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  1. hey ive been told as a nurse here there is much less pressure as the staff to patient ratio is soooo much lower. like 3 or 4 compared to 10 or 12 in the Uk!! Its just the waiting now is frustrating as just want to start working. I thought I would have a month off but now its 6 weeks and keen to move on... Laura x
  2. My Visa was granted November 2013 and I moved here 6 weeks ago. I was granted registration a few years ago by AHPRA but then never came to activate it and now they have changed their assessment guidelines. I know other Nurses still waiting so I will deal with the outcome as it happens. Im currently waiting on a reference check from an agency to be able to work as a Nursing assistant, that in itself will be strange but a good way to experience work in the different hospitals. your plan is definitely possible x
  3. Hi, I studied the diploma back in 2001, however ANMAC assessed my qualification as the equivalent of an Australian degree. SO AHPRA are potentially going to disagree? Be interesting to find out. AHPRA granted me registration a few years ago, I know they have changed their assessment but I would have thought there would be similar guidelines??
  4. It's still early days for you, everything Will work out... Wow seems you were very lucky and quick sorting everything with ahpra and visas. It Will all fall into place Laura X
  5. Hi If you go on the NMC website there is a request page for verifications, they send you a letter, think you pay about £30, send back to them and they forward to ANMAC. You will need one for AHPRA too... ANMAC were quite fast at processing the application and as you are allocated someone you can easily correspond with them. AHPRA seem to take a bit longer esp now as they have changed the assessment process... Good luck with it all Laura
  6. Hi Have u got AHPRA registration? if so have u looked at joining an agency there is loads of work, but as for permanent roles dont seem to be many about, ive got 10 years surgical experience but still waiting on registration here.... have u both put your details on SEEK? many sites email you daily with new jobs if you set up an alert Good luck
  7. Hi Chris & Claire Me (35) and my partner James renting a house in Cottesloe, I have been here 5 weeks, James a couple of months due to starting work. Both still enjoy the occasional day/ night out for drinks and meals.....maybe could arrange a meet up?? Laura
  8. Hi ive added u on fb, my name is Laura. Would be free Friday for a meet up
  9. I have emmigrated, been here 2 weeks. still waiting on AHPRA registration so have contacted agencies about nursing assistant roles just to earn some money whilst waiting. Its worth getting more experience i think a lot of places want 1-2 years plus u will feel more confident then too. and save save save lol its expensive here!
  10. Hi Claire I emailed the hospitals direct to the nursing recruitment bit on their webpage, however a few have replied to me saying to contact agencies? You might have more luck as ICU is normally sought after. Have you looked at http://www.nursing.health.wa.gov.au/home/ It says there is a recruitment freeze till the end of June! Bit frustrating I arrived 2 weeks ago and have just started looking properly, have applied to some agencies as waiting on AHPRA regsitration still so looking at Nursing assistant roles till that comes through. Are you in Oz or UK? Good luck!
  11. Hi all, Arrived in Perth 1st June from Sussex. 35yo nurse waiting for registration. Living in Cottesloe with my boyfriend....would be great to meet some like minded girlies for socialising.....
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