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Everything posted by abbs

  1. Hi i am in riverton south of the river, not as far south as bunbury though!
  2. Hi, I just wondered if there were any other Bournemouth supporters out there in Perth or am I the only one? Regards Abbs
  3. Hi Saw Doctor, Yes the High Road has gone now, not much else around local to replace it that is walking distance for me. It was at the end of my street. Where abouts do you live? Andy
  4. Dear All, Drinks planned at the High Road on Friday. Meeting at 8.00pm in the Beer garden. Hope to see you there. Cheers Andy
  5. Hi fiasco, We are likely to another trip up there in the next couple of weeks so will definitely let you know. Cheers Andy
  6. Dear All, Following on the success of our last night out to the High Road Tavern a few weeks ago, I am pleased to announce we will be returning there this Friday the 21st to sample their hospitality. Our last social there was so good, none of us wanted to go home in fact the only way they could get rid of us was take our chairs away and close the pub. Meet time will be around 8.30 in the beer garden. All welcome!! For those of you unfamiliar with the High Road Tavern it is on High Road in Riverton. Cheers Andy
  7. Hi Tree, Yeah still good for tonight. I'll be the good looking bloke in the green t-shirt drinking a Guiness!! Cheers Andy
  8. Hi Tree, Cool. Look forward to meeting up. I sure we can find someone for you to talk to!! Cheers Andy
  9. Dear All, I'll put it out there for next Friday evening lets say 7.30pm in the High Road Beer Garden (weather permitting!!!) Mrs Andy won't be attending unfortunately due to child minding commitments Let me know if you can make it. Look forward to meeting some new faces. Cheers Andy
  10. Hi Jess and Keith, good luck with your move. I'll save you a seat in the beer garden!
  11. Hi KazG, A lot of good pubs in Freo!!!
  12. Hi, Any blokes in the Riverton/Willetton or surrounding areas fancy meeting up at the High Road Tavern (which is on High Road!!!!) for a beer or two one weekend? I have been in Perth a few years with my wife (41) having moved from Bristol. I am 45 and I have two kids (4 and 6) and find myself in the enviable position of having a pub at the bottom of my road. I am looking to expand my local social circle of friends as recently a few of my mates have buggered off to live NOR or interstate. If you find yourself in a similar position please let me know. Cheers Andy
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