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Everything posted by beesenior

  1. Thanks everyone, but we are relaxing don't worry apart from hubby who only had 2 days off! The jet lag doesn't let us do anything else but relax. I just wanted to know if there was anyone out there who may want to play on the Xbox!!! Ease the boy in a little. Thanks anyway
  2. Thanks for the input. We are busy researching different clubs and activities that we can take part in, both individually and as a family. We have only been here 3 days and just thought I would ask as it is something he loves and is familiar to him.
  3. It is mainly to do with the weather we have just left in Scotland. Rain for 3 months makes everyone weary so he spent probably too much time on the thing, over and above his football and gym etc. He has actually only been on the Xbox for as couple of hours in total since he arrived. Just thought it would be one good way of breaking the ice Bee
  4. It's the only thing I can think of to take the edge off the while trauma!!!
  5. Hi We have just arrived in Perth and are looking to move to Ocean Reef SHS catchment area. My daughter is 16 and is pretty laid back about the whole thing but my son who is 12, is taking some convincing!! He loves his Xbox and was hoping that there might be someone out of there who has had kids in a similar position or have been there done that. He will start year 8 in a few weeks and is really nervous. Does anyone have kids about the same age and going to Ocean Reef who has a gamer tag???? who would like to get in touch. He thinks that nobody plays the Xbox in Australia!!!!! Thanks Bee
  6. Hi Sally I'm a Community OT in Scotland and we are emigrating to Perth in January. I have applied for a few jobs just to get the lay off the land. Feedback is that employers prefer candidates to be onshore. Employers seem to be less keen when they find out there is a practice audit to complete also. I have spoken to other OTs who have emigrated and they have found that they have to take a step back and work at a lower grade in a hospital. Foot in the door and all that. Another thing that differs from the UK is the application process. You need to send your CV and cover letter but also a selection criteria response, WA Health ask for this and it is an enormous piece of work. I have sent my CV to recruitment agencies etc, but not getting stressed about it. I will sit tight till I get there. Could do with a break after 7 years in SW!!!! Bee Ps we are on a 189 visa
  7. That sounds like us. We leave on the 30th Jan, with Malaysia from Glasgow though. Temporary accommodation booked in Butler for 4 weeks and our house went up for rent yesterday. Also sh*tting myself. It all seems very real now!
  8. Our 189 was granted in 2 months. We applied on 7/4 and got the visa on the 17/6. I don't know if the timescales have changed since then, but it was really quick for us :-) Bee
  9. Thanks for the feedback all I know it's horses for courses, but it is still great to get some honest opinions. Just hadn't heard much about this area on the forum. Thanks again Bee
  10. Hi Alana We come over in January with my soon to be 16 year old daughter and 12 year old son. I know it's a wee bit away yet, but I'm sure my daughter might feel the same as your following a few weeks with the oldies! Where abouts are you based? Bee
  11. Hi I have been looking at schools online and Willetton High School seems to get a good review. We know that we will need to visit places when we arrive to get a proper feel, but wondered if anyone has stayed or stays in Willetton and what they think of it. Thanks Bee
  12. I completely empathise with you. I can see myself in a couple of months sitting in a similar car showroom car park, bawling my eyes out after selling my beloved, mid life crisis, boy racer car:sad:. Will be worth every tear hopefully . Bee x
  13. beesenior

    school years

    Hi We are moving on the 30th of January I know what you mean about the school situation. Its my biggest stress as there is a real pressure to make the right choice. My daughter will be half way through 4th Year in Scotland, this is made more difficult as she was born in February, so she will go into year 11 meaning that she will effectively miss 6 months of school. Nothing to be done about it as she doesn't want to drop a year and be with younger kids. She will just have to work mega hard. My son is easier and has just started high school here, so will restart year 8 in Australia. He will redo 6 months, which I must add he is not happy about. I'm happy about this as it will take the pressure off him and allow him to settle in hopefully. I have emailed a few school - Shenton Park, Churchlands, Rossmoyne and Duncraig - all seem high achieving schools. All the schools have responded positively and been very helpful. Don't be frightened to email them and discuss any concerns. They all stipulated proof of a 12 month rental within the catchment area - no pressure there. We have got a short term lease till the end of Feb, we will be visiting the short-listed schools in this time to get a feel and then make a decision about where to stay. Feeling a bit frantic!!!!! Bee
  14. I agree. I only had to do the ielts to get more points to qualify for 189 visa. As a UK citizen you automatically get a 6 in ielts. Would assume it's the same for a 190??
  15. Thanks Sarah for all the info. Im loving the idea of sitting watching a sunset. I have a fantastic view of sunsets from my house but would love to appreciate them outside a little more often!! We are coming over in February, which seems ages away but really isn't. I've got my weekly counter up in work for all to see.....down to 22 weeks now! The school sounds great . I think its great that each school has loads of info on the net but I think we will need to actually be there to get the right feel as you say. Do you actually live in Scarborough or further inland? I have mixed reports about Scarborough so would love your opinion. Bee
  16. Sarah Thanks do much for the information. Can I ask you about enrolment? I am aware that you need to have proof of 12 months tenancy and a couple of proofs of residence. How did you get around this? I'm panicking slightly that the kids will be out of school for potentially quite a long period, until we secure a long term rental property. Also, what is the area like for eating out etc....both in our early 40's so not looking for any nightclubs, just a nice places to eat out now and again. Thanks again for your help Bee
  17. Just letting the person know how much it cost for the visa and the flights to get over, not shipping anything. Don't know why I bother giving information about my experience.
  18. Both parents of the children have to consent to their child moving to another country. My ex had to sign a consent form and this is included with the visa application. If your partners ex is on the birth certificate he will have to sign the consent and he will also have to give proof of his id to your partner,this has to be included in the application. Luckily my ex knows what an opportunity it is for the kids and signed but if he hadn't I wouldn't have been able to take the kids. Bee
  19. It has cost us approx £7000, however we got our 189 visa before the new charges in July. As far as I know everyone on the via is now charged a fee, therefore I agree with redsquare, you could safely say closer to £10k. That doesn't include any set up costs, bond, short-term rental etc. That is purely to get us on Australian soil! Bee
  20. Sarah We are looking at Willetton , Churchlands and Rossmoyne with Duncraig thrown in for good measure! Shenton was on the list but didn't get the vibe from the email I received back from them! All around the CBD as hubby will be working there. Did you look at any of these schools? Bee
  21. Sarah, what high school did you choose? We have narrowed it down to 3 so any advice would be gratefully appreciated. Bee
  22. We only waited one week for my Hubby's medical to come back. I suppose it depends on the amount of applications/referrals at any one time. Hopefully you wont wait to long. Bee
  23. Daughter had blood taken, she is 15.... not impressed
  24. Our 12 year old had a chest xray, he thought that was the best bit! You also all need to provide a urine sample when you get there.
  25. Hello My daughter has had her braces for six months. Can anyone tell me if the orthodontists in Perth are happy to continue with treatment that has started our do they take them out and start again? Ta Bee
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