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  1. Hi Angelique, I live about 15 minutes from you if you fancy meeting up one weekend? I'm 33 and originally from Norfolk but been here nearly 3 years now. Liz
  2. Hi Sarah, Welcome back. I moved from the UK a couple of years ago and live in Freo. I'm 33 and enjoying living in Perth but would be nice to meet a few more people especially as a few of my friends have decided to move back to the UK. Kind regards Liz
  3. Your being super organized. That should really help you out when you get here. I'm looking for work as a teacher but waiting on paperwork to be registered in WA before I can start doing supply etc. I'll have a look for you on Linked in. Enjoy your weekend. Liz
  4. Hi Kerry, Not long to go for you now then. Let me know when your finally here and we can meet in the city. Good luck with the move. Liz
  5. Hi Kate, I have a 4 year degree (BSC) from Open University with a PGCE and they seem to be ok with that although it does appear to be a lengthy process as they then requested a letter from my Uni from an academic even though AITSL had been happy with the university office signing it. I'm currently in Australia and waiting for TRBWA to get back to me so am a little bit in limbo till they do. Does anyone have any experience in how long the whole process takes providing there are few glitches on the way? Many thanks Liz
  6. Hi, I have just moved to Perth, near Belmont at the minute and am looking to meet different people to go out and explore or simply meet up for a coffee or a proper drink. I have met some really nice people so far since I have been here (2 weeks) but would like to expand my social circle. I'm 31 and have quite a bit of spare time at the minute as still on the job hunt but have my own transport so have the option to meet anywhere round Perth. Liz
  7. Hi Jess, My name is Liz and I am in a similar situation, moved to Perth last week, am 31 and also a Primary School Teacher. I am just trying to get a few bits and pieces sorted at the minute before I apply for jobs. I am staying near Belmont at the minute, East Perth and have a car for a few days so if you fancy meeting up let me know. I am just exploring the area at the minute to see where I want to settle. I think Scarborough is nearer to me than Quinns rock but am happy to explore either as haven't visited either yet. Liz
  8. Hi Shelley, Good luck with your search I have just arrived in Perth myself and am about to start applying for primary teaching jobs myself. Trying to get my head around a new curriculum and paperwork is taking a bit of time. Best wishes Liz
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