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oz bound pom

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Everything posted by oz bound pom

  1. It seems to be the general trend that whereas 6-12months ago people were turning up on mass to home opens for rentals that now it is a far more relaxed affair, which is reassuring as we'll hopefully be over soon. On the flip side as the queue's for rentals get shorter the queue for jobs may get longer :-( I imagine though the market has been flooded with everyone jumping on the same btl bandwagon that has tainted the uk housing market over the past few years. I particularly love the 'character home' descriptions given in many adverts. Simply put it means $£!*hole!!!
  2. This is an excellent way of working out what people can and can't afford, if only more people took heed a lot of people wouldn't have found themselves in the mess (particulary in the UK) that they are now. To the OP, as you will no doubt know, it's all about compromises. You live to your means - some people will have made the move on less than the figures you quote and will be perfectly happy, some people will be earning twice what you do and still be miserable whining poms! If you really want to make the move then as long as you can live comfortably, not like kings or punching above your weight, then the financial side is just one thing to consider, there are so many other things that will ultimately affect your well being more. You may just need to set your sights lower until you are established and then move closer to the coast further down the line etc, afterall even 25mins from the coast is hardly a major problem, considering that you know that it won't be raining by the time you get there - unlike here! Don't watch reruns of Wanted down under, they are woefully out of date and will seriously affect your judgment. It's scary, we are about to make the move, the mrs is sorted jobs wise, I'm wary about moving without one, we may have to, in which case we'll have to work out whether the move is viable and whether we are happy for our material lifestyle to take a hit, at least in the short term until I'm in a job. Rome wasn't built in a day and all that...
  3. Why Perth? Why not? My wife spent 15yrs there and although it's been a while since she lived there we are hoping to emigrate in the next few months. She's the first to admit a lot has changed in 10yrs since she moved away but thinks our son will have a great childhood there. However there are drawbacks to living there (just as there is everywhere) and if you get the chance I'd definitly suggest a good long holiday over there but try and not just treat it as a holiday, rose tinted sunglasses and all. Depending what type of lifestyle you live in the UK, how close you are to family and friends etc, there are lots of places closer to blightly that you can indulge in the outdoor lifestyle and watersports! If you want to give it a go and don't have much to lose if you find out its not for you then go for it, research it well though, it's not all 'Wanted down under!' Good luck!
  4. Good luck with all your plans. How much money? there's a question and a half! although a lot have people have done it with little more than the shirt on their backs it depends on what sort of lifestyle you lead (and want to lead). No point having grand dreams and hopes if it's all tainted by scrounging together every last cent to make ends meet if you haven't got a decent income coming in. Sun and surf is free but having not long come back from our reccie trip I can safely say the rest aint! 40k is approx $65k at the minute which, with a bit of research you should be able to work out how long it will last you - and you can probably stretch it a bit with some budgeting. My wife has work set up out there and even with a fairly healthy sum of money (from our house which sold within a week - eek!) behind us I'd be hesitant on going without a decent safety blanket. All depends on circumstances though, if I was younger (not that much mind!) without a 2 yr old in tow my attitude to risk would be very different. Good luck!
  5. Here's to hoping that the $1.7 mark can be breached as looking at that graph it's been a bit of a glass ceiling for the last few months, hopefully once it's broken there could be some decent movement past it, at least long enough for me to transfer my money over :-) As for people waiting, the comparison of 1.45 to 1.65 represents just under 14% increase in what someone would be bringing over. Having been over there in April when the rate was trully dire if someone had said would I like 14% extra i'd have bitten their hand off. You need a pretty amazing savings account to give you 14% in 3months. I appreciate the point that is being made and that costs are going up etc, but currency fluctuations happen so quickly that even decent gains (and loses) can be made very quickly, a move from 1.65 to 1.75 would represent 6% increase and could (or may not) happen within a couple of weeks. Even on relatively modest sums this may represent the equivalent of a couple of extra months rent or the cost of flights etc to some people, so as long as we are talking short term speculation I'd be in fovour of it, but longer term I agree, rising costs in Oz would certainly eat into any gains made. Regardless, there are two things i am sure of, trying to second guess the markets short term is a mugs game, and once you've 'clicked transfer' don't look at the rate until you next need to travel / move, you can guarantee it will only have moved against you!!
  6. So glad someone else agrees that its 'a different kind of heat' as I have told the missus, who being used to Perth climate is alwys amazed at the british mentality of stripping off at the first ray of spring sunshine and in temperatures where she is still wearing every item she owns!
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