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Everything posted by Alex87

  1. Hi Been in Perth for about a year now with my girlfriend (27 & 29) and in a similar situation. Would both like to meet more people although don't think we can do those two sundays. Would deffo be up for meeting for a few pints and watching football as missing that a lot from back home
  2. Could go for a few beers tomorrow night if anyone's up for it
  3. Hi guys, Me and my girlfriend (late 20's) have been here since before christmas and are looking to make more friends. Based in South Perth but love going to Freo for drinks. The other half is away in Asia until the end of the month so will be free together from then. Alex
  4. Based in South Perth but anywhere in/around the city is convenient. This weekend sounds good to me.
  5. Hi I've been here since before xmas and in a similar position wanting to make more friends so would fancy meeting for a beer or two cheers Alex
  6. Hi I live in South Perth and would be up for a few beers in Perth, freo or anywhere easy to get to. Moved to Perth with my girlfriend in September and definately in need to meet more mates and chat about footy etc Alex
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