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Everything posted by Maxg

  1. I'm Scottish the other half is English there are plenty of Scots out here. Perth is a big place so the best option is to find some area you would like to live in then see who is around that area, we live in Currambine NOR.
  2. Hi andyplasterer, That's the thing without a job you will never gain WA experience! Having a look at the job section in paper today and there is only 2 jobs for plasterers so you can see that it's quite hard at the moment. The best way out here is if you get to know someone who is working in that trade then if they put a word in for you you may get a foot in the door. Only a few jobs for Carpenters, Electricians and Plumbers but Bricklayers wipe the board again with about 20 jobs advertised!
  3. Hi, I have been in Perth now for 11 weeks still with no work. I am a Site Manager and and have been for the last 15 years working with some of the top construction companies in the UK, I am a Carpenter by trade. I think with all the interviews I have had I am close to getting the right offer. Now I keep an eye on all the trades out here and listen to what is being said at interviews and most are in agreement that it is slow at the moment. If you look at carpenters and say lets take a standard house, they have no skirting boards, no window boards the Bricklayers fit the door frames, the cabinet makers usually fit the kitchens and the roofs are mostly stick built and they have roofing teams that are all set up and ready to do these. Basically that does not leave a lot of work for a Carpenter in the house! (just about forgot to say that you will also come across the phrase no WA experience) My advice would be very careful with what you choose if you have regular work in the UK then stick with that a bit longer as things are looking like they will get going out here nearer the end of the year, as most interviews I am at are saying that there is going to be a big push on the residential side and in a big way in apartments which is what I will be hopefully building. The trade at the moment that seems to be lots going on for are Bricklayers everyone seem to be advertising for them but again a single Bricklayer does not really get taken on he has to be part of a gang. The good point is that Perth is a lovely area to live and bring up children and there will be some people who come across and land a job very quickly but the will be a select few.
  4. Lack of WA experience is a easy way out for potential employers but I'm sorry to say that they all use it out here. One potential employer told me that they use that phrase a lot as they have had there fingers burned in the past. If you look at it from there point of view, you are new to WA the risk of you or your family not settling, not securing a house etc is a big problem for them so the take the easy route with someone who has been here a while, or as they put it with WA experience!
  5. Yes, a contract of employment will be fine, the contract will have to show what hours you do and what your hourly rate is. They will take into consideration the cost of a family 4 (if that's your family make up) to live out here and if you don't earn enough you won't get the finance. You will also need bank statements with a healthy balance and be able to put a third of the value of the car down as a deposit. We just got our car last week on finance and it takes a bit of work but it can be done.
  6. Everyone should listen and take note what Verystormy is saying. Don't fall into the trap of thinking employers over here are going to sponsor you, in most jobs there are more than enough people in Perth applying the jobs and they don't get a look in most of the time. Agents will tell you its all great out here but be sure of this its one hard job getting started and you need a lot of money.
  7. Maxg

    Cost of Emigrating

    Wait till you get there then. Im not saying that everyone is asking for 6 months up front, but the majority of owners are, as the rental market is that much in demand and they can ask what they want. Im on going by what my friends and family have said who live over there, and besides if someone came to you if you were renting out your house and offered you 6 months up front instead of someone who is only offering you 1 months rent, what would you do? I know what I would do.
  8. Maxg

