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  1. Hi Tata, I hope you hear back from WA migration soon! And hopefully your occupation wasn't affected by the review WA started on 3 July When did you send in your application? From my observations on this forum, a 190 visa can take anywhere from 3-6 months to get approved in general for both jobs in schedule 1 & 2. All the best
  2. Hi shefa, My occupation is on schedule 2 as well. I've been applying for jobs since 2 months ago to no avail. Its hard when we don't have a valid visa yet. I hope you have better luck! Alternatively you could do a short course at any educational institute in WA on a study visa & scout for jobs while you are there? Its a huge gamble though. Actually, I am surprised you launched your eoi already as if you receive an invite to apply for State Sponsorship, you will have to produce an employment contract with 28 days. I haven't launched mine as for that reason. I also read this clause of "maximum of 2 invites" (see extracts below). I could be wrong, but I believe that as long as we respond to the invites, our eoi will still remain valid on Skills select even if we get rejected. That's what I hope at least. "If you receive 2 invitations and you do not lodge a visa application in response to either of these invitations, your EOI will be removed from SkillSelect. If you are unable to access your EOI for a length of time, then you can choose to suspend your EOI. While this will not extend the validity of your EOI it will stop you receiving invitations or contacts that you cannot act on, and will avoid your EOI being removed while you are, for example, on holiday and have received 2 invitations during that time." - Taken from Pg 7 of http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/pdf/1406.pdf AND "If you receive two invitations in SkillSelect but do not lodge a valid visa application as a result of these invitations, your EOI will be removed from the SkillSelect database and will have to be formally resubmitted to be considered for future invitation rounds." Taken from - http://migrationblog.immi.gov.au/2011/12/13/skillselect-%E2%80%93-rankings-and-invitations-explained/
  3. Hi 7cdb, You need a confirmed job offer for a 190 visa if your job is listed in Schedule 2. List of jobs & their respective Schedules are here: http://www.migration.wa.gov.au/skilledmigration/Pages/Occupationsindemand.aspx Other Additional criteria you have to meet are found here: http://www.migration.wa.gov.au/SiteCollectionDocuments/2013-14%20State%20nomination%20criteria.pdf More info on 190 Visa for WA is here: http://www.migration.wa.gov.au/skilledmigration/Pages/HowtoapplyforStateSponsorship.aspx Hope it helps
  4. Hi Hannah, yup, same boat! I'm a 'welfare worker' in schedule 2. I haven't put up an EOI yet coz i don't have a job offer. My 'sales pitch' to potential employer s is that i will be granted a visa in abt 3months if given a 12 month contract. Its quite a stretch but fingers crossed i guess. If it helps, below is the reply i got from WA migration... My take is if WA offers u an invite to apply for state nomination, you have 28 days to cough up a 12 month contract. If you don't i guess you get rejected & waste the invite. If i'm not wrong, after 2 invites, theres a debarment period on skills select (any one know exactly)? All the best -Fiana "The first step in applying for State nomination is to lodge an Expression of Interest (EOI) in the Department of Immigration and Border Protection SkillSelect database. Skilled Migration Western Australia reviews the EOIs in SkillSelect weekly and makes contact with eligible applicants. Please refer to the State nomination criteria for more information regarding your eligibility for State nomination: If your EOI appears to meet the requirements in the preliminary assessment, you will receive an email advising you that your expression of interest is being considered by Western Australia. No action is to be taken at this stage. After further consideration, if eligible, you will receive another email with an invitation to apply for State nomination. You will then have 28 days to complete your application which must meet the State nomination criteria. You must submit you contract of employment when you lodge your application. There will be a $200 non-refundable application fee. If your application is successful, Skilled Migration Western Australia will nominate you in SkillSelect and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection will send you an invitation to apply for your visa."
  5. Hi Saru, What about the SS requirements that you find difficult to meet? I've noticed frequent job offers on seek.com for disability & aged support workers. Have you tried applying for sponsorship with these companies?
  6. Hi Jen, Bummer!! In other threads their COs said visa grants have slowed down but did not indicate that they have been stopped! Hope things work out for you. Just curious, did you have to submit a 12 month contract in your 190 application?
  7. Hi Sagar, I hope things are going well for you! Hoping to get your help coz I'm planning to apply as a Welfare Worker under 190 to WA but I've yet to find a job w a 1 year contract or launch my EOI. I'm not sure whether to look for work (a) before I launch my EOI OR (b) after I've launch my EOI & received WA State Sponsorship invite (so I can use the time frame of 60 days to find someone to hire me). Also, do I need to submit an employment contract with my application for a State Sponsporship invite? Or only when I'm invited to apply for the 190? Thanks for your help! (Or any1 else who can help me with this!) PS: I'm based in Singapore currently - Fiana
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