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Shirley Wilson

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About Shirley Wilson

  • Birthday 11/07/1971

Shirley Wilson's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi Scot01, what makes you say that neither are great?
  2. Hi everyone, looking into these high schools for my girls, aged 14 and 15. Anyone with experience if these 2?
  3. Thank you all so much, think everyone just confirmed all the pros and cons we were already thinking. Think we'll look a bit further into it when we arrive. Roll on Friday! Bye for now...!, xxx
  4. My family and I are due to arrive on Saturday! We are all very excited and a little nervous too! we are coming out on my husbands 457 visa. Our initial thoughts were that we'd stay in furnished accommodation for 12 weeks (until our container arrives), move into unfurnished for a couple of years, then hopefully we would have applied/received PR at this point and then we would buy a property. Having reviewed rents in Perth we are now wondering if instead of renting we should look to buy. is this a possibility on a 457 visa? is this advisable? Just wondering what your thoughts are, x
  5. Hi, as a family about to make the move from UK to Perth this would certainly be of interest to us. A 3 month furnished rental would allow chance for us to find a longer term option and give time for all of our belongings to arrive too. I think it could definitely be a win win option providing you get the right tenants in that will take care of what's yours. Having let a property in the UK I've had both good and bad experiences. If you decide to go ahead with this could you please let me know
  6. Thank you DyLeB for the info, I will look into those visas. You mentioned financial help for the children, I was not aware this was possible at all. I take it from what you have put, that this is available on a PR visa. What help is available? and thank you Straighttothepoint. Lots of thinking and talking to do! I have got your email too, just had a quick glance, think its just what I was looking for!
  7. Hi, After a couple of weeks of browsing through the forum I thought I'd take the plunge and say hello! My partner Don,who has been actively looking for a new job arrived home 2 weeks ago having just had a meeting with a potential new employer, he'd just been presented with a job role that was 'just what he was looking for, exciting, challenging and...in Australia!' We've had some details, still waiting for lots! Done loads of research, still lots to do. The job is based in the southern suburbs of Perth. The company offer a complete relocation package (full details we're waiting for) and will sponsor myself and my children as well as my Partner. We are hoping to visit Perth in the next few weeks and I'm led to believe that the company would like this all to happen for the final quarter of this year! I'm aware that there are various types of visa and have no idea what the company are proposing as yet. So would anyone be kind enough to answer a few of my burning questions? I have trawled the Internet for info, it's a minefield and I still have no clarity after hours of looking! Company 'Sponsorship'. What does that really mean? Uprooting my children (aged 15,13 and 11) from their current life is a really big deal to me and to them. Obviously I need to offer the most stability for them that I can. I may also want to find work myself when we get there so, With regards to the different types of visa would one be better than the other? have any of you had experience of uprooting teenagers? I'm getting a very mixed response from my kids at the moment... Would we have to contribute to their education, (I think I read somewhere on here that the cost is 4.5k per annum per child, is this correct?) Are there any advantages to being married as we start this process (it is something that we thought we might get round to doing anyway...!) I have looked into places to live in southern Perth, but really, honestly (from you guys that are already there). Are there places that we should definitely look at, and places that we should definitely avoid? They maybe want us there by October, is that even possible? I would be very grateful for any clarity that you could give me on any of these issues. Big, big decisions ahead of us, but very exciting ones! thanks everyone, x
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