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Everything posted by SusieQ

  1. Hi Lisa, I have much the same problem. Wanting to bring over some bits and pieces of mums....I have decided to go with DHL as this was the cheapest option I could find for the smaller amount of stuff I had. we haven't had any problems with DVD's from the UK working on our TV's here. She can't get the double allowance on luggage can she?? I know I couldn't when we emmigrated...Steve did but not me and the kids. Good luck. Sue
  2. Hi Marlo..I am in the process of moving back to SH because it is a great place to live. We have put an offer in on a house not far from you. It is a great family place to live...you ahve the golf club up the road that does great food, a shopping centre that has all that you need and loads of parks for your little ones to play in. There is a facebook page for Secret Harbour and if you belong to it...then there lies your problem There are a lot of negativity on the page and things are blown out of all proportion. I have lived in SH for 3 years and in madora Bay for 1 year but kids still at school in SH and honestly I very rarely see any of these problems. Honestly you will love it x
  3. again it looks like I am guilty of walking round with my head up my a+++!! We have been here 4 years and the language use is no worse than the UK really. As for hoons..they are everywhere and part of life I'm afraid. They like speed and they like screeching! As for bogans I am sure most people that use the term bogan have no idea what one really is! Haven't met an Aussie I don't like yet and they are friendly and welcome you with open arms...but if you slag of everything Australian of course they are going to get upset and quite rightly so!! I have been at a party with an Aussie friend and had to listen to a group of POMS be little everything Aussie and the language they used was pretty colourful. ​
  4. Hi Guys....most of you will know that I lost my 4 week old baby to SIDS back in April 2010 and SIDS and Kids WA helped me to still be here today. To repay them for the help they gave me and my family I fundraise of their behalf. We have raise $15,000+ now and would like to continue in memory of Jake. So for the 2nd year running I am going to be doing the 12KM City to Surf!! Please donate via the link...every little helps SIDS and Kids WA. Also it is 4 years today since we arrived here in Perth!!!!! ​ Many thanks xxx http://fundraisingcitytosurf.com.au/sue_yuill_3 ​
  5. my husband had a blade before he came out too. Sold it before we came. track days would be your best bet. As to speed limits....even the speed restrictions in the south east of England didn't stop my husband ramping up the speeds!! Honestly would not be happy if he got a motorbike here....too many prats on the road! ​
  6. I too had Dysons back in the Uk....but changed to a cheaper one and when we got here found them to be very expensive....so if you like your Dyson get another and bring with you...changing the plug isn't a big deal..............though I have just bought a Shark and OMG I love love love it!!!!!!
  7. When we came over there was alot of talk about candles and whether I could bring them or not, and because I make them I had alot of raw product I didn;t want to just throw away. i contacted the customs people direct and they were so helpful with what I could and couldn;t do. Here is the link http://www.customs.gov.au/
  8. I would agree with the other posters......children adapt and adapt quickly. Nurofen is the calpol equivalent..works just as well. I have found nothing that can't be replaced or bought here. And if you do fancy a treat most supermarkets have foreign sections. It won't be the same as UK but honestly is that what you want. The kids will be fine with the equivalents.....even the chocolate!!
  9. SusieQ

    School fees

    the easy answer to that is No. School fees are a cost that cannot be claimed. You may not necessarily get the education refund either, this amount is all dependent on salary's.
  10. I lived in Secret Harbour for 3 years and live now in Madora Bay 10 minutes away, but in the process of moving back. There is a small element of trouble but honestly nothing to worry about. There is an element also of some people creating mountains out of mole hills. you will love it there I am certain. Sue
  11. WOW Elfie..you going back for keeps! Good luck x
  12. Living the dream!! sorry there is more to coming to Australia than living the dream. be happy that you have 100K deposit and that as a nurse you will secure work quickly. We came with not a lot of money 4 years ago..housing slump in UK and paying debts left us with very little...rented since we have arrived, hubby been working away for 18 months now 4/1 roster and we have today been told he has no work now from Saturday..so he will get his bonus about $25K and this will be our deposit to finally buy our own house! he is 53 this year and I am 46 and we have 3 kids.....but you know what we wouldn't change where we live it may not be a dream life but its our life and we are pretty happy with it. Come with no expectations and you will not be disappointed. As goat said come expecting a dream life you will be disappointed. Good Luck Sue
  13. i was actually mindful of what my kids got this year...1 small bunny and 1 medium bunny and that was all. Some of the pictures of kids and their stash of eggs...10+ just seems ridiculous to me...glutany at its best this easter! of the line of the thread sorry!! I think its as we get older they seem smaller
  14. Wow FeeBee...wouldn't be a troll would you....you join PP today and 1st post is to a post that dates back to July last year...and then slate a lady who most of us have a great deal of respect for!! Oh by the way welcome!!
  15. Trouble with this it could go on forever!!! Those that live North will tell you North and those South will tell you South!! Me I am South, near Mandurah, so personally I say south....but we love going up north for visits
  16. We arrived at the end of April and my 10 year old started school 2 weeks later.....he left school 3 days before we left the UK, and that was only cos it was a weekend. We had a short term (6 week) rental and we were able to register him into the school in our catchment and just made sure we chose a rental within that catchment area. I wanted my kids to start school as early as they did because they needed to know that this wasn't a holiday and that it was for keeps and also so they could make friends quicker rather than stay at home moping about the UK.
  17. So to save any confusion why not just travel on the 1 passport.
  18. Our music teacher at school runs brownies at Warnbro....I will get some info for you and post it for you ok
  19. SusieQ

    Unhappy Teen

    Hi Ollie, I know there is only 5 weeks of school left...but maybe see if you can start now. We are still having kids start at ours....it hleps to make friends as you will have a long 6 week break. See if you can joing a swimming club maybe..good luck.....I know how you are feeling as my now 18year old found it hard at 14 years old. Perservere though and you wll enjoy it.
  20. just be careful....Kaliber have just laid of a little over 100 civil engineers in Perth and a friends husband, after 3 months of lots of applications, has only just got a start this week . He is Australian with many years of experience. He went for a drink with a few of the ex work collegues and it would seem only 3 have yet to gain employment. Now most of these jobs were linked to the Mining industries.....but just warning you it may not be as easy as you first think.
  21. Don't think it's been long Elfie... free delivery only till the 4th though x
  22. and until the 4th November it will be free delivery get ordering girls!!!!!!!!
  23. SusieQ


    My HUsband is due to apply for his in March next year...can you let us know how the process goes?? Cheeky I know
  24. SusieQ

    Pet insurance

    I am with Real Insurance Premium and optional extra.....its about $17.00 per fortnight. You can claim even for yearly jabs and teeth cleaning!! I decided to get this as in the UK we didn't and just had accident cover for our dogs, so when my bearded collie got cancer there was nothing I could do as the cost was horrendous! I think well worth it......dogs so easily can get ticks and that is not nice.
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