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  1. They really should be more selective with the occupations they put on that list, it just gave me hope... I don't know about other occupations, but in IT, employers look for people when they need them, not 6 months before. What you say about jobs not in demand is not always true; Network and systems engineer is on the wasmol, but Network Analyst is off-list, where the latter one is for more complex from a technical perspective. And in this world (of IT), employers are always looking for the more experienced engineers But anyhow, I should have gotten skills assessed as Network and systems engineer, instead of trying to get the best match to what I actually do. That way I wouldn't have been in this mess. Thanks for the clarification though, hope you understand the frustration. Only option left now is applying for SA.
  2. Hi all, who can tell me what the trick is to obtain a job offer while not residing in Oz? Seems to me that all "off-list" positions are rather useless for obtaining the 190 visa... All online ads require "the candidate to have a valid working visa to be considered" What an I missing here? I have emailed the WA migration department regarding this topic, but did not receive an answer yet. Thanks
  3. Nikkiwd, My occupation is on the WASMOL schedule 2, but until recently it looked as if the job offer was optional. Now that it has become a requirement, I realize this is the end of the road for me. How can one obtain a job offer before getting there? That is sort of impossible... All job offers I find online are marked with "only candidates with valid working visa will be considered". So seems I am stuck in a loop... No visa, no job offer but no job offer, no visa... Can't believe it, 8 years experience in IT and still not able to get a visa, this hurts badly.
  4. Still nothing on my side. On the WA migration website they still indicate 30 days waiting time... Hang in there! They could post something on their website if they have unusual delays... At least we would know what to expect.
  5. Current EOI processing times for WA is +-30 days... Patience is required
  6. Anyone else submitted EOI around 11/11 ? 3 weeks later, still no response and received nothing but a communication regarding upcoming maintenance. This is becoming more than just nerve wrecking...
  7. OK, that makes perfect sense. Now it's just nail biting a little more! I check the EOI status like 3-4 times a day Thanks
  8. Hi all, I submitted EOI for V190 on 11/11 and status is still "submitted" to this day. Will the status first change to "received" or similar as soon as someone is handling the EOI? .. Also, is it possible that invite will follow straight away, or is there always extra documentation to obtain SS first (the questionnaire that proves you did your research etc)? Thanks
  9. Thanks for that, but I'm somehow not 100% reassured. After all, it says on site: ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLICANTS WHO RESIDE OUTSIDE WESTERN AUSTRALIA Source: http://www.migration.wa.gov.au/SiteCollectionDocuments/120912%20UPDATED%20state_sponsorship_criteria_2012_2013.pdf
  10. Hi all 1 of the Criteria for applicants living outside (West) Australia for state sponsorship in WA: ■ Have an offer of employment for 12 months in Western Australia in nominated or closely related occupation. A few questions: - How is one supposed to get a job offer if not yet on location? (pls don't tell me through video interviews... ) - Is this a new rule or.. ? Any info is welcome Thank you Christophe
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