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  1. Suggest to check out Engineers Australia's migration skills assessment page first... https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sites/default/files/shado/About%20Us/Migration%20Skills%20Assessment/msa_booklet_2016.pdf https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/migration-skills-assessment/faq
  2. With the way Europe is going to be come summer, Perth is an extremely good place to be (on a PR visa, I should add). It is good to have a bit of extra buffer in the bank and be mindful of spending. Indeed the rental market is cooling and property investors are increasingly nervous especially now that negative gearing is under scrutiny. Local colleagues at the workplace (private sector, consumer discretionary) do not seem too worried, yet. Retail is still churning, but I guess overall household debt is worryingly high. Consultant friend says it will be very quiet workwise for engineers, construction and mining come July, though. So much depends on China, and there's not much anyone can do about it...
  3. Finland

    pet transport

    Dogtainers got ours from Spotswood Melbourne to Perth, no hassle whatsoever. They collected from Melb quarantine and we picked 'em up from Toll Air Express office about 30min after the Virgin flight landed. They do it all the time here, don't worry. Only thing is to book reasonably well in advance so you don't have to pay for extra days in quarantine, there's only few places for "pet cargo" per flight. Which is easier said than done as quarantine officials do not guarantee release of the animal on a certain date - release decision depends on their assessment of pet's health... edit. The cats were not that much bothered about the ordeal, I'd like to think they forgot all about it in a few days. Now they seem to be enjoying the warmth of Perth quite a bit. Good luck!
  4. Finland

    duty free

    Last week Singapore Changi seemed a tad cheaper than Perth duty free. Interestingly you'll have to make your purchase at Changi minimum 90 mins before your Oz onward flight departure time, otherwise they will not sell to you (the purchased goods appear to gate, you cannot carry them through security).
  5. In our case an Automation Engineer in Europe turned out to be a "Production or Plant Engineer" by Engineers Australia assessment. So don't despair - when there is a will there is a way. Take a look at the migration assessment pathways at Engineers Australia's website, perhaps that brings up some ideas or clarity. A sponsored role can also lead to a permanent resident visa. If the company is that keen they could consider 187 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme for you? A good MARA will probably be able to sort that visa out for you, provided you get the employer to commit to the process. A bit of a chicken and egg situation, though.
  6. Maybe worth a look: http://www.aussijobs.com.au/index.php/job-offers/perth-work.html Also, Ascot is constantly looking for people to work in the racing industry. Not exactly what you're looking for, but it's gotten many WHV's some income. For many positions no experience of horses needed.
  7. Thanks for the comments Porty, yes I meant from 8am to 5pm - so 45h a week (minus the breaks). I've too worked long hours on private sector back in Finland, but back then the "normal hours" were 8 am to 4pm and you could "time bank" the extra hours - tagging in and out electronically and thus providing a degree of flexibility. I tried to educate myself on the Australian work agreements before signing the contract and on paper it would seem that the national standard is 38 hours /wk on average for full-time workers (I'm part-time with an average of 45h / wk). Not sure if there's any current concern per se - perhaps I was a bit surprised that they changed their mind from intended 3 days per week to 5 days per week so quickly. Also, I'm just thinking ahead of the possible transition to being full-time and if that then means "24/7" in practise, as it will then be on a yearly salary instead of hourly.
  8. Being new to Australian job market, I'm wondering about PP's experiences with what would constitute normal office hours and such arrangements here in Perth. I've recently started in my first job here - it's an office role in a privately owned small import and wholesales company. I'm working from 8 to 17, 5 days a week, on a part-time agreement. I fill in daily a time sheet for in/out and unpaid break time (typically 10-15 mins for a quick snack or a fruit for lunch at my desk) and get paid an hourly rate. So - I guess I'm curious, is this a typical arrangement in Australia? Would love to hear your thoughts!
  9. Also could check Petplan (underwritten by Allianz), our vet just handed out a brochure to us.. Claims to have a genuine cover for "as long as pet lives" (unlike many others).
  10. Here's a rough list of questions. Typos all mine. No responsibility taken for correctness Passport details - Family name - Given names - Sex - Date of birth (d/m/y) - Country of birth - Country of passport Citizenship - Is the client a citizen of the country of passport? - Is the client a citizen of any other country? Other passport - Does the client have other current passports? - Usual contry of residence - Relationship status Selected visa type - Skilled -Independent (Subclas 189)(Permant) Family members - Are there any family members the client would like to include in a future application? - How many family members? - Would the client be accompanied by the client's partner in a future application? - Is the partner an Australian permanent resident of citizen? English language - Has the client undertaken an English language test within the last 36 months? Provide details of the most recent English test - Name of the test - Date of the test (d/m/y) - Test reference number - Listeng score - Reading score - Written score - Speaking score Language abilty Education Australian study requirement - Does the client meet the Australian study requirements for the Skilled Migration points test? Credentialed community language - Has the client obtained credentialed community language qualifications? Education History - Has the client completed, or is currently enrolled in any studies at secondary level and above? Skilss assessment - Nominated occupation - Does the client have suitable skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority? - Name of the assessing authority - Date of skills assessment (d/m/y) - Reference number/receipt number Partner skills qualifications - Is the client claiming points for their partner's skills? - Partner's date of birth (d/m/y) - Partner's nominated occupation - Does the client's partner have a suitable skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority? - Name of the assessing authority - Date of skills assessment (d/m/y) - Reference number/receipt number - Does the partner hold a valid passport and is a citizen of the following countries: USA, UK, Canada, Ireland or New Zealand? - Has the client's partner undertaken an English language test within the last 36 months? - Name of the test - Date of the test (d/m/y) - Test reference number - Listeng score - Reading score - Written score - Speaking score Language abilty Employent - Provide details of the client's employent history of the last 10 years. - Position - Employer name - Country - Is this employent related to the nominated occupation? - Date from (d/m/y) - Date to (d/m/y) Professional year - Has the client completd a gazetted professional year in Australia in the last 48 months? Employment registration, licensing, or professional membership - Does the client hold employment registration, licensing or professional memebership with a relevant Australain authority in the nominated occupation?
  11. We came in on SA 380 aircraft end of July - no hassle and relatively good entertainment (movies selection). Longish queues to the loos, though. Try to check in in advance and get to front of plane so you don't have to care about the rest of the cabin sections (there are many) Safe travels!
  12. I have biomed engineer qualification but been a product manager (a.k.a. "the janitor") all my career. Would like to work in oil&gas/mining - big projects and big machinery appeal to engineers!
  13. Walkers Prawn Cocktail crisps sighted today at Westfield Carousel Mall, in the Funworks Lolly Shop (08 9487 6327)
  14. Boring can also be good. Having just landed can't comment on the blonde (is she a real or a fake blonde?) - but Europe is uncomfortably close to many hotbeds at the moment and economy there is not going stellar either. I'm happy I don't have to fly international at the moment, and I'm superhappy to be residing outside the EU. If Australia is a prostitute (as someone in this thread alluded), EU must be the mother of all bordellos. Just my two cents Good luck and safe travels ya all!
  15. Not sure if this helps at all... but there was an Estonian girl working on WHV at Swan Valley Cafe this January.. maybe check from there if she'd still be working there (maybe she could provide some helpful pointers)? Good luck "neighbour"!!
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