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Everything posted by tomabbie

  1. Originaly from Yorkshire too, am 40 and live in Secret Harbour (so not too far). Been here since last May would love to meet new people as so far my social circle mainly consists of work colleagues. I have 2 children aged 14 & 16 and work as a midwife. Kirstie xx
  2. Its a date, I'll message you my Ozzie number when we are settled and then when you come we can meet up. How typical it's raining in Yorkshire today! Hugs x
  3. Probably my last post in the uk, this time tommorrow we'll be in Manchester airport waiting to board our flight! Has been a very emotional few weeks ( thank god for waterproof mascara!) but the day is nearly here just a last few bits to sort out like stocking up on knickers from M&S! Was terrible seeing my 15 yr old daughter come home from school yesterday in bits, she got some amazing cards and messages from her friends who are going miss her (and her them) like mad, just hope this is the right thing for both my children. Anyway need to stop procrastinating on Perth poms, too much to do so little time. Big thanks to all those who have helped and advised us on our journey over the last year, it's a great forum and hope I can be as helpful to others as you've all been to me. See you on the other side of the world! Kirstie xx
  4. tomabbie

    Cat crisis!

    Hoping someone can help. We made the very difficult decision to leave our 8 year old cat behind in the uk but the people who said they would have her have given backword at the 11th hour (we fly on 20th!) Don't know what to do, I don't want her to go to strangers and would rather take her instead but fear may I have left it too late for vaccines etc. Any advice would be appreciated, is it achievable at this late hour? Thanks Kirstie xx
  5. Will keep my fingers crossed for you, try ringing them though. See you there, I'll suss them all for you before you get there. Kirstie x
  6. Emotional day today, last day working for the NHS after 21 years. Many highs and lows over the years but have met some amazing people (both staff and patients), some who will be friends for life. Despite its slating I'm still a great believer in the institution which is our NHS. Waterproof mascara on, there will be tears! WA health and the pregnant women of south perth are you ready for me?? Kirstie xxx
  7. I'm going on a 457 next week and am pretty sure it doesnt apply, a 457 is a temporary residency visa. Pretty sure applies to people who are non residents. Kirstie xx
  8. Am exactly same as you, my hubby is a carpenter/joiner (27 years expereince)and we arrive 21st May, he's stressing about finding work too. I have a job to go to though. We have a rental in Baldivis for the first month. Very scary and real now Kirstie xx
  9. http://www.acro.police.uk/police_certificates.aspx Hope this helps Kirstie xx
  10. Hi julie sorry to hear you are tearing your hair out with aphra. can't understand why they need a CRB when WA health will be doing a WCC on you when you start, you can however apply for a criminal record check as an individual, I'll find the link for you. It costs £35 for the 10 day service and £70 for the 3 day service, maybe you could check and see if that would be ok, it's the one people have when they apply for permanent visas. I didn't get my APHRA in until 7th feb and had my registration through by 3rd March (sorry) was expecting a nightmare but in the end was straightforward, ive been qualified ages so had tons to send so was expecting it to be difficult. Have you rang and spoke to real person because that usually helps. We fly next sunday 20th may and I start at Armadale the following week. Yikes!!! Hope you get it sorted soon Kirstie x
  11. Just feel like my head is going to explode. Flights are booked for 20.5.2012 and have pretty got everything else organised both here and in Oz, just a few final things that I can't do till just before we go so why do I feel so stressed? Really am majorly panicking and dont know why, is it too early to have a G&T at 8.20am? Need to go back to bed and hide under the covers and hope I feel better later on. Sorry for the rant :arghh:Kirstie xxx:arghh:
  12. For PR everyone has to have chest X-ray and medical I think ( sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong), for the 457 visa you don't unless you are in a specific occupation like me ( I'm a midwife). Yes you do have to go to an approved immigration doctor and there is a list of them on the DIAC website, I went to me in Manchester and they were lovely. I rang up on a Thursday and got an appointment for the following Monday, so didn't have to wait long. Everything was done there including xray and blood tests and they uploaded to my visa really quickly. Kirstie x
