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About Kermit

  • Birthday 21/09/1979

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Cool, thanks guys appreciate your comments... May give free view a go like you said Elfie and go from there
  2. Hi, we have just secured our first rental in Applecross and just looking into internet and Tv...lots of mixed reviews on here but can't find any recent comments so thought I'd ask the question....I think we have chosen to go for Vivid wireless unlimited for $79 a month but not sure whether it's worth getting cable or digital tv? not really interested in sports we don't have any little ones so would just be movies and discovery channels, series etc ..... what do people reccomend? thanks in advance
  3. Thanks Nick, that's really good to know...we took a look at a few properties around the city beach area and love the location...beautiful dog walking beaches and the gardens seem a little bigger. The search continues....
  4. Hey guys, We arrived in sunny Perth on Friday and are loving the sunshine and friendliness of the place. We are staying in a short term holiday let for 4 weeks in Secret Harbour which we love....split level property with Ocean views (if you squint!) ... My husband works overseas returning for 4 weeks in every 8 so our focus on areas to live depends on my job.....I got offered a position in Melville yesterday and was super excited until we started to look at the properties to rent, they all have limited outside space.....we don't want acres but we have two large dogs and I love having an outside area with grass and trees to chill in, we arnt even fussed if it doesn't have a pool....our budget can stretch to £1,000 a week but even with that we are struggling.,I'm also happy to commute at least 30mins we don't need to be near schools. Has anyone else found this? In time we will want to buy but I can't bring myself to settle on a small concrete square with a patch of grass where your neighbours are in touching distance....please someone tell me I'm not on my own in thinking this way? X
  5. Slightly off topic but does anyone have a good trustworthy dog walker SOR...unsure of area exactly we will be but thought I'd put it out there...?
  6. We struggle with the same problem here in the UK...being a veterinary nurse I have made it my mission to try and educate owners on dog walking etiquette. We are due to move to Secret Harbour area in Feburary and my mission will continue. There is something the UK is slowly being adopted called the the traffic light system....might be worth a try? I feel your pain and frustration.
  7. Thanks for claryifying! Can I ask who did end up being the best? looks like I may be a bit stuck if no one other than Petplan will insure my dogs...? X
  8. Hi there, I have the IELTs 8 book with 2 audio CDs brand new....really helped me pass would be happy to send on to you. If you want to PM me your address. I know how frustrating it can be when it means so much x
  9. Thanks Rossmoyne and everyone else that replied. By "they totally bag petplan" do you mean they came out on top? Sorry maybe being a bit slow but never heard that saying before!
  10. Hi there, I was wondering if anyone could help, we are due to fly out in February so trying to organise as much as possible now. I've got to two dogs - Joey 8 & Tilly 10. I've contacted Petplan who I have been told is the best insurance company and they have advised they can only offer a 12 month policy due to their age, which means I cannot claim for anything that has already been claimed in the 12 months for the following years....currently they are on a lifetime policy. Has as anyone found an insurance company that offers lifetime policy cover or recommend one that I could try? If anyone has any questions about anything else regarding pets, I'm a veterinary nurse and have done extensive research in most things so am happy to help, just getting stumped on insurance! thanks in advance x
  11. We are not a 100% sure, it all really depends on my job but can't make contact until we know when we are arriving....we have no children so don't need to be located near schools etc...we would prefer a more rural location as we have two large dogs so would love a little bit of land. Looking at a recent post on here the rental market is looking much better than a few months ago so fingers crossed we won't have any problems finding a place.....then look at hopefully buying / building our own place. How about you?
  12. Hi Arvind, Welcome to the forum, myself and my husband should be moving around that time...hopefully booking flights in the next few weeks. x
  13. Yippeee....our agent has just forwarded our application to finally get our application in.....frustratingly though, skill select only just notified the agents but apparently the visa application has been sat there since the 14th May. All those days worrying that something had gone wrong because they were taking so long and it was sat there. Honestly though, I am just happy the next stage is in progress.!!
  14. I cant comment about Concept but we are coming towards the end of the process with Go Matilda and they have been really helpful.!
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