    Cost of Emigrating

    I would say all in all it will cost with everything included about £15 - £20k. We are taking with us £140k, as we have sold the house. Be prepared though that rentals are very expensive and some are now not even considering looking at applicants unless they are willing to pay 6 months rent up front on top of the depost.
  9. HiCan you give me more info on your accomodation. We are coming over in August. Charlotte
  10. If you had police checks done, then you will need to get them back first before you can get your outcome. Once ours was all uploaded, it was literally 1 day for the co to allocate us the visa.
  11. We told my parents on Tuesday after putting it off and putting it off, and they were as you would have expected. Upset but they realise why we are doing it. The problem with us it that my mum and dad are getting on a bit and suffer bad health, so they basically said that they wouldnt be able to fly to come over and see the grandkids. What you have to realise is that you are doing this for a better qualitiy of life (hopefully) and for the children, and of course family and friends will be upset, but there is always skype and planes, but they should respect your decision.
  12. Hi. We used Visa Bureau and cant rate them high enough. They have been fantastic. From start to finish it has taken 10 months. We have just told our parents that we are emigrating and that the house is going on the market tomorrow. All being well we shall be over there by October. Good luck with your application.
  13. Hi. Know if might be a bit away, but we are moving SOR in October, and would be in similar situation as you. We are a family of 4 and I would be a stay at home mum for the first few months. Good to keep in contact. Charlotte[ QUOTE=chogger;29914]Hi We are moving to waikiki/safety bay area South Perth early April. I have 2 young children nearly 4 and 2. I am a stay at home mum and my husband works in Subiaco. Would love to meet up with Parents/families to make new friends in the area. Our Journey from the Uk has been difficult but we are now bk on track, we moved to Perth last May but came bk to the Uk after Christmas due to my health, although coming bk to Aus may be difficult its the only place we would want to bring up our 2 children, making friends would help us settle in!! If any one has young children nearish the same suburb or similar send me a message looking forward to meeting new friends. Christine x
  14. Hi I know iti s a pain in the butt. Cant understand why they need it when they have all this iformation already in previous forms. What stage are you at.[ Charlotte QUOTE=nicolac34;33126]Just finished our Form 80's for both me and my husband - took me ages! Be prepared to be exasperated by the level of details - every country you've visted in the last 10 years (including dates!) and all employment since leaving school and every address in the last 10 years. Took some time to work all that out as we've moved more than 10 times in the last 10 years and visited over 30 different countries! The other tricky bit for us was all the family detail - easy for me, parents still together and a brother & a sister. The OH's parents are divorsed & remarried and various step-siblings to contend with! He had no idea of maiden names and places of birth - lol!
  15. Just thought would share with you all our good news. We got allocated our case officer today which only took 13 days and are now waiting to do medicals and police checks. Hooray.The only thing that she has asked us to do is to fill in a Form 80. Has anybody else had to do this?Charlotte
  16. Just thought would share with you all our good news. We got allocated our case officer today which only took 13 days and are now just going to do medicals and police checks. The only thing that they have asked us to do is to fill in a form 80. Has anybody else had to fill in one of these. Charlotte
  17. Hey. We are a family of 4 myself Charlotte 35, Stuart 39, Eve 6 and Max 2. We are moving over in October, so no it sounds like a long way a way, but will like to stay in contact and meet up with people or families that are in the same boat.
  18. I feel for you, I really do as I do not like flying either, but I have 2 kids now so that helps me take my mind of things.Silly question I know, but if you are that scared of flying why are you going to the other side of the world. Lol
  19. HiDont know if you remember, but we spoke last year. You guys are from Otley and we live in Bradford. Well done on getting your visa. When do you plan on going? Charlotte
  20. We are a family of 4 myself Charlotte 35, Stuart 39, Eve 6 and Max 2, and we will hopefully be over by October if all goes to plan. Would be great to stay in touch even if you are already over there, as it is really daunting when you dont know anyone.
  21. Good luck with today, hope everything goes ok. I will pm you my facebook details so you can add me and then that way we can stay in touch. Charlotte
  22. Really? Thats interesting to know, as it was our agent that told us that they go by the name of Building Associate or Project Builder.
  23. HeyMy hubby is a Site Manager for a House Builder. What about yours? Hopefully I wont be working for the 1st year, but you never now. All depends on salary of hubbys job. In an ideal world, I wouldnt be working, but if I did then I would be looking at part time. My background is recruitment, but I am also a secretary and an administrator. So should be able to find a job without too much trouble.Are you on fb?We are based in West Yorkshire. Charlotte
  24. Hi Bek& AntoMy oh career is a site manager for a house builder, known in Australia as a Building Associate or Project Builder.
  25. Hi Yes does seem that we have things in common. Yes great name, not my choice though it was my oh. Are you in New Zealand at the moment then or London? Must be hard for you if your having to move on your own with the kids whilst the hubby is already there. We havent really decided on areas to be honest, but like the look of Duncraig, Carine, Greenwood, Kingsley & Woodvale. Would really like to live in Hilarys, but dont think we could afford that. lol. Do you plan to work when you get there? Charlotte
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