Hi Donna,
We've been here 3 years now but I've only recently joined PerthPoms. I've met some great people already and look forward to getting together with other families.
When suits you to meet up?
I work full time so evenings and weekends are good for me.
See you soon
Hi Shelly,
some of us are arranging a family get together for in the next few weeks and hope you'll be able to come along
ill let you know details when arrangements have been made
Hi. We live in Mount Pleasant 5 min drive away from you and stayed in Bateman when we first arrived in Australia. Our daughter (15) goes to Corpus Christi. We are looking to make new friends in the area
we enjoy going to the beach and river, bbqs and general outdoor life
Hi Boo.
i live in Mount Pleasant which is on the other side of the highway to Applecross. What a beautiful area to be moving to
im 42, hubby 46 and daughter 15. Let me know if you need anything )
Hi. We live in Mount Pleasant so not too far away from you. Where does everyone meet up? We would love to join you and also the night out sounds great )
Hi what exciting times ahead for you
Those first few weeks will be busy but best to just make a list then spread it over a couple of weeks that's what we did so not to get highly stressed.
Tea was a priority for me also most of it is bad here I find so I stick to Twinings you can't go wrong!!
When looking for work my husband found he had to change the format of his CV. It shouldn't make a difference but it did and its worked well for him. I guess it also depends on the line of work.
We are in Mount Pleasant and you wanted to meet up at all
i look forward to hearing about your weeks ahead
Hi, we've been living here for 3 years now but I agree with you that when children are older its more difficult to make new friends. We have 2 children 15 and 27 and like you our eldest decided to stay in the uk
We live 10 mins from the city. Have you decided where to settle yet?
look forward to hearing from you
Hi, I'm Amanda I'm 42 and hubby 46 living 10 mins south. Our daughter is 15. We go down to the riverside on Applecross during the weekend in the summer time for fun on kayaks, BBQ and beer would begun to meet other families with similar interests