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Everything posted by elfie

  1. Update from previous post yeahhhhhhhhhhh another success Escova in Rockingham Reanne 100% happy im blonde yeaaaaaaaaaaaa patience is a virtue eh ladies
  2. Thanks but NOR is to far im SOR or I would have followed hair dresser who cut my hair for 4 years. Thanks any way
  3. My first hair cut disaster. Second haircut and colour totally change my blonde to ash i looked like a goddam mushroom. I went back saw manager complained. She the re did colour yeaa was blonde again. Stuck with her for 4 years she now moved onto NOR. Disaster struck again. Found another good hairdresser she went NOR. On to someone else who made me like dame goddam edna i was tinged purple for christ sake. The cut was good and the purple tinge faded thank god. Am now trying someone my good hairdresser has reccommended locally tomorrow so stay tuned for thumbs up or down. Its no joke finding a good one but they are out there few and far between though I think.
  4. elfie


    Its 5.30 pm fires lit Ebbz has her coat on and shes snooing after tea
  5. elfie


    Its been a long cold wet winter lets hope the summer when it arrives stays longer
  6. elfie


    What I would like to know is where is spring/summer? We are still throwing logs on the fire of an evening and its nearly October. 4.5 yrs ago was sitting on the beach ???????
  7. Nab has a pretty good rep to be honest have been great for us, but then we have no overdraft and only in last 12 mths had a credit card. We were pretty stringent on arrival 4.5 yrs ago .. It worked for us, but not for everyone. As for overdraft and credit card facility i think that posdibly is a waiting game. Your credit rating in the UK may have been 100% but here on arrival its 0% as your an unknown risk. Make a regular savings plan no matter how small eavh week / month they serm to favour that. Basically if you cant afford it dont buy it re credit cards, they are not favourable on late payment for anything here including utilities. If your not happy with Nab make apptointments at other banks ho see them in person see whay they have to offer. good luck im sure you will find a deal your looking for.
  8. Rossie hes the guy Dom remember now thank you couldnt remember his,name thank you now to troll pists to find him
  9. Hi thanks this is a very long way for a small job. But thanks
  10. Hi Any carpenters local in Rockingham. I need a quote for new front door frame and door . Not urgent can wait. I think we had someone on here from Cooloongup cant remember his name. He use to post regularly
  11. Unfortunately im not a candidate fir laser as i wear multifocals so would still need glasses :sad:
  12. Cant your employer extend the 457 for another 4 yrs duringvthat time apply for a permenant visa yourself?
  13. Wondering by the feeling in my right eye if i was successful removing contact lense last night. I know i got the left one but had difficulty with the right. Is it still in or paining because I was potching trying to remove it. I blame this on the g&t ... Self inflicted ... Wonders
  14. elfie

    safety bay

    You may have to wait for dolphin swim i think it only operates in summer. But i can show you where their office is in Shoalwater opposite penguin island next to the cafe
  15. elfie

    safety bay

    Just up the road at rockingham wild adventures they run a dolphin swim we did it 2 years ago its very good and the safest way due to sharks. Look forward to a natter when you arrive.
  16. elfie

    safety bay

    Hi Cammie im near just across the road in Rockingham be glad to meet you and show you around. We too are early 5O,s extremely young at heart also. What part of safety bay do you know? Your a stones throw from the beach shops foreshore ect. We have been here 4.5 years and finally begining to settle. Pm me if you want any local info
  17. Haha snap. We got fed up waiting. Took ourselves off to Tenerife the recruitment company rang us there asking why we hadnt responded to emails and phone calls. Where are you ???? On the beach in Tenerife was hubbys reply .. We need to get the ball rolling the company wants you asap. Hubby ... Well we wont be back in the UK for another 11 days this has been on going for over 12 mnth im sure you all can wait 2 weeks ...
  18. 18 months in house is now liveable. Just a new kitchen and all inside is complete. The the real hard work begins outside as its an abomination. But at least there are no triffids growing inbetwern pavers any mote lol and i mean triffids
  19. If you do not have the full deposit you have to pay an insurance this is to cover the lender if you do not repay the loan. Some people put this onto the mortgage. This then will be paid over the term of the loan. I think the ins cost is based on the mortgage ammount. For example $400k mortgage with $20k deposit ins premium roughly $15k but dont quote me on that. Your best bet is to have a regular savings plan per week or month let this run for 4/6 months then speak with your bank/s.
  20. The doer uppers have more land around them☺we looked at building the plots are so small and the show houses are clinically set out straight lines every whete lots of wasted space. Yes you can change the plans slightly at extra costs so many hidden costs, but then everyones likes are different. Also can nearly touch the house next door, this is suppose to be detatched.... Rennos are fab if you can complete work yourself and costings are far lower than using tradies constantly. Plumbing and electrics have to be done by tradies re void house ins....☺but there are legal ways around this also so weve found out cutting costs further. Good luck future renovators enjoy ...
  21. We have no choice Pegg we had a rough ride getting here and plenty of dramas since. We finally beginning to settle since getting our own home. Theres nothing more theraputic than hammering sawing and painting ... Renovating our home has been medicine for me. I still find it diffocult 4.5 yrs in to make female friends i have a few who are good friends who tolerate my quirks. But finding like minded women here is very hard. You also get dived on if you dont agree on how wonderful Oz is on this forum and drink copious ammounts of coffee have only recently been back on here after a long spell away ....
  22. My mil was difficult. They refuse to use a computer we have offered to pay for internet and an ipad for contact. Their old fashioned attitude is really funny. They think someone will take money from their bank account lol. We have tried to explain ..... Give me strength. We have been told you know what we look like no need for skype !!!! They refuse point blank to visit dispite being 70 and 74 they are fit and strong walk the Welsh mountains for hours taking a picnic in a ruck sack. Be thankful for small mercies i suppose. We just accept it now. We phone each time hubbys home once every 3 weeks and i ring inbetween. They ring Xmas day????? They still do not accept our choice to move..... But my fil has a map of Australia and marks off every where we go. It gives them as we call it " exclusive bragging rights" for the rest of the very close family .....so be it ...... Ps i have a 30 yr old son back in Wales who also wont visit ..... Are we lucky or unlucky who knows .....
  23. My sister brother in law and teen nephew came in Feb. My nephew wouldnt get up to go any where my sister treated him like a 4yr old " would you like a little boiled egg for breakfast" arghhh. The insisted in walking in 40 deg we left them to it lol then they realised it was hot. We had to keep reminding them to drink water .... It was strained after 3 weeks. We both took time off work to take them places ect. Total culture shock for them. No sun beds on the beaches haha amazed you had to cart so much with you when you went. Relationship has been strained since 3 yrs later..... No matter how much you accommodate sometimes its not appreciated. Neen in this house now 18 mths and she has never phoned. So I dont bother anymore. Just cant be bothered specially since no Xmas card from them last year... Such is life. Also educating that doors need to be closed when aircon is on was hard .......
  24. Im afraid only you can make that decision which sounds very hard for you. If you dont try you will always wonder what if..... Your hubby may have to partly re train here in ozland to up grade his skills. Also its not all sun sea and sand. Toilets wibdows ect still need to be done
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