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Everything posted by Joeybee

  1. We got our CO allocated today (team 34 Brisbane) exactly 8 weeks after applying. They've requested uni transcript (which I've already got) and tax documents (awaiting an employment history from HMRC) and then we'll get the grant
  2. Out of interest, I'm waiting for a CO and am expecting a letter from HMRC with my employment history. Have you been asked to provide contracts from your previous employers as well as tax documents?
  3. This is what it says on the AHPRA website, so going off that, does seem that things are changing. I'm waiting for my LOE, so hoping this doesn't really delay things. Another thing to worry about The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) and AHPRA are reviewing and strengthening the process in place to support the nationally consistent assessment of applications for registration from internationally qualified nurses and midwives (IQNM). All applications from IQNMs are being assessed consistent with the National Law. All current IQNM applications will be processed and progressed. The previously published NMBA Framework for the assessment of internationally qualified nurses and midwives for registration is no longer in use and has been removed from the website.
  4. I'm glad every things going well for you both, well done! Out of interest what type of work does you/your wife do? I've noticed some people are really struggling to find jobs in certain areas, yet in other areas jobs are easier to come by.
  5. 6 1/2 week wait for me so far, everything is uploaded and ready, probably another 2 weeks before I hear anything, this wait is horrible!
  6. Good luck. Keep us posted how things go with the job and how you find perth.
  7. Haha, so we both sent payment details wrong. I resent the payment slip today along with the certified documents. They seem friendly enough, hopefully they'll process us quite quickly once they receive the stuff.
  8. Hahahaha Perhaps you have to be a Cheshirite/Mancunian to appreciate that :-)
  9. Have you heard anything from AHPRA yet? I informed them I am resending correctly certified copies of stuff and new payment details, they sent me a reply thanking me and explaining that they take 6-8 weeks at the moment to process applications for registration. So hopefully we will hear soon. Not long now before you head off - exciting!!! :-)
  10. Thanks. They seem to invite every few weeks, so think it depends on what date you put in your EOI to how long before you get an invite to apply. You do have to pay the full visa fee upfront when you apply for the visa. Good luck!
  11. That's music to my ears, I requested it about 5 days ago so hopefully soon :-)
  12. Hi! I submitted my 189 PR on 21st September. Am waiting for police certs to be sent to me and for evidence of tax to be sent to me from HMRC. Other than that, everything is uploaded and ready. Has anyone else requested evidence of pay/tax from HMRC, and if so, how long did they take? I'm getting a slight sinking feeling that they may take weeks and weeks, so delaying my grant!
  13. Not sure about the Midlands. I had my medicals at The Bridgewater Hospital in Manchester. They were quick, friendly and efficient. Perhaps if you don't hear anything soon, it might be worth making the trip to Manc?
  14. Just had a thought, I love the Christmas Markets here each year. I'll miss those. Nothing like walking around in the snow with hot vimto and whisky in a mug!
  15. I don't know what I'll miss really. I think I will miss the history in Europe - historic sites and buildings and the like. I actually can't really think of anything else...perhaps the option of free healthcare!
  16. Yeah, thanks. Done form 80, will upload it later. I'm hoping that when I see the notary public on Monday evening, then send the documents off and amend the payment details for credit card, they will be happy. Congrats on your visa grant, not long now till you go! It must be really nice to be able to tell everyone when you'll be making the move.
  17. Congrats on the move. Hope it all goes well. How long has it taken you to get to this stage? I decided to move to Oz late November 2012, nearly a year for me so far.
  18. Thought I'd update here and see where everyone else is up to. I submitted the visa on 21st September, had the health checks on the 2nd October and am sending off form for police check tomorrow. No CO yet, but I believe that people who submitted their visas in August are starting to get CO's and grants now, so I'm keeping everything crossed that so long as I get all the documents uploaded (which I've almost done) the grant should come quickly after the CO. I'm not sure whether the Health checks went through okay, a week after I had the health checks, the e-lodgement page changed to say "no need for health checks for this applicant" for both me and my Husband. I'm presuming the health checks have been cleared??? Applied to AHPRA on 15th October. They got in touch today to say the payment didn't go through (I'm presuming because I used a debit, not credit card, so my bad). They also said they need me to re-send all the documents that had to be certified, as they aren't happy with the person who certified them. I used a solicitor, this was fine with ANMAC...apparently not for AHPRA, so I'm seeing a notary public on Monday and re-sending all the docs again. (Another £100 to add to all the other expenses!) :-( But once I've ironed out these few bumps, everything should be okay. One more query, I'm confused about form 80. It's not requested on the check-list for the documents needed for 189 visas, but I've noticed on the PIO forum that some people have been asked to submit it, so me and husband have filled a form 80 out each anyway. I'm dying to get to Australia for Christmas to spend it with the family we'll be staying with in Perth, but realistically I think it'll be January. Anyone else expecting to be moving out around that time? How is everyone else getting along?
  19. I submitted the visa application (189) on 21st September, from what people on here are saying, it looks like 5 ish weeks for a CO to be assigned and then the grant within a month of that. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this means I'll have a CO soon. Done everything I need, apart from the police checks, which I'm going to get sorted this week. Good luck, hope you hear something soon.
  20. Ooh that was nice and quick! I am in two minds about when to apply to AHPA. Once registered, can I go months without practising if I'm still waiting for visa to come through? I dont want to apply too soon in case it causes problems. Then again, I want to be able to apply for jobs, so sooner I get registration, the better...
  21. Thanks. Yeah have to pay the full cost of the visa when you apply. It made a large dent in our savings account! we are now scanning all the relevant documents so that once a CO is assigned, things shouldnt take too long! We are going to book our health checks tomorrow, I didnt know you could do health checks before being assigned a CO, but it seems, according to PIO that you can.
  22. My skills assessment has come through and on the 14th september I submitted my EOI. The next day I was invited to apply and yesterday (21st sept aus time though) I submitted the visa application. So now im waiting for a CO to be assigned. In the meantime im uploading all my supporting documents and getting AHPRA application ready. Excited!
  23. I'm the main applicant. I did feel pressure when taking the IELTS as I realised it was basically down to me to get the marks or we'd have to rethink our whole plans! I'm slightly nervous about the health check too, i couldn't imagine doing all the assessment process and visa paperwork and then not passing the health check! Although my husband (the 'dependant') seems to be taking the whole visa process in his stride and not really worrying about all the niggly little problems....I'm slightly jealous of him!
  24. Have you got your AHPRA registration already? I was going to register with some agencies for work in Oz, but thought there probably no point until i have registration right?
  25. Good luck Edzi, keep us informed how you get on with the job hunt x
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