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Everything posted by mech_32

  1. Can anyone tell how long it will take for the review to be completed for restricted occupations. WA has marked mechanical engineer(233512) as "restricted" on 20.11.2013. http://www.migration.wa.gov.au/skilledmigration/Pages/LatestNews.aspx They also said that no invitation will be sent to the applicants having restricted occupation until the review is completed. Is there any probability of closing the occupation "Mechanical Engineer" completely?
  2. Hello! Any Mechanical Engineer (233512) got 190 invitation from western australia on 14 Nov, 2013? Please let me know your points and IELTS score. I've been waiting over a month for invitation. Thanks.
  3. Hello sunflower, Hope u will get your sponsorship very soon. I heard that it takes about 2 weeks to get the sponsorship approved. But I m still waiting in the EOI pool to get picked by WA. Feeling like an orphan fish
  4. Hi chester, Its really disappointing to get off-listed all of a sudden. But my occupation is still available in the occupation list published on 28th october,2013. I am using an agent certified by MARA. Thanks
  5. Hello, Can anyone tell me how long it will take to get invitation from WA. I submitted EOI (190-WA preferred state) on 9th october,2013 but didnt get invitation untill 23rd oct,2013. So my migration agent submitted another EOI on 24th oct,2013. But unfortunately I havent received my invitation as of now. My agent now says that WA is not sending invitation for state nomination currently. Is it true? Can anyone give me any suggestion: My breakdown of points: Occupation: Mechanical Engineer (233512);Assessment completed by Engineers Australia. Age: 27>30 points Education: 15 points Experience: 5 years> 10 points IELTS: 6.5 (L-7.5, R-6.0, W-6.0, S-7.0)> 0 points WASS: 05 points. TOTAL: 60 points. What should I do now? Should I retake IELTS? Can I try for SS in a different state? I m very much worried about it. Thanks
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