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  1. Have you all settled in Perth? Did you secure a job before you went or was it a matter of handing out cv's once you arrived?
  2. Hi Jen! Thankyou very much for your reply, it's great that you finally made a decision to go for it, you've got more guts than me!! Have you managed to secure a job before going? I agree with you that kids over here are glued to their screens, there's so much opportunity for them in Australia. I think we would spend more quality time as a family out there. It's a tough decision isn't it? I think I need to be braver and go for it(easy said than done) My sister emigrated to Adelaide 8yrs ago,they have struggled until now, but they are happy and have a fantastic lifestyle. Keep me posted on how you get on and best of luck x
  3. Hello all! It's been nearly 18 months since I was last on Perth poms. Time flies!!! I'm still wondering if I should just be brave and give it a go! Last time I felt we couldn't leave my family and losing everything we had back home until we gad a lovely summer holiday in the sun and seeing my kids so happy to be outdoors and engaging in activities it made me wonder if life in Oz would/could be on the cards?? My husband has since gone back to work as an electrician and I was wondering if electrical work is in demmand and how difficult would it be to seek work for my self as a medical administrator? Thankyou ?
  4. Hi verystormy! Thankyou for the advice, greatly appreciated.
  5. Welcome to perth poms!!! Were in the same situation and looking to move in about 2 yrs, thinking about joondalup area, but still not sure! We have three kids aged 12,7 and 4 I have family in Adelaide SA but were hoping to settle in perth as there's more construction work there for my husband (i think) but my job isn't on the sol list:sad: Good luck with your adventure!
  6. Hi all! Has anyone moved to perth with only one member of family's occupation on the sol list? How difficult is it to apply for work when your out there? If there's any pharmacy dispensers out there in perth i would be very grateful for any info/advice or anyone that could help me!!!!!! Any builders out there???? My husband would really appreciate some advice. Many thanks
  7. Hi verystormy!!! Project builder is on the list (vetassess) does that mean we would have to get sponsership first?
  8. Hi all, my wife is a pharmacy dispenser (NVQ qualified) and has 5 yrs experience,I'm a builder with plenty of experience but our jobs are not listed on the sol list. Are there many jobs in perth(joondalup) area as a pharmacy dispenser??? Does anyone else have the same problem with their work not being on the sol list?? Any suggestions on what should we do? Is sponsorship our option? Do we ever have a slight chance of even considering emigrating??
  9. That post made me laugh!!!!! The only problem is that im not a qualified bricklayer!!! Even though it's part of my job!!! I've got nothing on paper.
  10. Hi all, Does anyone know if it's easy to find work as a builder in perth? Do you have to have a special license for this? Thanks
  11. Hello all, i haven't been on this site in ages!! Basically I'm still wondering if I should make the move?? We were left disappointed when we went to the seminar in Birmingham, my OH would be the main applicant but we were left devastated when they told us he would have to be sponsored, our plans were left on hold, we spoke with an agency and according to them my OH would find a job sraight away ( i found that a load of b*****s!) He's a wall and floor tiller, since july 2014 his job has been moved on to the sol list,that means he no longer has to be sponsored. What shall we do????? Do we start all over again?? I don't think i can cope with my dreams been shattered again? Are there many jobs in the construction trade? My OH works as a builder as well. Any help will be appreciated!!! Thanks!
  12. Hi Traceylove54 What does your OH do? Is he the main visa applicant? Everything seems difficuilt at the moment, The only other option is to retrain??!
  13. Hi Members! It's been a long time since i've been on this! I'm still non the wiser after many weeks of going to seminars and talking to agents, We can only apply for a sponsership visa as my OH job is only on the CSOL, there's no chance of us even getting colse to our dreams. We've been looking at jobs on seek but there's no tiler work apart from apprentership and they won't sponser us. I feel that our dream is over unless there's a tiler out there in perth that will sponser us!! Any info will be greatly appriciated Feeling sad
  14. HI! Anyone going to down under live in birmingham on sunday?
  15. gdjones


    Hi! Thanks for the post, I've had a look at butler and it seems a lovely little suburb. We don't mind if it's an hour drive from perth city, it seems houses are more affordable the further you are from Perth itself? Thankyou
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