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Everything posted by SusieQ

  1. SusieQ

    eBay & PayPal

    Nope I had no problems either...same account just changed details. All with Australian details now.
  2. Hiya and Welcome as Cath said to an Old Newbie!!! So you are heading back to Perth........How was Esperance?? Looking forward to your next adventure Paul. x
  3. Some people claim back from employers if they come here on employer sponsor visas...but not sure you are able to claim back from ATO.
  4. Kelly, As everyone says a hard decision to make hun xx With very young children it is very daunting too....if you come keep some funds in a pot somewhere...it dissappears soo quickly, so if it doesn't work for any reason you can bolt back! We have had our ups and downs and sometimes still I wonder what if...but we have done what is right for us and stuck it out. Its not for all but as they say....just remind yourself why you applied all that time ago. Good luck Kelly and family. Sue xxx
  5. So Jealous Cath!!! Bridie Island....Australia Zoo...meeting up with some lovely ladies and best of all seeing your daughters!!!! Enjoy enjoy enoy......but please remember to come back!!! xxxxx
  6. A year has gone so quick!!! Such a positive person...So glad to have met you Cath xxx
  7. SusieQ


    Oh Sharon...I asked on Facebook if anyone wanted to go!! You obviously didn't see it...I am going tomorrow. SO looking forward to it not cheap at $115 but I hope it will be worth it. Maybe a group of us could get together for the next one and make an evening of it. Sue x
  8. Have today had the final count and I am just $12 short of $6000. So proud of this total. Already organizing for next year!!Thank you everyoneXxxxx
  9. This week i have been fundraising for SIDS and Kids and I am pleased to say that between Comet Bay Primary School and the Shopping Centre here in Secret Harbour and Jake's Doantion page I have managed to raise just over $5000!!! The P&C mums and Laney from PP all came along and gave up their time to help man the stall in Secret Harbour and the school helped lots too. Makes me proud to be here in Australia. So thanks you very much to everyone who helped/donated or spread the word. Many Thanks Sue xxxxxx and Jake xxxx
  10. Me I work at night!!! get paid $18 ish per hour filling shelves at the local supermarket....
  11. SusieQ


    Hello there Rach!! Secret Harbour is great isn't it! x
  12. Thanks Liz....sadly there are too many of us. xx
  13. Hey Rach...you are on my list!! Thanks for everything. Have now had to raise the total hoping to rasie..as hit our target yesterday!! in just 2 days!! Well Done everyone. Some names on the dontation list I do not recognise as they are "real" names!! so thank you to everyone. xxxx
  14. Name will be added to list of helpers Terri...thank you. Just looked at Jake's donation page..>$440 in just over 1 day...youare all so amazing..thank you xxxxx
  15. Thank you all of you for your kind words and messages of encouragement. I must say I wasn't on this site when I lost Jake just PIO, but the support I got then was amazing!!! Elaine..if you are serious then yes some help to collect money at the shopping centre would be great!! But only if you really do not mind. and Brides you are permanent markered in for next year....and Cath is already on the list of helpers!! Thank you all of you xxxx
  16. Thanks Cath....I will be needing help that week for sure, so yes please your help will be most welcomed. xx
  17. As some of you know, my 4 week old baby on the 8th April 2010 fell victim to SIDS. It is something that you think will never happen to you, but sadly on this occasion it happened to us. This was a life changing moment in my life and has a year on made me a much stronger person, with determination to help an organisation that helped me so much when I needed them. I will be honest and tell you without their help and support I probably would not be here today telling you this. I have decided to help by organising a WEAR IT RED day on 24th June at my children’s Primary School, Comet Bay Primary. I have also been given the go ahead to fund raise in the Secret Harbour Shopping Centre for that week, so from 21st June – 24th June. I have also set up a donation page for all those folk in other parts of Australia and also the World to help me raise as much as I can. the link for this is : http://www.rednosedayfundraising.com.au/sue_yuill I am not usually a person to ask anyone for anything but I didn’t think anyone would mind me starting this thread on here for such a good cause. It gives a meaning to Jake’s short and precious life. If you don’t want to donate that’s fine too...just getting the information about SIDS out to people and that it can happen to anyone is all I ask. I will putting this on both the Poms in Oz Forum and the PerthPoms Forum so you may see it twice...and if the mods do not think it appropriate to have it at all on the forum, I apologise and feel free to remove it..I hope you won’t though! Thank you for taking the time to read this. Sue xxxx
  18. Some down here this morning in Secret Harbour ER!! Doesn't happen very often....reminds me of Hop Picking mornings in England!! xx
  19. Somewhere over the Rainbow.....Eva Cassidy....my Dad loved this and her!! and also now Twinkle Twinkle little star...can't hear it withour a tear springing up. My 2 youngest always sung it to Jake while in my tummy and after...we had it at the funeral. xx
  20. Cath!!!!! Don't do it!!! They haven't turned up before for viewings before...don't go out of your way for them..just do your usual weekend clean. Enjoy the weekend all xxx
  21. Congratulations on your Visa grant......you must still be in shock after all this time. xxx
  22. Your welcome hun....and yes for sure to a coffee when you get here!! Plenty of soft play zones and indoor play centres for kids here as well as parks!! Good luck with the next stage of the planning. xxx
  23. Congratulations to Brides for getting her Visa today!!! Let the party begin. Well Done Brides Love Sue xxxx
  24. SusieQ

    What happens...

    and then you get to OZ and it is still all go too!!!! Still nooo sleep then either!!!
  25. Hi, My Husband was a ground worker in the UK, and when he got here he got employed with Georgiou. Ghey are large company...just not sure if they are as far down as Bunbury but they have mine work too. My hubby gor an excavator driver ticket and got a job as a driver after a while....he started as a drainers offsider. Look at their site...you can apply online..and they have mine work too. http://www.georgiou.com.au/ Not sure it will help but you never know. Sue
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