If so how did you organise that? Thanks
  11. Thank your for link was a great help have completed my CV today. Now just need to send it to Ahpra & as many hospitals as possible in hope of getting a job.
  12. Hi there Im currently trying to do my CV so I can start applying for nursing jobs in WA. Can anyone recommend a cv template I can use, I've done a web search and they are all so different. I have a permenant skilled workers visa so the last hurdle now is finding job. I know that they like more information on overseas applications so any advice & pointers would be so helpful. Thanls
  13. Hi there Everytime I try to get into my saved visa application to complete it, it keeps asking for my TRN and password. My friend who has been granted a visa informed me too that you normally dont get a TRN til you have completed it. I've received nothing by email apart from skill select informing me that my invitation will expire on 6th December. I can remember when logging out filling in a password and 2 security questions, I remember the password but didn't write down a TRN. Im getting really stressed and frustrated now, I have found out that if I dont get it in this time I get a second invitation but have no idea how long that will take. Im wishing now I had taken myself away from all distractions and not got so frustrated when it kept freezing maybe then I would of been more observant.
  14. Hi there I have been invited to apply for a permenant skilled worker visa 189 on 7th October unfortunately I was out of the country travelling around Australia for 5 weeks so have only had chance to start my application last week. Halfway through applying either the website or my laptop kept freezing so I logged out and forgot to write down the TRN. I have tried numerous times to get onto complete my visa application and clicked on the Forgot TRN link and filled in the relevant details, it has posted that it has allocated my TRN and sent it to my email account which I have not received. Does anyone know an email address on skills select where I can contact them to find out how to get my TRN, my invitation runs out on 6th December. Thanks
  15. Hi Sternchen695 In Australia at the moment on holiday not seen a migration lawyer yet as managed to get the extra points for a 189 permenant visa. I re-sat my general Ielts in September for the points for a visa and got straight 9's so updated my EOI and was invited to apply for a visa on 7th October, so I have not looked into what I could of put for qualifications. Good luck on your application.
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