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  1. The 2nd is clear for us, just need to decide a venue. Only come on here occasionally, so if anyone puts suggestions for venue out there, will try to get there.
  2. Hi, would be nice to do a meet up, cannot commit to this weekend so end of month sounds good. How does sat 2nd April sound? Easter the weekend before and unsure of our plans as yet, awaiting confirmation from some prev invites?If majority go with different day we will try to attend, but cant commit at mo.
  3. shame i missed this one, had planned on attending, but did not pan out as planned on the day. Looks like a good time was had, and hope to meet a few of the pp members maybe at the next one?
  4. Hi Ed and Jen, We would love to hook up and meet for a drink or afternoon coffee?? Would be easier on a weekend, but cant do the next one but add me as friend and pm if interested. Will look forward to hearing from you, but no pressure lol.
  5. Well Surhythms, I cannot comment whether you weird or not lol, having not met you yet! I am in a similar situation to you family wise as only got my youngest child a daughter aged 20 here with us, and I am the boss at work, so makes work friendships a work only event. Don't really have many suggestions as like you have tried several routes. The most successful one was I had to change my shift one day and went along to another thread meet up of walking at Mullaloo on a Thursday morning. I have found some lovely friends through that one meeting, albeit they are in different stages of their lives having younger children, the girls I met, and other people they knew that they introduced me to have been lovely. The hardest part is with working full time as most people have family events at weekends or chores, so that restricts options. I have not had chance to be on this site for a few months, but at home resting for 6 weeks following an op, and that's when the loneliness kicked back in. Never really had a lot of support from family in uk, so did not expect to feel quite so lonely on occasions here. My OH and I looking to possibly go to the meet up on 28.2.16 in the city at Boheme, just because.... If anyone else is going let me know ( I will be on this site for the next few weeks whilst at home, so would be good opportunity to maybe say Hi? Arwen, will pm you, we live in same suburb and sounds like family history similar. Seems a shame not to get together? x
  6. We generally meet up in the city as central for everyone and on train route, people from NOR AND SOR come regularly. x
  7. Hi, there is a group of existing members and newbies meeting tonight in the moon and sixpence in murray street, mixed ages, albeit normally over 35, but feel free to join us. We tend to get together every 4 - 6 weeks and open invite and good op to meet new people. If you fancy, I will be wearing a red jacket and sitting on an outside table with lots of other brits after 7.30/8pm just come on over and join us.
  8. Hi Ladies, there is a meet up tonight of members in the city. Generally it is aimed for the over 35 s but we are not ageist!! We are meeting in the moon and sixpence murray street in the cdb near the perth underground station. If you want to come along (with or without partners) feel free. Generally it is couples, but singles welcome if friendship is agenda. I will most prob be wearing black jeans and red jacket if you unsure who I am, and will be sitting on a larger table with lots of other loud brits lol. We normally sit outside as quite a few of us, so bring a jacket if you feel the cold after sundown.
  9. Think it is appropriate that it is the year anniversary of our first official meet, so will be a good night with existing and newer members sharing the evening.
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRISTLE, Paul is on call this weekend so we are going to have to play by ear as to what time and if we can make it. Druid and I have each others mobile numbers so will stay in touch by that means. If we do not make it tonight, thank you for the invite, have a wonderful time and we will def be there on the 9th. x :xmas4:
  11. Hi Druid, ok great text me on the 9th just before you get on as we will most prob jump on at Joondi, let us know which carriage also. (are we telling all the newbies to wear hats??)
  12. Hi mwjw, Just wondered how its going since you put this thread up? Have you met any new people/friends? I don't know what your childcare situation is, but a few of us are meeting up on 9.5.15 in the city at moon and sixpence, murray street. If you can get there let us know and we will look out for you so you not sitting on your own.[ QUOTE=mwjw;128363]Weve only been here 3 months but are finding it difficult to be accepted into things, like at my sons swimming club, no ozzzies really bother with us. Try talking to a few but feel like were not in the click. Are we just expecting too much, too soon? We are a nice sociable family!!!
  13. Hi, I am a beautician with VTCT qualifications and I have had no problems finding jobs, in fact got a job within 3 weeks of arriving. Hope this helps, good luck.
  14. Happy public holiday guys and gals, We will be going on the 9th May, as Penny said just not posted it, I have invited 3 other couples that I am friends with, that have not been before, so hopefully we should be in for a fun (if not noisy ) night. Steve P and Sue should be coming also, thay just don't come on this site much now, I am sorry to say I only get on here about once a month! What is the meet time 7.30?
  15. We are your friends mate, just have not heard from you for a while. x
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