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Everything posted by mintpro

  1. mintpro


    Crimsafe are expensive cause they've gone down the route to get certified and hence have the price tag for it. If you were building apartments ect and crimsafe were specified you can't get an alternate product because none have gone down the route to prove they meet the requirements. They are worth it for my two cents. Ps I don't work for them but I'm in the building industry.
  2. Thanks I just want to get all the other stuff in place so any help would be fantastic thank you Sorry I have more questions for people - Can I confirm all I need to submit the EOI is my IELTS and assessment? Do they ask for other forms or paperwork? - When do the occupation ceilings reset? - Do they limit the applications per round if a number of people apply under the same code? Looking forward to the application (fingers and toes crossed) - I cant seem to find if police clearances from other countries expire, do immigration put an expiry date on them? - Do medicals have an expiry date? - I'm applying with my partner, can I please get a checklist of documents they get you to fill in and provide. I know we'll have to prove relationship and that's not an issue since i'm currently on a 461 and had to do that already, so I just need to prove we are still in the relationship which isn't too bad. But i'd like to have the forms filled out and the documents I need aside so the application can go smoothly and I'm not rushing around tearing my hair trying to out finding documents. Any help would be amazing, thank you in advance.
  3. Hi All, I'm wanting to gather all the documents together to submit my EOI but I cant seem to find a checklist. I've done the IELTS and degree assessment etc but I'm looking for what other documents I need eg birth certificate, any immi forms. My partner is also on my application so what documents does he need. I'm struggling to find a checklist I can use which has all the documents on it. Any help would be amazing.
  4. Fantastic thank you so much for all your help. We'll be kept busy with things to do. 23 days to go
  5. It's a stunning country. We're in Auckland mainly because of our jobs, but house prices and everything else we can't afford have helped in the decision to move. Looks like your not there that long. How has it all been?
  6. nope no kids just me and my oh. We move this month (as it is the 1st May in NZ!) and just day stuff to get to know the city really is all I was looking for.
  7. My partner and I arrive on the 29th May and reading Odies 1st week there made me think about things to do in Perth and hence this thread! So what are your favorite things to see and do in Perth?
  8. really made me wish I was there already. Thank you
  9. I used Southern Cross and they do as many months as you like, you can renew it for the second year too. It's not cheap though
  10. I think you need to look at travel insurance not health insurance. My sister on a WHV got travel insurance from the country she's from. I got travel insurance from here so it was handier for me to put in claims, she had to wait until she went home to put a claim in. I suppose do some shopping and see which side is cheaper/handier for you, I would recommend getting at least something though.
  11. Hi we opened bank accounts with Bankwest. All done online and through emails. You get access to an account and can transfer money when you like. Two weeks before we get there we need to arrange an appointment with the local branch for them to check our ID and give us our bank cards. Just be careful you can't transfer that money out until that appointment so if you get stuck where you are now you can't take that money out.
  12. all permanent visas need a medical check. The 461 is a temporary visa (5 years) also I am from a low risk country and haven't lived in a high risk country either it depends on where you've lived and visited. Some occupations required a medical check for the 461 eg preschool and primary teacher. They asked some health questions on the form and according to the checklist and booklet I didn't need to do the medical. I'm sure if it comes around that I do they would email me right?
  13. Hi, yes the police checks went with the application. They gave you a list of careers that needed a medical and my career wasn't on it so I didn't need to do the medical. If they are needing extra documents would they not contact me? I've triple checked my contact details are correct. Since I haven't received any contact from them how do I know who my CO is or how to get in contact with them?
  14. Hi all, I applied for a 461 visa on the 27th January. According to the immi website the processing time should only have been 2 months. I have heard nothing from them and I'm starting to get a little worried/anxious. I sent in a lot of paperwork to prove I've been with my partner over a year. We have been together over 5 years so that paperwork wasn't hard to get together so I don't think there will be an issue with it. So my questions are; 1) Should I try and get in contact with anyone on the progress of it and if so who? I applied for the visa in New Zealand. 2) I have flights booked to head to Aus the 29th May. I really didn't think the visa would take this long and I understand it says don't book flights etc but what's done is done, I just hope I can still head there then. If I still haven't heard from immigration should I apply for a working holiday/visitor visa. The working holiday I know I automatically get until I turn 30. I wish I applied a little earlier for it but that'll teach me for when we apply for PR in a few years. Please don't criticise (too much!) I feel quite crap about it already.
  15. Fantastic thank you so much sunflower. Anyone have any idea on around Jandakot area?
  16. Hi All, Reading throughout the forum this is a topic that comes up quite a lot and I'm sorry if this is somewhere in the depths of threads but all I have read tend to be more for families and not couples. Me and my partner are moving over to Perth in May (very excited!!) and we have no kids. Because of our jobs we will need to be in close proximity to Perth airport or Jandakot airport with Jandakot being more likely. Can anyone shed some light on the areas around there, what they are like and what there is to do. Cheers Mintpro
  17. Hi, that's what I read too but after lodging my application I was told 3-6 months which I'm abit worried about. Just wondered if anyone has applied for one recently and how long it took.
  18. Hi all, quick question does anyone have any experience with a 461 visa and processing times?
  19. That is true, we've decided to keep the 189 the way to go and if money hasn't turned out as planned the 461 is our back up. Can't believe its only $400 compared to +$3000. Does anyone know if we do end up going in the 461 will I then need to apply for the 189 anyhow at the end of it all if I want PR?
  20. Do you mind me asking why? Working in Aus will get my the experience needed to keep the 189 open in the future?
  21. Hi all, I recently found out (thanks to PIO) that I could apply for a 461. I currently live in New Zealand (from Ireland) on a work visa and been with my partner for 4 years (he's NZ citizen). We planned on moving to Perth next year and I've started down the road for a 189 visa. I have the points and have just done my IELTS. My question is should I keep going with the application for a 189 or change to the 461? The price difference for the visa is huge but I think I'll eventually need to apply for the 189 if I ever want to get PR and citizenship and the benefits that brings. Any thoughts??
  22. I was hoping for the 190 with the extra points. I don't have the experience either. I do agree with the statement above that it's a skilled visa that they should get skilled workers in but I do wonder why they changed for WA and not the rest of Aus.
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