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  1. Hi, contacted them, the airmail is more than book, I will get the e copy I think, thanks for the advise, much appreciated. Any support in landing the first job is always helpful. Thnaks
  2. PRIZ

    Job applications

    HI Tomzinski where are you teaching?
  3. Wow, I definitely need some advise and guidance for sure, well struggling, do they send the book to the UK? this sounds a little crazy, but they sort of said only Australia.
  4. Hi Cleowag Thanks for the reply and sorry for the delay its been mad busy with organising everything to go. Yes Swinton is near us, as for my four year old starting school, they have said he will start in February 2015, he is five in October. We have also been looking at Falcon High School, not sure if you looked at that one? They seem to be very helpful in replying to me and what is required for when we land. The school applications for jobs are proving to be hard, they say will interview over sees teachers, but i've nothing yet, they have set format to follow called SAO, you have to get this sport on to be short listed. Do you have a planned date for leaving?
  5. Thats sounds good hey, how did you get in touch with the school?
  6. Hi, When is the planned date for opening?
  7. what date do you fly on? 26th Nov
  8. very similar position, no jobs either, i'm a teacher and haven't got anything yet, we just i get something, we fly on the 26th Nov
  9. PRIZ

    Job applications

    we fly on the 26th of November, ideally i'd like a job in place, but I have to activate the visa by Feb. I can wait until then because I have to my boys in school, so i will have to take any job if i'm not in teaching by then.
  10. PRIZ

    Job applications

    didn't think it was, i'm on every day, when you flying out?
  11. PRIZ

    Job applications

    was it on the jobs wa? where are you teaching?
  12. PRIZ

    Job applications

    was it on the jobs wa? where are you teaching?
  13. That may well be the way forward from what I can gather, a few people have mentioned that to me now. I'm just hoping the jobs pops up. Also, i have spoken to a member fr Melville High school ,very helpful indeed, they also mentioned about the baby boom retirement. I've set myself some goals, so fingers crossed these will be achieved within my timeline.
  14. PRIZ

    Job applications

    PE, i'm currently the curriculum leader of the sport department, what you do?
  15. PRIZ

    Job applications

    Hi sammy1 you don't happen to know where I can put my hands on both CV and Covering letters to look at as examples do yoU? Thanks
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