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Everything posted by StraighttothePoint

  1. In terms of the move what are the main reasons for wanting to come here? Money? These threads are packed with tales of people having to take one step backwards, in some cases many more than one, in order to get established. Appreciate that may not be evident at the moment given your stage in the process but you need to bear that in mind. The place is not all it seems and the pavements are not lined with gold...... Sometimes needs must and getting a first step on the ladder is all you will need. Good luck.
  2. This thread from last week may be worth having aread through. http://www.perthpoms.com/forum/welcome-perth/6394-young-couple-moving-perth-wa-2.html#post61438 Also you do not say what line of work you, or both, are in and that will be fairly key in relation to any move I would have thought? Although mining is "slowing" and the wider economy "cooling" there are jobs available in WA.
  3. Google any question and you will always get an answer. http://www.taxiautofare.com/au/Default.aspx?LocationID=42&Distance=48.918&Source=Perth%20Aiport&Destination=Butler&Time=2747 You would probably need to confirm with the taxi firm(s) the rough pick up time fare plus can they provide a baby seat.
  4. If you go to the top right of the home page on this site, to the search, and type in teaching jobs you will see a list of posts, manyy of which are about teaching, teachers and teaching assessments in WA. The bottom line, it looks like to me, is that you need to bring yourself up to the skills and qualification levels required here and take it from there. It would be a pity to waste your degree. Perhaps do some research and there may be ways to do this without anymore university study.
  5. Fact - Snow here in Oz a couple of days ago as well so there, nah nah na na nah:jiggy:
  6. I went for a job in January 2004 to the government building next to Parly House and was notified by phone that I was on the short list for the job. I am still waiting to be told that I never got the job and have never received a letter saying anything to that effect. Do you still think I am in with a Chance Rossy? Assuming they had to go through correct procedure, being a public sector body, I assume also means sending an e-mail or letter saying sorry you were unsuccessful but thanks for turning up. I live in hope because I actually could do with some work at the moment
  7. For which one of two the skills noted do you mean???
  8. To an extent yes but it was after living through several political cycles in Perth that I realised how blatantly bad it was. It is on another scale. I could understand alos if it perhaps was more common at local level but the Feds are at it all the time as well. It must just be a style and so as with anything here.... When in Rome....
  9. No worries better save than sorry... It would have been all the excitement of seeing all those Ikea goods, I would be the same, love the place.
  10. Gracie just a tip - don't put your e-mail onto a public blogging site - too risky. If it was me I would edit the post and remove it then get in touch with the original poster via the private messaging system (on menu bar). Just sayin......
  11. Please define the word "undesirables" first..........
  12. Surely nobody on these threads actually believes anything that any politician says here? Seriously please tell me you don't...... Why would any party pay for trains to Ellenbrook? What is the political advantage? Do you honestly think Lt Col Blimp (Mark McG) would not have pulled his rail and road proposals after getting in? Of course he would have. The style here seems to be say things that voters like, promise them things and then once voted in just say sorry no dosh or change the priorites. The only thing that matters to Capt Colin are the city projects because he wants the kudos and fame for changing the infrastructure there. The northern suburbs, and possibly the Ellenbrook suburbs, for example are probably all made up of 457, 489, 190 visa holders and other folk who do not vote so why would the pollies even care.
  13. If you can afford it then Guildford. It is a only a few k's from Midland, nearer to the city, and for me is one of the best suburbs in Perth.
  14. http://www.det.wa.edu.au/schoolsonline/home.do Just open this link, then type in the suburb you want to research and it will list schools in or near the one you have chosen. Once you have your short list in a priority order then asking each school as to what type, and to what level, they offer in relation to sporting activity may be the go. Not 100% sure about playgroups and so sure somebody else can clarify that but looks like most suburbs have a least one private sector offering.
