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  1. I agree with you about it being a chance of a lifetime, because it is. But there is no way that we would give the dogs up, they are battersea dogs home rescue staffies. Who both my husband and I adore and if it means that we stay put in the UK then so be it. It's a real shame
  2. Dear all thank you all for your comments, I am beginning to get stressed by it all, it feels such a risk to travel so far to have this problem. Maybe having a permit first might be the way too go. I agree with you about not bring able to afford peppermint grove prices and I am happy to travel. My commute for work at the moment is over an hour. Would anyone know of any agents/ private rentals that would take three dogs with a permit?
  3. Hi all. I am in need of help. I have a wonderful job offer which I may have to turn down as I am fearful about finding a house that will allow three dogs. I am not sure of suburbs but my job is in peppermint grove? Any help advise will be so gratefully received
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