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About Tasha26

  • Birthday 14/07/1987

Tasha26's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hey, I'm from Scotland been here over a year now. I have a few gr8 groups of friends but always happy to meet new ones :-) I'm a makeup artist and into shopping, nights out, etc if anyone wants to chat or meet up you can add me on fb. Natasha Kirkwood :-)
  2. I have been in perth 8 months now and have met some great friends and as much as I enjoy meeting up and going out they all have partners! I am looking for anyone in same situation as me who is looking for people to socialise with,shopping,drinks etc. I live in the city :-)
  3. Hi girls sorry I haven't checked this for a week, add me on fb if use like Natasha Kirkwood :-)
  4. Great!I will be there if I don't get kept on at work :-) x
  5. Sounds good!I stay just round from there!What time is the meet? Xx
  6. Hey! good for you coming on your own!Add me on fb if you have it, my names Natasha Kirkwood :-)
  7. Hi Girls! I'm another newbie! Moved here 5 months ago from Scotland and looking to meet new friends to go out with,shopping,drinks,cinema the usual! I stay in the city centre, If any of use are still in same situation feel free to get in touch, I can add you on fb :-)
  8. Hi Kiri! I'm right in city centre, where are you?Add me on fb if you have it? :-)
  9. Can't see you on there, my names Natasha Kirkwood if you want to see if you can find me? :-) My profile pic is just me and cover pic is me with my wee pup lol
  10. Hey! thanx for reply! Really liking perth so far such a nice place, if you have fb I can add you on that if you like and we can maybe arrange a meet up for march?
  11. Hi, I'm 26 moved to Perth from Scotland in September and looking to meet some new friends! I'm a Makeup Artist to trade and I enjoy all girly things, shopping, cinema, going out for drinks etc If anyone is in same kind of situation and looking for the same feel free to get in touch :-) Thanks
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