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Everything posted by lovely

  1. Hi Roop Brisbane team 33 and they did not tell me anything about email ID. thanks
  2. Hello Roop I have no any email ID of my CO becoz He did not give me a single response, I confirmed from DIBP that CO has been assigned to my application. Lodged 22 nov,2013 CO assigned 09 Jan,2014 (Confirmed from DIBP) Occupation Pastry cook Visa 190 with Vic SS Would you like to share with me your status and occupation please?????? Secondly, I have seen on immigration website as below:- An occupation ceiling will be applied to invitations to apply to migrate under the points based skilled visas of the general skilled migration programme. There will be a limit on how many invitations are issued in these subclasses for a particular occupation to ensure that the migration programme is not dominated by a small number of occupations. Occupational ceilings do not apply to, State or Territory Nominated, Employer Sponsored or Business Innovation and Investment visa subclasses. In late 2013, the department conducted an evaluation of occupational ceilings to assess how they have operated to date and to consider changes to ensure they are performing their intended function. Based on feedback received as part of the evaluation, the following changes are now in place from 1 March 2014: State and territory nominated visas will no longer be subject to occupational ceiling limitations The minimum ceiling for each occupational group will be 1000 invitations. thanks
  3. hello Nikkiwd I need your help, Actually I lodged 190 Visa 22 Nov, 2013(Pastry Cook with all docs) and Confirmed from DIBP that CO already Assigned 9,Jan 2014 but still no any response from CO. I am very stressed. Do you have any Friend who applied 190 visa as a cook, pastry cook, baker and waiting like me??? please give me your views ?? Thanks
  4. hello I also applied 190 visa 22 Nov 2013 with all docs. Case office assigned 9 Jan,2014(confirmed from DIBP), but no any response from CO.
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