Thanks all. Sorry about the late reply, been madness trying to sort everything out. I am Carl and my girlfriend Hayley, Hayley is an Australian citizen (born in the UK) and we have been living here in the UK and decided to make the move to sunny shores. We have a 13 month old daughter who will be meeting her nana and grandad for the first time. We cant believe we have finally received the visa, it has been such a long 8 months but I am sure in 3 and a half weeks we will be glad we went through with it. I have never been before so relying on Hayley to show me around. ha ha. We are going to be living in Perth near Hayleys parents so we have child care on hand which will be great when we get full time work. Hayley is in administration and I have been a carpet fitter since I left school though looking for a idea what to though