Hello, Can anyone tell me how long it will take to get invitation from WA.
I submitted EOI (190-WA preferred state) on 9th october,2013 but didnt get invitation untill 23rd oct,2013. So my migration agent submitted another EOI on 24th oct,2013.
But unfortunately I havent received my invitation as of now. My agent now says that WA is not sending invitation for state nomination currently. Is it true? Can anyone give me any suggestion:
My breakdown of points:
Occupation: Mechanical Engineer (233512);Assessment completed by Engineers Australia.
Age: 27>30 points
Education: 15 points
Experience: 5 years> 10 points
IELTS: 6.5 (L-7.5, R-6.0, W-6.0, S-7.0)> 0 points
WASS: 05 points.
TOTAL: 60 points.
What should I do now? Should I retake IELTS? Can I try for SS in a different state? I m very much worried about it.