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  1. Just be patient , you should get the invite soon
  2. It was Available, not on schedule 2. I made an EOI and got the invitation to apply for SS. I applied on November 21st, and on December the 10th, WA made my occupation restricted. Nevertheless, I received positive SS on December the 18th, and got the invitation to apply for a visa on Monday, 23rd. Good luck.
  3. I do hope that we will get the invite tomorrow or on Tuesday, before Christmas
  4. Thanks, but I am in a real hurry, my VIC SS expires on January the 3rd, and if I am not invited until then ( it is Christmas, nobody will work until 4th January ), I will have to make another EOI and send the number to VIC, and give up Perth ! So close, but so far ! I am pregnant , the baby is due in May, we will come when immigration tells us a deadline. How much time did you get for initial entry ?
  5. nikkwid How long did you wait for the invite ? I sent the signed agreement on Tuesday ( two days ago ) and nothing yet.
  6. Fingers crossed for you. I know the feeling Every morning when I open my eyes I check my e-mail via mobile to see if I have some good news.
  7. I think there was an option to attach job offer when I filled in my application, not sure. WA team is slowing invites in the past 2 months, I have seen a lot of people are still waiting. Then just be patient. I am confident that they will deal with all uninvited cases before they go on holiday.
  8. siddharth Contact WA, and ask them where should you attach the job offer. Tell them that you have been waiting for a long time, and ask them when to expect the invite. Good luck.
  9. nikkwid I didn`t submit visa application, I submitted WA SS application, on 21st November and now I am waiting...
  10. nikkwid Imagine, Translator became restricted, but luckily it doesn`t affect my application, because I have already submitted my application, but no new invites for this occupations. Now I am waiting, hope everything will be done before Christmas.
  11. No, it is the number you have received after you have submitted your application for WA SS. You have received it in an e-mail, where they have confirmed that they have received your application. It should be like this Application Reference Number: NOM-XXXX-XXXX .
  12. You should have heard something by now. If you don`t hear anything tomorrow, then call them, and give them your reference number. A lot of people who applied at the end of October and beginning of November, got their contracts this Tuesday, so they must have misplaced your file somewhere . I am waiting as well, applied on November the 21st, hope to get the contract next week.
  13. Since you haven`t got the initial contact and the link to apply for WA SS, and you have been waiting for a long time, I suggest you send them an e-mail. That is what I did. As soon as I made an EOI, I have contacted WA and asked for their processing times when EOIs are concerned. Maybe there is a mistake with your EOI, they can`t see it, or who knows what. Good luck.
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