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Everything posted by mintpro

  1. Absolutely. Now onto the next step of skills assessment!
  2. Hi do you mind telling me where you found this. Also during the year when do they change the skilled list. I'm not planning on applying until July/August but just found out my job is on schedule 2 if I go for state sponsorship which is what I was hoping to do with the extra points.
  3. I got mine Overall Band 9.0 Listening 9.0 Reading 8.0 Writing 9.0 Speaking 9.0 Im so happy I don't have to do it again. You should get yours rechecked if your happy you answered everything and you were above the word count.
  4. that sounds horrible you need to have something planned at the end of the week to look forward to, to try and keep your mind off it all.
  5. What happens when your lowest result is a 7.5 in the IELTS test? As the points are awarded for 7 (10 points) and 8 (20 points) does a 7.5 automatically give you a 7 for the points? Fingers crossed for the results tomorrow.
  6. that is very weird. My aunt lives in Clarkson (just over 18 months now) and didn't have this much hassle getting internet and I Skype her the whole time. Next time I'll ask her who she's with.
  7. Hi all, I am going through a schedule of what needs to be done for the whole visa and timescale to allow for results etc. My questions are once my IELTS and skills assessment come back and I apply for the EOI is there anything stopping me from going ahead and getting all the paperwork ready. The only disadvantage I can see is the visa expiry date is based on the medical date and the police checks. This does't bother me too much as I am applying from New Zealand (i'm irish though) so if I need to hop across the water the cost is not like I'm travelling from Ireland! Just wanted to know your thoughts on getting paperwork ready or wait to get asked to do it all.
  8. Thanks, it's terrible. The test on the day was so much harder than ones I had practiced beforehand. Even the speaking the topics were hard (politeness!) plus I need an 8 for the pointsso I really do hope I don't have to re-sit it. 9 days to go!!
  9. Hi, I got a book from my library about tips for IELTS for native speakers. The ideas were basically as travelchic put above. If you don't know how to spell it leave it out. With the disagree/agree paragraphs, if you decide to agree with the statement put this as your 2nd to last paragraph, or the other way around if you disagree with it. It flows so much better into your final conclusion paragraph, rather than chopping back up to paragraph 2 for your conclusion paragraph. Also try and link your paragraphs (however, on the other hand etc). I am still waiting on my results but it did make it easier for me to write on the day and my topic was about taxing industrial companies for the amount of pollution they produce! And definitely count your words and try to only have 15-20 words over the limit. The more words you write, the bigger the chance you spell something wrong or the grammar is wrong etc.
  10. Thanks. I LOVE mint ice-cream and I have a mac book pro so I just combined the names!
  11. Thanks for the tip. It's probably cheaper and less stressful to do a remark that sit the whole thing again.
  12. After conversations with my aunt they were saying that the money wasn't worth it since my aunts kids get on so well in public schools. The kids weren't getting a better education for the extra money they were spending was the overall thought, but as the kids were settled in the schools with friends etc they aren't prepared to take them out.
  13. My IELTS was really hard. I found the writing and the speaking the hardest. The questions were so weird. I got asked to talk about politeness in my country! The last reading text and questions were quite hard too. All of my practice exams weren't like what Saturday's one was like! Hope 2 weeks swings by and I get what I need. Fingers crossed for you too.
  14. Hi Akasully, I said I'd reply to your post and help as much as I can. My aunt moved to Perth with her 2 kids from Oxford to Clarkson (hence why I want to head there). Her 2 kids were in a very small school in England (<150 kids in primary). When they moved to Perth the school system changed so much for them but it was exactly what they needed (school >500 kids). Her son was so quite and wouldn't talk or socialise with any friends in England and you should see him now. He is completely different and is so much better off for it it's amazing to see. Her older daughter always enjoyed school but has fit in so much better in Oz. Also talking to her about private schools. Her two friends have their kids in private schools and wish they hadn't sent them there but they are settled with friends so they don't want to move them, so my aunt isn't moving them to private when they head in high school. Anyway sorry I couldn't answer most of your questions, I'm also not a mum but thought this would help abit.
  15. Thankyou exactly what I was looking for. Abit mean though but hey fingers crossed all went ok. Just need to wait 2 weeks on results.
  16. Hi well done on your results. Quick question for the immi points does the overall score count or do I need to get 8 in all sections to get the points for the visa?
  17. Hi, I can't wait for Saturday to come and go, i'm not enjoying the studying for it! I'm an engineer, I don't plan on applying until August. I'll have enough time working to use that for points also. So getting alot of useful info from this forum and the POMS too.
  18. Hi all, first of all thank you for an amazing read. It's taken me a while to read it all but worth it in the end. I've just started on the road to immigrating - IELTS test this Saturday so fingers crossed as I need an 8. Keep rolling with your questions has brought a few laughs to the start of a stressful application!
  19. Completely agree water and electrics don't mix. They do try to make the exam as real world topics as possible that's why I think its a big typo on the test you were doing. Damn was kinda hoping it was the academic! I haven't really done any practice speaking tests. I'd get really embarrassed with somebody I know. I've just prepared speeches using samples questions and hope it is something I can actually talk about on Saturday. I know since it won't be anybody I know I can just talk and who cares if its the truth or not! Doing it with somebody you know is always going to be harder. Fingers crossed Saturday goes amazingly and we don't need to redo it!
  20. I have to admit that's a hard one for this time of morning (I'm in New Zealand). Is this an academic test or general? If you only need to do a general test and hopefully this is the academic reading and your reading test will be easier. Should the bold text underneath cream be there. It doesn't make sense its the same as the black extinguisher? The correct answers (C, A, C and D) only make sense if that's a typo. Sorry I opted out of a tutor to do my own study. Exam on Saturday, fingers crossed it works out
  21. It definitely goes up to band 9. Those scores are for general. ps what's the answer
  22. I'd have to say not given from what info you give. They say only and they don't give any information on other players. The scoring goes for the listening if you get 39-40 correct it's a band 9, 37-38 band 8.5, 35-36 band 8, 32-34 band 7.5, 30-31 band 7. The reading (general) is 40 correct it's a band 9, 39 band 8.5, 37-38 band 8, 36 band 7.5, 34-35 band 7. Thats what I found on the internet anyhow. Keep practicing, it does get better I found and try not to loose concentration that's my worst problem especially in the listening.
  23. Hi, I was in the same boat when I booked my test (still need to sit it on the 15th Feb). I asked alot of people and most said practicing with exam papers was enough for them. I got a few books from my local library and I've been doing the exams and getting the results I need with them. It's not really a question of your English competency I found, just knowing the format and the easy mistakes you can make.
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