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  1. hi thanks is for your lovely message. i think you have hit the nail on the head it's all about stages in life. I have tried the play dates and not been very lucky, found people had younger kids than me so they gravitated towards each other. Did meet a lady with a daughter the same age as mine and we seem to hit it off until every weekend I was left looking after her daughter while she went out! So I put a stop to it as I felt very used. I would like to meet some one who I could do family things with ie we all get together for a barbie and the kids play in the pool etc but I would also like a friendship that isn't just based on the kids holding it together. My older ones are really I dependant, hold down jobs around school have great friends and great social life. I haven't got time to be out every weekend or be able to afford it for that matter with Perth prices but every now an then, or a cuppa or just having someone to talk to would be nice x
  2. hi, lovely message! Meadow ow springs is just down the road from me would be nice to have a cuppa and a chat.
  3. hi i don't think I have put my words across very well here, I love living here I have just not found it easy to make friends, I come from a big family and always had lots of friends and I think I kind of took for granted it would fall into place here. I always try to be polite, smile and make conversation but never actually manage to build any friendships and I'm really not sure why. im not slagging secret harbour off or the people in it, I'm just saying I've kind of forgot how to do the whole meeting people. I'm happy that my kids and hubby are happy and for that reason this is now my home, I just want a limitless bit for me. My hubby is also a 4/1 so I too am busy on my own, working for myself, running the house, looking after the kids. As more and more time goes by the kids gain a little more independence and I just feel I need an outlet for me.
  4. hi thanks for your kind words, there is a post a bit further down the page thanking you but as you can see I missed your name off etc, haven't quite got to grips with this site! X
  5. Hi, Thanks for your kind words, I do have hope it will all work out and I know time is something I have to be patient with. I'm so sorry to hear that you find it so hard, I think people who have others around them can take for granted how much having no one around can affect you.
  6. Hey, thanks for your message, you sound in a really similar situation, I love living here just kind of took for granted I would be able to meet people, as you say through the kids and that. I always go out my way to say hello and smile at people, I've just not been able to get anything to the next level. Will send you a pm. Hope to speak soon.
  7. Been in oz for the last year and I'm still finding it hard to meet people my own age. I'm 33 yeah I have kids, 16. 15 and 8 they r really settled and enjoying life. I really miss having a bestie, miss the girly chats, nights out, hanging out with friends etc ive met a few people but all much older or people who want to have play dates with their kids. Don't get me wrong my kids are my world but I just want to have something for me. Hubby is fifo and spends most of his time away, on the odd occasion he returns he is to tired to do anything as he has been living up the freedom he gets with working away. i really didn't want to come to oz just to be stuck in rut. I love the country and I'm really happy the hubby n the kids are so happy. Just me left to get sorted. I work on my own so get no chance of meeting people there, mums at school can be quite judgemental, yeah I had kids young but it shouldn't make me a bad person. I would love to meet some laid back ladies who are up for a laugh but can also understand that I do have responsibilities too. Reading this back I'm asking for a lot aren't i? Lol oh well live in hope! X
  8. Hi, i have lived in secret harbour for ten months now and I have to admit I'm finding it really hard to meet people. Hubby is fifo and I have kids of school age. My job doesn't really allow me to meet people so kinda struggling! Really miss having close friends, girly nights out and generally having a laugh!! I'm 33, easy going and would really like to meet some lovely people and build friendships if anyone would like to meet up for a coffee/ wine, I say wine but I much prefer a jacks!! ....... Give us a shout
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