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Everything posted by Mlupz

  1. Where in bayswater but my partner works in scarbourgh. I'm going to organise a meet up next week as we are pritty busy this weekend. Il keep you posted leany roll on summer!
  2. Hi, me and my fiancé have been in perth almost 2years. Originally from South London. Where abts are you living in perth? Mark
  3. That's ok will arrange a meet up for next week too.
  4. Hey guys, any couples want to meet up for a drink in swan valley tomorrow. We're both going anyway so more the merrier. Details to come. Mark and Laura 30and27 originally from South London.
  5. Ok, I'll get her to look again when she's back tonight. Gillespie cheers Liam
  6. Dave, Enjoy Margaret river, it's a good one!! Neil Mc cloud does a nice wine tour!
  7. Alright Adam, Essex is kool, my mrs luvs watching the only way!lol I'm originally from Walthamstow then moved south near Wimbledon wen I was young. Mrs was a sutton girl! Can't meet up this weekend but were both free next Friday Maby?? Liam, There's loads of Carly Scott's on Facebook! Which one? Laura struggled to find her lol Any of you lot on Instergram? Mark and Laura
  8. Bunburys much better choice!
  9. Dorking was quality, used to meet up wiv the boyz at Rikers! Nice pub on the A25 call The Manor.
  10. We live in Bassendean near Bayswater, cheeky bev next weekend sounds good. Ye I'm not on face book either but the mrs is, I'll get laura to send a message. Speak soon Liam. Mark
  11. Ye sounds good to us, we've been here over a year now and settled in nicely. Where abouts you living?
  12. Kool, I got family in redhill! once we get a few replies will organise a meet up I guess? Nice to hear from you anyway. Mark. good luck starting out:)
  13. Hi people, me and my fiancé have been in perth for over a year now. Really enjoying our time here. We are both PR. Moved over from South London Sutton/Morden. I'm originally from East London! Wer in our late 20s and liv east of perth. Is there any cockney poms about?! We have struggled to meet anyone from where we were from. Lots of Scottish and Irish which his all good but no old school Londoners as of yet? )
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