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  1. I could have written your post, I know exactly how you feel. In my case, its my husband who has a job lined up in Perth. He was really up for going as soon as possible, but iv put it off for 10 months, while we save up, get house sorted etc. I change my mind about it every day! My husband will be devastated if we dont go. He'd probably never forgive me. But it will break my mums heart if we do go, we are taking our 3 children with us, her only grandchildren. I am happy with my life as it is. My husband has always wanted to emigrate, I always said I wouldnt. I suppose whats changed my mind is, the lack of opportunities where I live, its a small town that is just going downhill. Theres not much for my kids to do and in years to come, when they leave school, theres going to be very little in the way of job prospects for them. I think I would feel better about it if we went for a visit first, I feel its a huge risk uprooting the kids and moving to another country that none of us have ever been to before. But with 5 of us its just so expensive and that money could be put to good use when we move. I hope I can stop feeling so bad, get out there, give it a go, hopefully we will love it! But if not, If im unhappy, or the kids dont settle and want to come back, we will come back. At least we will of tried. Im afraid that my kids and husband will love it and il be the only one that wants to come back. On the other hand, I might love it and they might not. But if we dont try, we will always wonder what if and probably regret it in years to come. Sorry I havn't helped, but you are definatly not alone.
  2. Thank you all for replying, yes I am aware of the laws regarding children, but my husband insists if I'm unhappy we will come back. We have discussed it further and he is aware its a temporary visa and anything could happen, but then he has the company assuring him there's years of work and we must be commited to this move. When I mention my worries and all the what ifs, he just keeps saying I am being negative. I disagree, to me it would be stupid to do this without talking things through. I'm feeling a bit better about it today. Its happening and if it works out well great, if it doesn't we still have our home in uk. I think family will visit us, I certainly hope so!
  3. My husband has been offered a job in Perth, its something he has always wanted to do. I'm close to my family and have said no to emigrating for years, but in the last couple of months, I started to consider it, because iv heard great things about it from friends who have gone. So my husband started looking for work and got an offer pretty quickly. We have 3 young children under 7. The job includes visas and flights for us all. Its an amazing opportunity for my husband. But I feel like i'm only going for him. I am curious, because i've heard its a much better life for young families. Im looking at it as a 12 month trial period, then we will decide if we are staying. But my husband is so excited he would go tommorow and is unlikely to want to come home! We have discussed this and he says if I want to come back then we all will, at least we will have tried it. He will be on a 457 visa and we are not selling our house, going to rent it out. We have told family and nobody has been negative about it yet, but I cant help feeling i'm being selfish taking the kids away from grandparents. I know they will be devastated, we spend a lot of time with them. But if I don't give this a go my husband will be absolutely gutted. Any advice? Has anyone else been in this position?
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