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Ayshe Francis

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Everything posted by Ayshe Francis

  1. I would say you have to be prepared to take a step back and work your way up. Jobs are there but employers like you to have 2 years WA experience and a lot of jobs come by who you know not what you know. I think anyone who moves to Perth at the moment needs to realise the mining industry boom is coming to an end. Employers from all sectors are frightened to take on new workers as they don't know how this could affect their businesses. What I will say is the lifestyle will make up for any pay cut you may initially take and within a few years you'd be on the up again. Good luck.
  2. Sorry for delay, I only just realised this was sitting waiting on my response. Not sure that Supply and Distribution Manager would be the correct job to have assessed in order to obtain this visa. If your cousin is an assistant manager for retail I'd suggest he looks into the general manager field and then find out who the assessing body is. Gather the required evidence for that assessing body and have that skill assessed. Sorry I don't know much more on that field. General manager does cover a varied degree of skills though. He may need to add references to his evidence that would prove his competence as a general manager. Good luck with everything. To be honest the best thing to do would be to see a migration advisor and explain the full situation. They're not allowed to take on a case that they don't believe will inevitably end up with a successful visa outcome.
  3. Hi, There are quite a few of us who've met up regularly since October who are all based SOR ranging from Canning Vale to Atwell. The last big meet up was Sunday just gone but if any of you are free Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays are best for me. The meet ups usually take place on a Sunday every 4-6 weeks depending on who is free. If any of you fancy meeting up with me PM me and we'll get the ball rolling. Loads of love and sunshine. x
  4. Hey, Just wondering what you have left? Thanks
  5. Hi, Just wanted to let you know I sent you a PM a few days ago but haven't heard anything back? Worried that you've not received it... I'm secretly hoping you've changed your mind and are staying put... If not please get back to me. Thanks. xx
  6. Always sad to hear of someone who has to go back! I'll PM you as would like to come and have a look we need quite a lot of stuff and not yet.
  7. Thanks for your responses. It's all good, I spoke to immi and have been told that I can apply onshore and I can work once my current visa expires and my bridging visa would kick in the following day! The cost is what it is. More expensive to do it onshore but not as expensive as doing it offshore and adding the cost of a return flight into it! Difference is it could be up to 3 years before me and the baby get permanent residency which would mean we'd not be able to get citizenship for about 8 years. Seems strange that my hubby and eldest son will be going for citizenship about the same time I get PR status! Still at least we'll be together! Thanks again for responses! x
  8. Hi, I'm trying to find out if I can apply for an onshore partner visa whilst I am in Australia on a ETA visitor visa? My husband has PR visa. We've been together nearly 10 years and married nearly 5 years. We have 2 kids together. The reason I wasn't included in my husbands initial application for his visa is because I was serving in the British Army and wasn't in receipt of a discharge certificate. Anyway when I went on maternity leave with our last child we all came over to Perth so we could spend time together as a family. I've therefore just technically been on holiday in Perth but my maternity leave finishes soon and I will then receive my discharge certificate and be eligible to apply for my partner visa. However I don't want to go back to the UK without my husband and elder son to apply offshore. Can I apply for an onshore partner visa whilst I'm on a ETA visitor visa? Any help or advice? Thanks.
  9. Hiya, If your husband was at least a WO2 in the Royal Logistic Corps and received his diploma in management and has had managers reporting to him in the last 6 years... You should be able to apply under the state migration plan as a supply and distribution manager. This job is not on the general skills list which will mean you will need state sponsorship from the states who have this job on their list. When we applied the only state plans that had supply and distribution manager were ACT and WA! If you're wondering how I know this its because Gary also served a full career in the RLC. I won't lie to you the hardest part of your application will be gathering evidence, having everything signed off by previous bosses and preparing everything you will need for the skills assessment. It took us from July 2011 until February 2012 before we were content that all evidence had been officially signed off and there were no missing gaps. By the way our visa was a 176 I know things have changed since then so if you google new 176 visa it should explain the new subclass etc to you. Good luck!
