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Everything posted by elfie

  1. I am soon to be a fifo widow I think at the age of 49 hubby just had final interview today just awaiting a job offer at kalgooli mine within the next couple of days ewwwww. It will be just me on my own for 14 days as he will be 14 on 7 off as my son is 25 and remaining in the UK. Will be settling some where in Perth so anyone wants an adoptive granparent/s [quiet young at heart] I will be available to help someone ) meet for coffees and chit chat be fab. I think it will be around July August before we actually get to Perth but heres hoping this has been ongoing since July 11. I am really looking forward to it I have to say and yes going in with eyes wide open. Love to hear from anyone in the same situation as I will be ............................
  2. Hi My husband and I are leaving my 25 yr old son behind. He does not like change and does not wish to come with us [his choice]. I will feel guilt of leaving him behind but he has his life choices and we have ours at the end of the day he is an adult. He may regret his choice then again he may not, either way its hard for us and for him. But he may change his mind ...........................................
  3. Hiya of course no offence taken, but perhaps used with everything else is possibley worth a try. I can only offer sympathies nothing worse than mozzie bites. Hope U find something that works for you.
  4. hiya Im a qualified aormatherapist what is helpful is a blend of 20mls almond oil with 4 drops of basil oil, 4 drops of lavender oil, 4 drops of geranium oil with 2 drops of tea tree oil this is a strong blend but works well. All you have to do then is rub it over the skin not only will it reply the mozzies but leaves skin soft ). Also grow basil lavender and geranium plants around the house and outside this will also help keep them at bay. good luck Mary
  5. Hi everyone Any advice and help would be fab. My husband and I will be moving shortly. He has secured a job in the mining industry on a fly in fly out basis. Would love to know how many airports are in Perth if more than one as will need to be house searching within an 1hr to 3/4 hr travelling time from them. Any info on suburbs would be gratefully recieved. Thanks to anyone who replies Elfie
  6. hi my hubbie and i are keen bikers alas still in uk for now but soon as we are shipped and settled a deffo yes from us we are not shipping our bike over cost to much so we are selling all vehicles and purchasing new on arrival ) hopefully a zx1400 )
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