I'm currently in the UK, but have a job interview next week for an organisation in Perth, which I'm feeling fairly confident about. The job is great and it would be getting to do very interesting things that would be a lot harder for me to access in the UK and Perth looks to be a great place. It's a 2 year position and they will sponsor on a 457 visa.
When I applied for the position my wife quite liked the concept of going to Perth for 2 years, but now they've shown more of an interest she's got some serious reservations. Currently we have a good life in London, own our own house and earn about £75k between us. My plan with this was to ask my current employer for a career break, which my manager has said could be OK for me, and to rent our house out.
The job in Perth is likely to be $90k-$100k and she's worried that won't be enough to support 2 people if she can't find work. From my calculations I think we'd probably be OK if she picked up some part time work. She has lots of experience in project management and general admin. In case she couldn't find work would we both be able to survive comfortably on 90-100k?
However the thing that's freaking her out the most is that we're currently trying to start a family, and the extra cost and lack of support network if she was to get pregnant when we're in Perth might be too much for her. I imagine that we wouldn't get any additional support on a 457 visa. Has anyone had experience of starting a family when they've just arrived?
My feeling is that it is only 2 years and we can see what happens, but this idea seems to be giving her massive concerns.