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Mrs O

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  1. Hi ladies, we will be there in 3 weeks & would love to join you in any meet ups. I'm 30 & have 2 boys, oldest is 3 in may & 14 month. My husband starts his new job straight away so ill be on my own with the the boys & would love some play dates & chat. lisa
  2. What a great idea. We will be out end of Jan (just waiting for husbands work to agree a date) & looking around mindarie long term but work are sorting out a short term furnished until our things arrive & no idea where that will be. so far we have no friends or social life planned so any dates are good for us
  3. We are taking a container & will fill a 20 foot but that's with a massive sort out. After looking into prices of buying new we decided to ship & plus for the children they need there things around to settle. As some others we are only taking things that are fairly new, good quality & personal things plus all the kids toys. It's amazing how much rubbish you collect, we have spent the last couple of months, selling, taking to charity shop & tip & still got quite abit to get rid of but I feel great knowing we will be starting a fresh with our important things & get a shopping spree when we get there!
  4. Yes the wellies are coming. I will be driving mostly so think ill bring most coats but leave a big one at my parents for winter visits as wouldn't fancy packing 4 winter coats in our cases. Anybody got any help on the childcare?
  5. Well I'm soft aswel so when you say coats are we talking jackets or full blown winter coats? I was planning on leaving big coats at my parents for if we come back during winter but I kept reading posts saying how cold people was in winter!
  6. Hi, I come on here quite alot but haven't really posted. We had our visa granted last week & have lots of silly little questions so thought I'd put them all together. 1. We have 2 & half & 1 year old boys is here many mums & baby/toddler groups? 2. Is there any nurseries that do half days or shorter hours than the 8-6 long day care that I've seen? 3. I know in winter we will need jumpers & coats but how thick are we talking, Im just sorting through clothes at the moment & don't want to throw things we might need but equally don't want to bring lots of bulky things we will never wear. 4. Husband will be working in wangara can anyone recommend any areas, we've been looking at mindarie. I've looked online at houses but would like some tips on where might be nice with 2 young children. 5. What is the range of dairy free things in the supermarket? My youngest has cmpa which means he can't have cows milk although he is tolerating small amounts of yogurt cheese etc so hoping he will grow out of it! thanks in advance lisa
  7. Glad I'm not the only one. We got our visa last week & ever since I've been an emotional wreck. I don't know if its because I feel we've so much to sort & not much time between now & us going in jan or if I'm been honest if its down to the OMG what he hell are we doing!! I am excited about getting there but all the what if's & the not seeing certain people again that I've pushed to the back of my mind are now in it constantly wherever I go. Think my main worry is meeting new people as we moved 2 years ago & had to do it & actually enjoyed making new friends but this time I'm crapping myself
  8. Hi, I'm 30 with 2 1/2 & 1 year old boys. I'm not there yet but will be jan & would love to meet up when I get there. We will be NOR but not sure exactly here yet. Where are you, how long u been there & how you finding it so far? lisa
  9. I know exactly how you feel, we've just had our visa granted on Monday alot quicker than expected & today been told by husbands work they want us there ASAP after Xmas so I'm now having a panic attack as feel so unorganised. Getting shipping companies coming this week & next but don't know when to send everything as have 2 little boys & will have their Xmas presents. But as we live 200 miles from all family it would be nice to go there for Xmas & fly from up there. As for everything else i feel sick when i think about it. Anyway I'm sure ill get my head round it! Good luck with your goodbyes, getting there & everything once there. I'm sure it will all be worth it
  10. We are a family of 4 & with skills assessment, medicals, etc & using a agent the visa process will of cost us £8000 by the time we finished. I worked out we would need another £15-20k for everything else & that was beef careful. If you couldn't find work for a while or depending what sort of car you would need/want you would need quite abit more. all I can say is thank goodness my husbands work are opening up over there & offered him a transfer as its a very expensive process!
  11. Hi, basically we've been on with a 190 visa since about march but around 3 month ago my husbands company offered him a relocation package as they were in the process of opening in perth. Anyway we have been looking SOR probably around baldivis all this time & they have just come to us this morning & said they have secured premises in wangara so my question is how long would it take him to travel from baldivis area (I've googled it & it says 55 mins) but is this realistic with traffic? He would most likely work from 7-7.30 to 4-5pm so travel around these times. My next question is if that's unrealistic where NOR is nice but not too expensive to buy? We will be getting rent paid for 2 years but then we will want to buy & if the kids are settled I won't want to move too far.
  12. Hi, we are in a similar situation, on with a 190 although now going on a 457 with husbands work & finishing 190 when we get there. My husband is a engineer similar to yours but is now in charge of the workshop. I was a beauty therapist until I became a stay at home mum 2 years ago. Our little boys are 2 1/2 & 10 months. It would be nice to share the journey & meet up once we are all there? Lisa x
  13. Sorry I can't be of any help as we are not there yet but would also like to hear what it's like. id add on hardest to the best job I've ever done
  14. We are also not in perth yet but I've just read this & am in tears. I have 2 little boys the little one is 9 months & has been poorly with lots of different allergies but I'd go through it a million times as long as I still have him here. So sorry for your loss & ill donate now. Good luck for your walk, I'll be thinking of you. X
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