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Everything posted by Roadhouse

  1. really hope your visa comes for you both, you don't need to go through all that again, fingers and toes crossed :-) x
  2. oh my bloody gosh!!!!!!
  3. wow what fab pics, getting me soooooooooo excited!!!! Xx
  4. Hahaha very true We will have to wear a red neck scarf or something heehee x
  5. we are also traveling straight through. 2 hours at Singapore, not enough time really but we just want to get there, can always stay another time. thats great I'm sure we will see each other and also have to keep an eye out for Lou's posts on here as she is brilliant at sorting get togethes out for us newbies with other pp family's. I hope your flight is nice and smooth :-) lol, I'm not a good flyer.kids are better than me. yes it's all go, and all think!!!, I can't sleep at all on a night and so tired to do things during the day. hope you last minute bits are going well xxx
  6. Also as a hairdresser myself,I hate others blow drying my hair. But Must admit-most prefer huge hair lately than flat, but lion mane is def not a good look eh X
  7. Just a bit of advice on the 'updating the visa with your new passport numbers'- you might know but we didn't, I tells you to send new info to Austrailias visa dept in perth but I fact you need to send this to a London branch that deals with it very fast and get paper work back to you very quickly. Also if you have already registered passport details with your airline, you need to take passports in to be changed. Good luck with all your paperwork!! oh and pps have been fantastic with us,really professional and helped a lot.x
  8. Roadhouse


    Ohhhh, Bailey is just the cutest!!!
  9. Thats reassuring for my daughter who desperately wants her room pink like uk :-), x
  10. What a relief deb!! Well done. You've done it ,it will all get better from now for you and your hubs. Xx
  11. Thats what my bag is full of!! Galaxy extra smooth ummmmmm ,And kids with cadburys chocolate fingers lol. I'll share on that coffee meet up Lou X
  12. I don't actually 'like' what your saying, just totally agree. We would look in to buying also for the same reason but the whole point in renting is to get a good feel for the area before buying a permanent family home. So all round it's STUPID, I guess now I'm also guna be house hunting for good paint colours as well as location ect x
  13. OMG hate hate hate this info!!!!!! I did not know at all this was the case :-((( im very much a feature wall, scatter pictures and floating units type of person ect ect and now bare?? Not good for me to adapt to BOOHOO!!
  14. That will be right near us then with us having a holiday let in baldivis for the first 6 weeks is your flight the morning one 9.10? so you have kids then, or a teacher :-) (brave if you are), how old are your children. We are really impressed with the schools we have looked in to. Be nice to see around and have a feel with what is best. Have you work? joanne x
  15. This is a brilliant post, I really thought choc over there wasn't worth eating but you lot seem quite happy with a lot so that's good news to my ears , I'm still bringing a lot !!! X
  16. wow, I'll be coming at that price. Great for shopping!!!!! Other than home to the uk we would like to holiday there also x
  17. Wow are you really, we fly with Singapore airlines, you? your the first other than ourselves I've heard on here flying from Manchester , around our timing anyway . Where about's will you be going x
  18. Hi lou, yes I've been reading your posts and a lot of them making me very excited and just love your arriving picture,one of the best I've seen. that would be fantastic to meet up. Really need to make friends as I'm sure that's what keeps you going when you have just left all your family and friends in the uk, a bit support and being next to people in the same situation must help a lot. A date for mums must be organised to :-) , a bit wine and really get to know them eh X joanne
  19. Ohh no, nightmare. We told everyone from day one we did not want send offs but your right,what can you do in that situation. Just hope the kids don't get too emotional for the long journey ahead. are you looking private or public schools? Just I know they are very strict with catchment area so hope the schools they like are close to your home. We are SOR too. Holiday let in baldivis and really like the look of there but options kept open to hunt around rockingham / mandura area. i no exactly the sleepless nights you are experiencing, I'm worrying about all sorts ,and the most ridiculous things too that are matter less :-). But I'm assuring myself it's normal - oh and I hope you mother in law don't see this sight or she will be cancelling that hotel pronto and big huffs, heehee X
  20. You have to contact your airline direct, or your travel agent will do this for you if you wish. They will send you a standard form to explain as long as you have a clear pr visa you will be granted this extra allowance automatically at the airport. We printed this form addressed to us just incase we had a problem checking in :-)
  21. Our container left a few weeks ago and we ended up putting a lot of our extra clothes in that too, the price ya pay for the container you might as well fill it right up :-). Plus you won't wait as long for your clothes coming if you do that rather than posting it could take a few extra weeks. hope you sort things!!
  22. Hi, very exciting to say its within the month isn't it. Where about's in perth are you going? I actually got my countdown wrong,I'm a day ahead of myself.we don't fly until the 29th so 28 more sleeps not 27 :-D, so a day in front of you and your family. We are traveling to Manchester to fly as thought a big send off from friends and family would kill us, so a nights sleep away will hopefully ease the pain and start our adventure the next day with a fresh start. Where are you flying from? joanne x
  23. hi, 27 days in counting for us!!! We are heading for baldivis, can't wait!! It comes around quick eh. 2 kids n the hubby breaking up soon but I've already broke up from work and waiting :-) good luck, mite see you around if u decide to travel as far house hunting x
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