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Everything posted by Roadhouse

  1. Indicators on the right????? (How many others had the cleanest windscreen in the street as it was wiped down at every turn!!) and what's going on with the red end bananas???
  2. absolute nightmare !! what an awful time for them. I hope they are ok and don't get them selves down about it. I know I'd be stressed to bits!!!!! ( and you for the wait) x
  3. Emsyem, time will fly for you,really. we could not believe how quick the last month went. Not sure if you are emotional yet as I wasn't until the second last day, then it really hit and was so bad I had doubts. But that has disappeared since arriving , I know not forever but it's at bay at the moment and we are enjoying it. i really hope you enjoy your last month in the uk and be great when you get here xx
  4. Ok will hunt that out thanks. Got a rental car until a week past then but looking at a car next week to buy so should be fine. Look forward to that x
  5. Oh right. Glad you mentioned it. where about exactly ? I'm assuming its a big place lol. Or are specifics to follow xx
  6. Oh just seen this huni, hope you get thus sorted, not fair eh. Hope you ok x
  7. Thanks deb, it's been nice tonight to get back on here and catch up as we have been so busy lately. so u are pretty close as we'll then. Can't wait to see down there tomorrow . And yes will see you on the meet up, there isn't already a date for that is there?? I don't think I've herd yet x
  8. Thanks for the tip Lou, we have just had an email off funkft too and they are joining us. They are actually in Waikiki . We still have to check out down there too as school sounds great and also looks some very nice rentals. Oh and would like to join u for some of them Vinos Lou ! We will have to round up some of the girls eh. that would be brilliant if you could ask your BIL thanks for that. Xxxx
  9. Hi guys, we are here at last, after a long flight and a rainy arrival we were very worse for ware once we got dropped off at our rental in baldivis(which was freeeeeeeezing).But after a good nights sleep and breakfast we were ready to explore!! And wow didn't we just love the new place we now can call home! our first morning we visited baldivis shopping mall,sorted our phones, internet, and collected our bank cards. Done a huge food shop which was surprising cheaper than we thought, and of course visited the liquor store to stock up on the wine:wink:, only because I now need to find my fav oz wine so will have to try a lot heehee. Today we visited some of the local parks which were just brilliant.spoke to a lot of mums there and everyone so very nice. Owen even made a few friends. But Katie's age children were all at school, but sure she enjoyed playing mum to all the kindly kids. we done a few drive by's on rental property's which I must say didn't enjoy too much as the ones I had loved on screen were either next to a very busy road or not as expected, but saw some amazing houses and Also some other houses we were interested in. Viewing one Monday. lee has a second interview on Tuesday which we have all fingers and toes crossed for. tomorrow we are visiting rockingham as kids busting to see the beach. And looking at houses on the way and back too . When we were in Manchester airport on the day we left, we chatted to funkft who were also flying to oz on our flight.it was great to meet them and the kids got on instantly, I fact our two boys of the same age were holding hands at every touch down stop. So we have plans to meet in the week,which we are looking forward to. we have still got Medicare ,driving license and school visits on the top of our lists for this week and do feel like we are getting some where. We are also really wanting to settle the kids into clubs soon to. We found a great tennis club for my oldest which I can't wait to take her, but unsure about where to go for Owen. He is really interested in football. But only 4 so not sure if oz like uk and starts them off at 5 or if there is a younger club.will have to do some searching. pleased to hear @showsidedeb arrived safely too and can't wait for the catch up in the paaaaark on 19th October with @beandownunder and others. And also the next pp meet up with @Lou8670 will get back to you guys with more soon. Hope everyone ok as haven't been able to keep up with threads lately, bbyeeee x
  10. Wel I must say our Christmas has been fab!!!!!! All the family, food and drinks and happy times, no real hard crying till last 10 mins. So, ready to go to bed now ( even tho there is no way I'll be able to sleep) and it will all be here in the morning, what we have been planning for nearly 18 months and thinking about for 4 years!!! The kids will be ticking off the chart '1 more sleep' tomorrow and no more countdowns. We will not be alone on this journey as you @funkft will be the same right now and also @Sideshowdeb is not far behind us, can't wait for our meet ups and will be informing the meetings co-ordinator @Lou8670 to get planning once we get there heehee xx
  11. Only one full day left in the uk now and I know it will be an emotional one. we are having a pretend Christmas dinner with the family and doing a secret Santa too Crazy I know but won't be joining them at Christmas for a little while so will be nice to have the full turkey doo and drinks as a send off :-). we are staying a night down Manchester so we can hopefully clear our heads of emotions and look forward to our long exciting journey the next morning.( one in which I'm not at all looking forward too, especially with all the awful tragedies lately it fears the life out of me) I don't like flying to start with so now I'm pretty much having panic attacks thinking about this. Anyway,got all packed and locked today and that is one big stress done. So, bring on the Xmas lunch and party games and then perth here we come ,yey see you soon perth pommies x
  12. Lol good reason to opt out I suppose !
  13. Packing!!! If you'd like to pop all the way over :-)
  14. @DomDom75 learn something new everyday We are all guna be doing this now haha
  15. Sorry to hear this deb :-( hope you are ok and wish I could send you a hug through here too x
  16. Yak, im sure that was added to the random cocktails last night, but thanks xx
  17. Thanks !! Been drinking LOTS of water today and much better! However the hairy lemon drink haven't herd of! Wud have def give it a go tho the way I was feeling before:laugh:
  18. Just recovering off another goodbye BBQ. Any remedies please?
  19. i no what you mean about the numb feeling at the moment. A lot of my friends and family are getting upset and I feel like you say 'numb' this is not me at all and like you expected too,to be sitting being an emotional wreck. It's just not happening. I also feel so excited it seems to be deleting my emotions and I feel awful about it. Don't get me wrong ,the morning we wave my family off at the door I'm sure will be the worst thing ever but as for the minute, I'm fine. Ready for this and waiting. think we are in holiday mode deb, and think it won't hit us until we are out there and it sinks in we have left everyone, but, that's what we are doing and we will come to terms with it.the lifestyle for our family as a whole will well outweigh everything. hope everything is going good for you, not long now for us xxx
  20. Ohhh will be over there then and hopefully all settled in by then, 19th oct-its a date!! Xx (I'm sure we could get around the alcohol some how, cheeky baileys in our coffee cups, slash of voddy in our coke bottles:laugh:, sure used to get away with it in my teen years haha)
  21. It's definitely worth traveling for jo. Do different seminars throughout the day on different topics. Very interesting, and kids loved the free sweets off every stall
  22. wow, you are all booking today:laugh: are you having One big booking party? Congratulations, start the countdown x
  23. Yeyyyyy! Not long till yous are on your way!!! Xx
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