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Everything posted by KatieLou

  1. Hey! Thank you all for your tour advice, we have talked it over and think we will stick with the agent. It is another expensive I'd rather avoid but I would rather be a lot better prepared with the help of an agent to avoid the application being refused. Fingers crossed it goes through ok [emoji51] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Hi All, My partner is on a 457 visa and we have reached the 2 year mark required to lodge a permanent nominated visa application. The company has agreed to go ahead with this and we have received a quote from the same agent that processed our 457 which is quite expensive. Im just wondering if anyone has lodged this kind of visa themselves and is it straight forward to do? I have looked at the requirement list online and it doesn't look to daunting. Any my help is appreciated. Thanks KatieLou
  3. Thanks everyone for your replies they have been really helpful. I have spoken to our agents and have agreed to continue renting for the time being. If the next tenant proves to be just as difficult then i think we will sell. I just feel frustrated being here and not able to assess the probelms at the house myself. If we do sell I will appoint the appropriate people to handle the sale. Thank KatieLou
  4. Hi Druid, I have had many debates over the tax issue. I sort advice from two tax agents and been informed that on certain visas in this case 457, you do not need to declare UK income. If we decided to apply for PR we have to have our House valued for CGT purposes and declare any rental income from the date PR is granted. I will continue to declare our UK income to HMRC until this happens. Thanks KatieLou
  5. Thanks @pegg I was hoping we could get out of flying home to finalise. It seemed a good idea at the time to rent it out but it just becomes such an effort constantly back and forth to the agent.
  6. Hi All, I am just after a little bit of advice about selling our UK house from here Australia. We moved out here in June 2015 and let our house out a couple of months beforehand. We have received notice from the tenants that they will be leaving the property at the begginning of April so I am looking into our options. They havent looked after it very well and they seemed to be quite nieve about the whole thing, like requesting help for changing light bulbs and stuff! Anyway it just seemed to be alot of effort constantly having to do things on the house as a result of their neglect. I hoped that when we left it would pretty much take care of itself money wise and that the management agent would deal with anything else, but its not been that easy. My questions are: Has anyone sold the home while hear in Aus? Did you have to fly home to sign contracts? Are there any other things to consider? We are on 457 visa's so we dont decalre our UK income here in Australia, we are are aware that once we are granted PR we will have to get the house valued and declare all income here. Any advice would be great. Thanks KatieLou
  7. Hi All, I started my ACCA studies in the UK and now we are abit more settled here in Aus I would like to take them up again. I have made enquires and I am aware that Perth does not offer any tuition and the exam centre is classed as a "Special Exam Centre" which means there will be more fees ontop of my exam fee to pay for the cente and invigilator, has any sat an ACCA exam in perth and roughly how much was the extra fee? My only other option would be to fly to the east coast to sit the exam, so I need to weigh up which is the cheapest. Any help will be greatly appreciated. KatieLou
  8. Yes I agree WA has a lot to offer and beautiful coastlines but whats wrong with wanting to explore other countries to? I personally have plenty of places on my list to visit in WA but also many places in Asia to. Travelling from the UK to Asia is expensive, so now that we live here and its practically on the doorstep, we are able to travel to places that we could never have afforded to go before.
  9. Have a look on the ATO website it should tell you on there. I am fairly sure if you have lived in the property before renting it out then you can claim a partial exemption for the period of which is was your main residence. If you move out and continue to declare it as your primary residence then you may be eligible for full exemption. However this means if you buy another house you can't put this as your main residence. KatieLou
  10. Hi @David82, If you get to centerlink as soon as you arrive with your passport and a copy if your visa (maybe take someylthing with you aussie address on aswell just incase) and they will give you a form to complete to get your medicare card. You can fill it in while you are there and they will process is for you and give you your temporary medicare number. I think it took a couple of weeks for the actual card to come through. I think for your 457 visa to remain valid you have to have the basic hospital cover in place. If you cancel it you may be in breach of your visa conditions so maybe check first. Katie
  11. Hi @David82, Myself and my partner are here on a 457 visa. We were only required to have hospital insurance in place for the 457 to be granted. Unfortunately not all health insurance companies provide cover for 457 visa holders. We were originally with Bupa but have since changed to a company called Frank. You can add on additional cover for Dental and other things but it can quickly add up. Katie
  12. We have booked to go to Bali for 10 Days in Jan. Really looking forward to that as I've always wanted to go but from the UK its very expensive. Hope to visit many places while we are here, especially arounf Asia.
  13. I have had Christmas here before while on holiday but its the first living here. Seems quite odd thinking about decorations and presents while the sun is shining outside.
  14. Hi @shelz, When we rented our house we paid two weeks rent upfront as well as the bond. We had to provide copys of passports, driving license, payslips, bank statements and medicare cards. They tend to have a 100 point system with various types of documentation listed with a points value. You just need to make up the 100 points. I hadn't started working at the time but they said they would accept a copy of my contract as confirmation of income. Not sure if this is relevant to all real estates though. Katie
  15. Hi @sipidan, Yes your daughter would be eligable for pre primary in Jan 2017. If a child turns 5 before the end of June in that year they are eligible to enrol into pre primary. Katie
  16. I would like to come, would be nice to meet people. There will be me, my partner and our 4yo LG [emoji4]
  17. Hi everyone, I have a 3 nearly 4 year old little girl in need of some new friends. We are living in Piara Waters but will happily travel for a play date. Katie x
  18. Just before we left the UK in June 2015 we had a meeting with the bank (Halifax) over our existing accounts, they told us that you can keep the accounts you have but we are no longer eligible to open new accounts while living overseas. Hope this helps KatieLou
  19. Hi @LoopyLauren, We had a similar predicament when we arrived, my partner had a job already in Bibra Lake so we wanted somewhere that would be central for us both but without knowing where I'd secure work it seemed impossible. We eventually decided to bite the bullet and just get a rental and deal with the commute. We just thought we could relocate further down the line if necessary. We have ended up in Piara Waters and I now work in the city. Travelling works out fine for both of us. It takes me about an hour in total, this includes droping our little girl at nursery. I think aslong as you find somewhere that has good links to public transport and the freeways it'll be ok. And like you say, its not permanent. Oh time wise we viewed the property on a Wednesday and picked the keys up Friday, moved in Saturday. Aslong as all you paperwork and application are inline. Its pretty fast. KatieLou
  20. KatieLou


    Hi @JasonM, we just changed the region in the settings to Ireland and it works fine picks up near enough all of the free to view channels.
  21. Hi @Nikkipp & @Coogeejo I have 3 year old little girl. We have only been here 10 weeks. I have a lot of family here but it would be great to make some friends outside of the family. Katie x
  22. We are living in Piara Waters at the moment. We wanted to be SOR as my OH was already working in Bibra Lake. I managed to get some work in the city so take the Train after dropping my daughter at Nursery. Are you coming out with jobs already or will you look once you arrive? Where you work will have a factor in where you want to live. If your working NOR you dont really want to be traveling from SOR. The freeway in the morning is choker!
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