My husband is a carpenter and has an nvq level 3. From what I've read on the Vetassess and Victoria University (both authorised by TRA to carry out a skill assessment for a carpenter), along with the immi website it isn't just down to what nvq you have but also how long you can prove you've been doing the job. There are certain occupations where if you can show you have been doing the job for an extended period of time then a qualification isn't required for the skill assessment to be successful - this is worth looking into.
There is also the question of whether you need the points in your visa application for a qualification?? Do you have a relevant nvq at the moment?
If your situation isn't straight forward I would recommend getting at least some initial advice from a migration agent. I did and found it really useful even though we've decided to go through the process on out own. Go Matilda always seem to come highly recommended and gave me a free initial advice call.
From looking on seek.com.au advertised jobs seem to attract around $35 p/hr but we're not there yet so I'm not sure whether this is a true reflection.
Good luck!