  10. Hiya, and Happy New Year to you too. When Gary arrived he basically googled recruitment companies and job search sites. He joined all of them so he could search what was out there. You'll find the same jobs will appear on some of their sites. They won't say who the actual company is so it can make arranging a spreadsheet hard work... If you apply for work through recruitment agencies you'll receive a generic email reply but if you're unsuccessful making the short list you'll be none the wiser. If you can apply directly to the companies for a job you'll have more chance of at least being told if your application hasn't been successful. It's more than infuriating. Still good luck with everything.
  11. Oh by the way. As far as a rental goes... Try and look near the airport, near the freeways and near train stations. Try to keep within 25-30 of CBD that way you'll have your bases covered with the industrial areas, airport and easy access to CBD if needed. My friend lives in Mandurah and works in Vic park. She starts work at 6.30am and she has to get up at 3am to get to work. Not a good commute unless you start work at 9am and live right by the train line then work in CBD! Lastly for now... Work in the mines is harder than you think. You have to get past a certain stage before the company will send you on courses to do to see if they want you. There's no point in doing the courses as they run out and it wouldn't help get an interview. We've found this the strangest part. Gary's applied for over 90 jobs now. Had 1 interview and got that job. It's hard to make the short list so finding the job is even more irritating. Still like I said... It's all worth it!
  12. Hi everyone, I'm glad this thread hasn't totally dropped off the radar. My hubby Gary is still working for Woolies doing a job that isn't mentally taxing him but there are lots of in house promotions that he keeps applying for. He's sure to get an interview for one of them eventually! At least he now has a foot in the door. He's still applying for management positions with other companies but it would seem a step down is the only way to get ahead or even in. Perth is great and the lifestyle is making up for the work being less than fourth coming. I would recommend getting more licences but do it in Perth as many of them have to be converted to Australia and that means redoing a lot of things. It'd be a waste of money and time in UK. I agree not just in the logistics field that everything in Perth is not what you know but who you know. It's a pain as we've all gone through so much to get here and are all hard working enough to go through the visa process but companies just seem to be scared off by our skills and would rather in house promote... We think its all worth it but we have a lot of help from family and we know in a year or two we will turn a corner and be back on the up. Good luck with everything and I'll update this thread as and when things change for Gary. Bring on 2014!
  13. Hi, Thanks for your message. After 3 months my hubby has got a job with woollies order picking. It's a foot in the door but my hubby is continuing to apply for logistics management, warehouse management and supply/distribution management. If you can help us further please send me a private message with your email and I'll get Gary to email you with a run down of things. Thanks so much for offering to help.
  14. Hi First thing! No newly expectant mother knows what to feel or expect. So that's more than normal. Secondly you're body is made to go through this so you will be fine! I'm a new mother for the second time and I still haven't got it all cracked! Thirdly, men as much as we love them are pretty rubbish (well mine is) and for them they don't really become a parent until baby arrives but for us women as soon as we get a positive result we are mothers. That's something a man will never understand. Stay positive lovely, send me a friend request on FB: Ayshe Francis and hopefully we can arrange a meet up with Roxy to talk all things baby and pregnancy. When we do meet I'll bring my baby Henry and you can have a cuddle. ������ xxx
  15. Hi Angella, I'll send you a friend request on FB. Sorry you've found it hard to make friends. There's currently a small group of us who've met a couple of times all in the same boat. Once we're acquainted on FB I can add you to our conversation and hopefully you can meet with us and we can all start making friends and memories. Keep smiling. xx
  16. Hi deeandchris Wy aye man! What ya deein in the posh end like? Hey find me on FB Ayshe Francis and we can hopefully try and meet up? Tell me more about you. x
