As some of you know, my 4 week old baby on the 8th April 2010 fell victim to SIDS. It is something that you think will never happen to you, but sadly on this occasion it happened to us.
This was a life changing moment in my life and has a year on made me a much stronger person, with determination to help an organisation that helped me so much when I needed them. I will be honest and tell you without their help and support I probably would not be here today telling you this.
I have decided to help by organising a WEAR IT RED day on 24th June at my children’s Primary School, Comet Bay Primary. I have also been given the go ahead to fund raise in the Secret Harbour Shopping Centre for that week, so from 21st June – 24th June.
I have also set up a donation page for all those folk in other parts of Australia and also the World to help me raise as much as I can.
the link for this is :
I am not usually a person to ask anyone for anything but I didn’t think anyone would mind me starting this thread on here for such a good cause.
It gives a meaning to Jake’s short and precious life. If you don’t want to donate that’s fine too...just getting the information about SIDS out to people and that it can happen to anyone is all I ask.
I will putting this on both the Poms in Oz Forum and the PerthPoms Forum so you may see it twice...and if the mods do not think it appropriate to have it at all on the forum, I apologise and feel free to remove it..I hope you won’t though!
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Sue xxxx