  15. You just beat me on the "football" thread so thats 1-1 a score draw!!
  16. Will somebody please enlighten me what is important about being in walking distance to a beach, good or otherwise? Please bear in mind things like winter months, rain, high winds, afternoon sea breezes, intense heat, small children who cannot walk more than three feet, limited amount of free time due to long daily commutes and so on when answering. I am always confused as to why this is so important - seriously..... Not having a pop at you roots just very confused
  17. http://www.immi.gov.au/e_visa/vevo.htm Go onto this site login and you should be able to see yourselves!! There are no "visa" stamps as such anymore but you can, for $70 or so each, get a bit of paper pasted into your passport either before you leave or here in Perth when you arrive. What should be happening is that employers who are involved with immigrants, public bodies, government departments etc login to VEVO and check things electronically. (One government department promoting something and others not using it, mental.) Of course VEVO is sensible given that we have online systems everywhere, are a web orientated society and are after all are now in 2013. The problem is that we are in WA and as my son keeps saying "what is it like living away back there in the 1990's!!" Anything that is electronically available, easy to access and easy to use has to be a plus in my world. No doubt there will be a hundred reasons as to why I am wrong but to me technology is designed to save effort, save time and money. If it is not being used then, apart from blaming folk for being old or for being ignorant of the fact, we need to promote things, educate and help others and change the world..... Rant for today over As for accommodation for $400 per week. Try searching through this site http://reiwa.com.au/home/default.aspx but it I guess you will be well out of Perth city for that budget figure. House shares would still be around $300 to $400 but it is certainly an option and as Stormy says www.gumtree.com.au for that search. Ah hail, marvellous. Don't you just love weather. All kinds of weather, fantastic.....
  18. Hills, depending on where you are, do mean a high fire risk so you would need to consider that as well. Kalamunda (town) was always one of my favourite spots though and I think gets the balance right between being within reach of the city and less of a fire risk. As for 60% Brits that is probably the same south now was well in some locations. No hiding place !! The most recent release was that 5 suburbs in the northern area had 33% Brits in them but I am not sure how they arrive at that figure. If it is based on new voters, house purchases or what no idea. I think if you take the 33% being on voters and/or house buyers then you can add another large percentage for non voters, renters, temp visa etc and so the 60% may not be too far off the mark in some suburbs. Rest assured it will not be in all the northern suburbs.....times they are a changing - one word - Baldivis. As for plot size then that could be down to either paying premium dollar in some suburbs, accepting a purchase is needed in a less loved suburb or going bush!!
  19. Some really good, qualitive stuff in this thread and I have been reading it with interest. The one issue perhaps that is not 100%, and it can be viewed differently by everyone of course, is that the above points are not in my view strictly such a definate in terms of WA. Perth is a boom and bust town, always has been and always will be because of the limited economic activity there is here and its too single and heavy reliance on resources. We have peaked, we are slowing and there will be a bust or severe hardship coming. This is not me being negative just forecasting what is pretty obvious based on historical information, the recent economic pointers and the actions being taken by both government and the private sector. Both are preparing for a fall. Mining will continue so there will be jobs. In WA yes but only in terms of providing what a market wants, or needs, or to keep existing mines operational or moth balled. Jobs will tumble when the demand goes down and there will then be the inevitable knock on effect especially here in Perth where everyone will take a hit. Many people in the resources sector, and many other related or dependant sectors, are on contract and so there will be immediate pay offs with no sweetners or decent notice periods. Resources will always be in demand. Absolutely but the big players will get them from cheaper sources and/or emerging new markets, e.g. India, Brazil and Africa. The high dollar, higher wage demands and to an extent political interference in the market place has already meant this has started and there will be a move to alternate options. OK so I could be wrong. If so great. However one thing is clear, to me anyway, that the risks associated with of coming here in this current economic climate are far greater than it has been for a while now. The economic climate is not the same as a few years ago. Again all said and done those who jump in, with no fear, have as much chance as anyone of getting on because he who dares and all that. Perhaps the lucky ones are those just starting the visa application now, or thinking of starting it, because by the time they have their visas and decided on a plan of action then things may be clearer over here and they can either push through with their plans, defer or decide not to come. Good luck to one and all.
  20. The beach!!.... Blooming heck it is freezing. I hope that the social work department does not find out that you had a young un there today or you will be having to answer some serious questions in relation to child cruelty We have been here that long now we even need to wait until mid January, when the ocean heats up, before we go in for a swim....
  21. Personnally I would not come over with a teenager between the ages of 14 and 17. I would either get out asap before the lower age or wait and have a mature discussion about leaving them or taking them after that upper age. Hormones, changing bodies, teenage angst...... Nightmare and why add hassle and confusion to a move this big because it can only increase the sadness in parents and siblings if not 100% the right move for all concerned. Only a personal view though, and I understand circumstances are different for everyone, but like "seeking friends" threads on this site the other common one appearing more and more seems to be the "having a tough time with teenage after move" one. Time waits for no man.... So if it was me, and like jamesw says get here asap.
  22. Not winter yet..... 1st June that starts. Late July and August coldest I reckon.
  23. If you are coming here on PR and starting a new life, in a new land then having all your old belongings is so 1980's............ It is a bit down to your own personal financial situation in reality. If you can afford stuff and things why bring it? Perhaps find a happy medium, bring some essentials in the cases send over some stuff via a courier type service and then buy, buy, buy and have nice new shiny stuff for the house. A nice new modern house, rented or bought, with an old three peice suite as I say how 1980's......
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