  17. Hi, My husband and I have been here a month and as I'm looking for child care, a house, car settling in etc he's looking for work as a logistics manager, supply chain specialist and has applied for about 30 jobs so far but isn't getting any interviews. He's starting to worry a little that he's either missing something or many of the jobs he's applying for are taken before they're advertised and are only really advertised as they have to be?! Does anyone have any contacts in the logistics field? Know of any work or like he said... Is he missing something? He has joined every job search site out there and applied for everything. Then he adds each job to a spreadsheet so he can input the contact he has with the companies. He's been to centrelink, registered interest with about 10 shipping and supply companies but still... Not a sausage! Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Ayshe
  18. Hi Rach, I moved from UK just over a month ago. I'm living in canning vale SOR and am 32 with a 2 year old and 4 month old. Sounds like we are in similar circumstances. Drop me a PM with more details and we can try and arrange a meet up if you fancy. Love and luck for a worry free pregnancy. Cheers Ayshe. x
  19. Just tried to post more to this thread. Has it worked??? Wanted to let you know there is a meet up tomorrow morning at 9.30. It's at the IGA coffee shop in Hammond Park. Still not sure if I can make it but would be great if more ladies are available to come along. Cheers, Ayshe. xx
  20. Hiya, Me and my family moved a month ago and are living SOR in Canning Vale. I like to do coffee and cake without the coffee and are looking for new friends. I'm 32 originally from Sunderland. I'm married to Gary and have two boys. Tommy (2) and Henry (4 months). Interested in nights out, play dates for the kids, beach trips, shopping, wine, cinema and generally having a good time. I'm quite talkative and easy going with some interesting life experiences and would love to make new memories with new friends. If you're interested in meeting up give me a shout. Cheers, Ayshe. x
  21. Hello ladies, i know this thread started in February. Just wondering if the meet up happened in Freo? How it went? I've been here a month now, living in Canning Vale SOR. Would like to know if any of you are planning any future meet ups? Perth is spread out but with enough of us girls wanting to make friends and are in similar but different situations we should possibly arrange another get together? Anyone interested? Ayshe. x
  22. Hi Kerry, My mother moved to Perth 16 years ago and every time I've visited I've always stayed with her in Canning Vale. Since I've become a mother the need for grandparents has become more apparent. Hence the big move finally happening. As we want to be near my family we're only really looking in the Southern Suburbs. There are many new estates always popping up and becoming more established with schools, shops etc. Obviously the closer to the city the bigger the cost especially when 4 bedrooms as a minimum is a must. I think so long as we can commute to the city with relative ease we will be ok so we're looking for houses in, Canning Vale, Southern River, Thornlie, Huntingdale. If you want to talk about it PM me. Hope you have got over the flight? Ayshe. x
  23. Hello Emma, Jen & Louise, I'm Ayshe (32), I'm married to Gary (44). I have two boys, Tommy (2) and Henry (4 months). We arrived nearly a month ago. Currently staying with family in Canning Vale and hope to settle somewhere close to this area eventually. Desperately missing friends in UK and need to get in with a group of friends. If any of you fancy meeting up please reply or PM me. Thanks. x
  24. GDay... My family and I have recently moved to Perth. Currently staying with family in Canning Vale and with any luck we'll settle around this area! (Southern Suburbs) I'm Ayshe (32) originally from Sunderland. I'm married to Gary (44), we've got two boys, Tommy (2) and Henry (4 months). Gary's on the job hunt and I'm on the house, car and friends hunt. I've visited Perth 17 times before making the big move so know my way about quite well... We know Perth is where we want our future to be and have been trying to get here for about 7 years so we really need to settle in and make new friends etc. Without sounding too desperate... If anyone is in a similar situation to us and is also looking for friends or doesn't mind having a few hangers on to their group of friends please reply or PM me. Cheers, Ayshe.
  25. Hi Liz, I've just moved over last month, currently staying with family in southern suburbs. I'm Ayshe (32) originally from Sunderland. I'm married to Gary (44), we've got two boys, Tommy (2) and Henry (4 months). Gary's on the job hunt and I'm on the house, car and friends hunt. I've visited Perth 17 times before making the big move so know my way about quite well... If you fancy meeting up PM me. Ayshe
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