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Posts posted by elfie

  1. I have not heard about that, will have to have a look at what has happened . :(

    Try and google Mandurah Mail Telegraph and The Courier. They are the local free newspapers. Also theres a Rockingham crime report facebook page also think theres one for Mandurah ....

    We lived in the "golf course island " in SH one if the better parts moved 2 years ago. I had people jumping garden wall and using it as a short cut through golf course to other side. Razor wire didnt stop it but when we got rottweiler it did.

  2. Are you sure about SH ? In the last month 2 separate shootings, sexual assault 30 yr old female 6.10pm indecent assault day time on a 10 yr old. Big drug problem reported in local paper in the high school...... Its not the golden suburb its portrayed to be .... This is fact been on local tv news stations and papers

  3. Long funny story. We decided not to risk fetching our old dogs ashes and were leaving them with our in laws. Well day 1 of packing dogs ashes left in urn in a box on window sill in lounge. Movers left to come back next day. Left me a chair the tv my bed all kitchen items. Well id had new carpets laid upstairs took a bit of carpet gripper to the bin Bang CRACK i fall break my bloody leg my leg. Dramas stuck outside i bum shuffle to doorstep. Guy turns up as he was buying dog kennel. He gets kennel .... By now im in pain he goes gets cushions off sofa to make me comfy rings my sister comes back kneels down asks im how i am. BANG i faint wake up in his arms :: Embarressed:: He rings ambulance sister turns up...... Turns out hes a policeman. Any way next day movers come finish packing my FIL supervises. I ring him in eve have you got Rowly safe no he says thought you had him. Oh my lord hid this for 4 months from hubby. Our container arrived me dreading this as some items were binned as would not pay extotionate fee for treatment. Thinking Rowlys burnt for second time. Johns un packing a box ....

    Yea he found Rowly ?????? He got through phewwww .... Hes now back where he belongs in the wardrobe as he,always slept in the bedroom with us ....:jiggy:

  4. We came on a 457 in 2012. Hubby arrived first golden promises from employer did not materialise threat of redundancy loomed after 3 months. Very distressing time. We plodded on. Realised that with Johns age after the 2 years gaining PR would be zilch ---- lodgement of visa has to be done prior to turning 50. In all fairness the company when informed put hubby forward for PR after 8 months PR after 16 months we only ever paid for medicals xray and police checks and our container. Rule of thumb we shouldnt be here I think we are an exception to the rule sobto speak. Luckily we still are for now. We never intend to spend the rest of our lives here. Citizen ceremony in 3 weeks. I will always remain Welsh with duel nationality I will never be Australian I was born in Wales. If you become a citizen and want to be referred to as Australian thats your choice but you really wont be. .....

    457 should be named the heartbreak visa

  5. The fisherman on the news has no proof of an increase in shark numbers, so to claim the number has doubled is ludicrous, he's just pissed off because he's not allowed to catch them!


    We should never interfere with nature, they are the Apex predator & keep balance in the seas. Quite simple really.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Here here. Getting rid or drasticallyreducing one species will have an adverse ecological effect

  6. Normally the visa changes happen in July each year, but Turnball seems to be panicking a bit over this because of the amount of dialogue there has been in the media of late about 457 visas and some of the inappropriate visas granted.


    Perhaps once Camilla @New Life Down Under has digested all the new information, she will post in this thread.



    Luck we are here then. Plus tragic endings for some who have been on this visa will be stopped. Has been a pet hate and bug bear of mine over last 5 years. Many a bashing for my thoughts recieved ..... Haha

  7. Possibly controversal post but hey ...

    Just hoping for people thoughts not a bashing for posting

    Tragically another fatal shark attack in WA. Sympathies to the family for their loss - genuine - loss of life for any family is sad. This incident tragic - thoughts with the family. But people sharks are in the sea. They do not have cloaks of invisibility walk on land making random attacks. We know they are there folks. People make choices to swim surf kayak ect. Weighing up the risks each individual makes a choice. Are shark attacks more frequent? Could it be that more people going in the sea. Could there be an enviromental factor behind increased attacks? Will we ever know?

    Just hoping for a discussion on folks.

    Stay safe out there people

  8. Got our gorgeous Ebbz from Rottweiler rescue WA. Wouldnt be without her. Theres a few rescue centres,k9 in Mandurah always looking for people to rescue dogs. Do a google search. Good luck and good on your for looking to rescue. Am sure rescue dogs love you more

  9. Well Karma certainly is a bitch. Am secretly reveling in the fact the solar installers are going to p the neighbours off. 7.30 am banging clanging battering but mostly the gangsta rap blasting from their boom box. Yes peoples I do believe in Karma. Certainly better than Rocking all over the goddamn world we had the other night Hmmmmmmmmm yes Karma living it I truly am :cute:

  10. Thanks @elfie, I've been in touch with Jonathan so fingers crossed I can get it sorted. It's just freaking me out transferring it to someone else's account before it comes back to mine lol


    Yes I understand that bit :cute:

    Specially when hubbys looking over ones shoulder when settong up account saying " that better be right , sure thats right now" checking million times all account numbers,are right.

  11. You will find that on the forum, sometimes threads become a conversation, which is part and parcel of forum life. Ironically, you haven't commented to give advice to the OP but chose to respond to a comment made on the thread, which is what some of us have also done.


    Back of the net Ali ... Nice reply.

  12. I don't think it's a touchy subject at all, I just think that someone asked for some help on finding a service they needed and people decided to put in their opinion regarding whether or not people should use that service, I just felt it was a bit unfair for people to offer their opinion when it wasn't asked for. If you don't have any info then don't comment, I don't understand why people need to give a viewpoint on something where a viewpoint wasn't requested.


    Its a forum beaut get over it. Pot and kettle. All opions are relevant whether you agree or not .....

  13. I thought this was a forum to help people not judge them!


    Ouch touchy subject ......

    Just a different perspective on it from different people. Judging is a strong word I suppose. Horses for courses ..... Not everyones view is the same you have to just accept to agree to disagree .....

  14. Is it just me, but years ago (giving my age away), plastic surgery seemed so good it was a have they haven't they had anything done ... now it's so bad that the people look worse afterwards than they did before.


    No Ali your right. Plastic surgeons seem to lack moral ethic in the work place. Money overtakes sensibility. But it all comes to personal choice I suppose. Me I am what I am ........ I will admit I am seeing slight traits of my grandmother looking at me in the mirror some days lolol

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