  13. Congratulations, mine was approved on Tuesday so I feel your stress! Excited but a mountain of stuff to organise!
  14. My employer completed the nomination and sent me a TRN number and a link to the Diac web page. I completed the application online once I'd submitted it the case officer got in touch with me requesting medicals etc. She was very helpful and I sent her quite a few messages just to check I was doing it right.
  15. Uploaded my insurance docs to my 457 application last night at 5.30pm last night. Checked my status this morning, my visa has been approved!!!! From application to approval took 5 working days, applied and had my medical last tuesday, refered on wednesday, medical finalised on friday, health insurance requested monday, approved today!! Estatic (and a little bit scared), have now got to go to work and keep it quiet all day as my manager is on leave!:biggrin:
  16. Hi Am not there yet but we are moving to the area in the next couple of months, looking at port Kennedy/rockingham. We have 2 children Abbie 14 and Tom 12, I am a midwife. Kirstie x
  17. Hijenny do you have link to the Diac website regarding this change, looked but can't see jet. Exciting news!
  18. Phew........ panic averted have today received my letter of eligibility for midwifery registration, all is well in the world just need to upload it to my 457 application now.
  19. Just checked my online visa application, all my medical results were referred on 7.3.2012 but on 9.3.2012 it now says health requirements finalised. Don't want to appear thick (well I am a natural blonde) but does that mean I've passed the medical ? Thanks Kirstie
  20. It's a murky morning in Otley near Leeds, I can see out of my window Otley Chevin and a row of Victorian terraced houses. It's a typically english view which I will miss but can't wait for a new view! Kirstie x
  21. Hi michala I'm a midwife heading over to Perth in the next few months, have got a job at Armadale (just south of Perth). Are you direct entry or a nurse trained midwife? Direct entry is relatively new in Australia and therefore to get a job you would either prior nursing experience or to have worked for at least 12 months in the uk. There are plenty of jobs for midwives out there though, the whole application, registration and visa process can take a while, you probably would have had a years experience by the time it's all sorted. Ive been qualified a long time and found the first few months qualified very hard ( the same as when I qualified as a nurse) but as you gain confidence it becomes better. Any help you need just ask Kirstie x
  22. I am going on a 457 and lodged online myself, paid the $350 fee but not the nomination fee. You really don't need an agent for 457 as there is no skills assessment etc, so $1500 appears a bit steep for them to fill in a form you can fill in yourself. I have not been offered any flight, car hire or accommodation costs either but am going to work for WA health (the equivalent of the WA NHS) and like any public service/ not for profit organisation I didn't expect them to pay my costs am just grateful for the sponsorship. Obviously every organisation is different but if I were you I'd ask if you could ditch the agent. Kirstie x
  23. And breath ........ You were right Ali, got up at 5am to ring APHRA I got through and they were very helpful, apparently there is a different department for nursing and midwifery, the people in the nursing department are obviously more efficient as my midwifery application is just about to go through for final approval. Panicking over nothing need a large G & T now but instead have got to get ready for work.
  24. Yes am very busy in England, there are few certainties in life but teenagers having unprotected sex is one of them. Never a dull day as a teenage pregnancy midwife, sometimes it's like being in a live episode of the Jeremy Kyle show! Kirstie x
  25. I have today received my letter of eligibility from APHRA but instead of celebrating am majorly confused. I applied for registration as both a midwife and a nurse but have only received a letter of eligibility as a registered nurse arrgh!! I definitely provided evidence in respect of both of my qualifications so why have they just done the nursing? The problem is that my job offer is for a midwifery post not a nursing one so really need my RM. Have tried to get through to them and have emailed them but no response as yet. Am I panicking about nothing and my letter of eligibility for midwifery will follow in the next few days? Has this happened to anyone else? Will never complain about the NMC again! Hope someone can peel me off the ceiling as am fuming! Kirstie x
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