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  1. Hi All, A few of us met up on Saturday for coffee... all lovely ladies! We're talking about catching up this Friday evening for a glass of wine or two in Mount Lawley; possibly Five Bar. Would be great if any of you fancy coming along Hope to see some of you there
  2. Hi Alison and Aisling, I'll be there on Saturday too. Add me on Facebook if you like ..... Robyn Taylor. We should definitely arrange something one evening so all the other ladies on the thread can come along too!
  3. Hi Jorge, Have you contacted Main Roads WA? They often do employment drives looking for skills in the UK and Ireland. My husband was recruited in one of these drives and is now a Highways Engineering manager with them. I'd be happy to pass your C.V. onto him if you'd like to email it to me; just drop me a PM and I'll send you my email address. Also, many of the larger construction companies will use dedicated employment agencies and specialist to search to overseas market. Have you tried contacting such agencies? I'll get the name of the company that my husband was head-hunted by and pass that onto you as well. All the best with your move and search Robyn.
  4. Yep, suits me! There's a place called Greens & Co, the one with all the lanterns... hows that? Let us know if any of you other girls fancy coming along
  5. I'm in wembley so everything is pretty accessible to me. Maybe somewhere in Leederville; lots of nice cafes for coffee there
  6. Hi Shelli, Saturday sounds good. Do you have somewhere in mind? I'm from Borehamwood... I'm sure you'll know it! Such a small world I think we'll have lots to talk about!!
  7. Hi Sara / Helen, Great to hear from you both. Seems like there's lots of us in a similar situation over here! Wouldn't want to be back home but it's real hard being away from friends and family, eh? Maybe since there's a few of us responding to this thread, we should arrange a drink or coffee somewhere so we can all meet up? Let me know if any of you girls on the thread are interested and we'll sort something out
  8. Hi Candy, Great to hear from you. I'm the same, the most difficult thing is missing friends and family. It's worth it to be here though! I live in Wembley, just outside the city. What about you? QUOTE=CandyK;97770]Hi Robyn I am also 29, looking to meet some new people. I moved here from the UK in October last year and I find one of the hardest things is not having the same social circles as back home I would love to find some new people who I really get along with that don't live a million miles away. Where abouts in Perth are you?
  9. Hi Claudette, Sorry for the late reply![ I'm from Hertfordshire so we've probably got a bit in common Would be great to catch up when you arrive.... Add me on Facebook and we can keep in touch; Robyn Taylor. Are you excited to be coming over? It's not long til June! QUOTE=ROBYNT84;97093]Thank you
  10. Hi, I'm from Hertfordshire / North London originally. Been in Perth about 2 years now and haven't made many English friends yet. Missing the shopping, wine, general girly socializing I had back home. If anyone's interested in catching up, give me a shout Thanks, Robyn
  11. Hi Rachael, I'm in pretty much the same situation; been in Perth for 2 years and haven't made many English friends. Missing the social life I had back home! If you fancy a chat and maybe catching up, let me know. That goes for the rest of you ladies on this thread too Thanks, Robyn
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