I moved to Aus (Perth) around a year and half ago, and i don't feel settled at all. I was too old to go to school as i completed school in the UK. I struggled to meet friends, as i was missing my friends from home and family too. I miss just being able to text my friends and ask them if they fancy doing something and just generally chilling out watching a film, couple of drinks sometimes, and have a good laugh. My friends have always been seen as a part of my family, with my age i'm struggling in ways too meet people, with work its hard as the rosters unable me to see my work colleges. Majourity of people i have met here i've felt i haven't clicked with and i've been left feeling strange and feeling like im having to change myself to be able to see people. Any How i want to pick myself up and start to try harder to meet people, i never thought i would be writing online to make friends but i just want a good couple of friends to have a good old laugh with every now and again.
maybe i'm asking for too much ahaha...
hope someone can help me or this post helps someone else if there feeling the same way?